Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1-:-·---::--:-:--:----- -------- -·- --·---··-'-- The Epiple 'Dedicarorie. ____ ~ \ cofl? <ndhJth not Godordainrd( marke, itu hu Ordi<iance; thJtth"(e whic~ tcJch the! -- - -\ Go(pcll, thall!lllc of the Go(pdl? BMalas,.horv fh.<flthe M inijferie of Engbndh" of ;i_~ I I Ciofpe!,, wJNn myfm~!ltxptrttnct can-[htwt, rhat tn one corner (){ oneCo!1lJ/Ieuf this l{IJ117-do;ru t$hdeinthcrrare{omt ro;. Parifhes, orparocht,t!! Chaprts,almnjl '' roe. of t!~:m, (i/n~ a fi}! I 1oo.)are tmpropriatc: an.damon<'ij!them, 1 carJ Pxwtth,mojl pari(hes hmu but 10. pMr.d, or I I thereal7out<,fo,fe 8:/t.form fourepom1ds,fom' mt 4 potmdsrmoe!Jlimngfor tf, Mmifler,Mrl\ t!Jo(i: 11npropn;111om rvort/Jjome )OO. !t. mai'J .af,r.ojl all roo.!t.per an. yea then is cne \ wmh 400. po;in~peran. ?'ber~ tb<rervm but 8. !t.ltjifor tbeninifler, vnri!!;(httervnhmuch j adae, .to. pound;:"'"'erh!J obtainedfora Preacher,.andjotlm:eu o~t of 400. 8.po:mdfharedjor a• Jl.ft11ijler, .1J1dro.p>rmdcamecl(or aPreacher, nstharPart.fh.where there arc 2 ooo. Communican!!.!ihe rtJI.,theCr~"""hatb(ome 1 oo. pound rent, .ornot(o much, ani!theremainder of z8o.pau>rd( 6eetngamh lmtng. (or,;rvorthJ karmd Mmijhr, a competmf li11ing for 2. iUtdmore thenjome7. painfidlam{a>8k Minij!ershaue) 1knowe not bmnmofit, "'"ltffi l itg« tfJ'tbe(~Ji,go(Kites aJidCormorants. LAte not theftgo•d/ytiuingsfor k.<medmen ?anrl m'!i wtwr exrc? alemudMi>~ijlerie, wheretherei4 (uch maintenam;' !'and1heartilrrvif!J tlmt ctber Countrre;, 6e n.otablt tO'fhowethe !rke pre(iclentJ. I h.1ue the rather made relation htreo{. thAtour high court of Parliament, may foe howgreat w'.fc the; hatJe togoeforrvJrd with that motima!readte bythemmade ,fortheefl.tblifhrng of a!earnedMiniflertc. But if thq bting il not topa(fo, what thenremaimth, hilt tohope that thegreat God ofhe.t– t.en, willput it into the heart ofthe Goclone~rth,or;r t~oh!e King (into whofo hands he hatb fill the fwor dojfMer<tgneallthorrtie) an irre-r;•ocabte and 'VnrefijlaNe refolntton to ,e.,ecrtte hufu– pmnepow_, • for the reformation of thumiD, rvhiah (tt! MajlerPcrkins faith m thu Treatift) n~<JWellbeca!lecltheKillgseuiti,forit r#i/lhartllj be heated, billb)thewillandpower of a King. In thept:ane time, thi< Treatift ofthat worthy man, may heamotim to ourztalousprofeffottrs,ttho– haue a"} impro-priations in their orvne hands , toexcitrandtrouoke them loa confcionahtere– ilitH(ion, in whok or in fart, & theirjlate marfxau, or their cottfcienufha//moouethem. Eor hereinare L1id do-wm andmixedtogether, h.ththe duties to k done bJfaithfi•llMitrijlerJ, aild theDignities duevntothrmfor their Dmies:andfofteing theDignities ofthatca!lingto bee mofl honourable, andtheDutiesfochargenb!e, it unnot butgrieue thtir Chrijlian hearts tofie– the maintenancefo miforable. This 'ire.ttift I fo.JI ofa!lfond to JOil ,andvt;derpurnameJ tu the world, ~t~~dtopufirj ,for u Jamf ure you lo11edthe v1!1thor, 1111dhonouredtho(eexcellmtgifu ofGod in him, fo J'" wt– JiotbutacceptthiJ tt{ttr-birth ofhu ( aJ afother!t.fF childfor the Fathm fake.) AndformJ fllfe, to-concet.eaUperjon::/land priuate ref['<"l/J, in the namu of many thoufmds in the Nor- ' tnerenConTJtrio ,lprti{eGod{or the gooddoJiein thofepart1,hyyottrparnfull courftJ, and re– ligiou! c.1rc, not doubting, but ifpllr((!NeJ, or tht like b~impwyedthere,to .j(ijl our honourabk aml Religiou. Lord Prejtdent, that the mllltttudeof P•pifh Prtejls there !urlang, wrUbee darly kffined, the number of Preacher!augmented,Poferiep~tt dowm,andtheGofpe!maiJitained more– am/more. whichblefli"g, God grtuml to that andallotb.r Countrin ofthu kingdome, for hu merciesfake, andgille vntoyou, rUJdallotherJ inyour place, the.ffiirit of courageandconjlancie, illtheftdeelminq dayes, that btting(imhfollinJollrgnat ch.rgu, vnto the mde, you may recttiK thecrowmoj ii/e: (orwhi&h he he.uti/ypr4Jeth ,who willeuer rejl ,yourJ to commmd,