Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

! ---·- ++~ 1 'TheJecond Tteatife of~h,idutiN And make cnnrcicncc ofthc::lc~!l: !innc,, And be mon careful! in hisminJC\c– ~cb(lth publikcly & priuately. i. appearance of cu1ll, an-d from the leafl: ncgli-1 make Mm CriC1 ou't, IYOl Ume~l'but lcr not that ~~~:;ylc~hcy I ! buo-as farre as maybe, to be free from the !call f. and blemlllt'ts ·in hrmfclfe; '-'·hich ,,;ill'bftcn gct1a~n hiS place, for a ftnall fault in other difcomfortthcm, butr:i!hetrcioyce, th:anhcy ::.~~'~;,';~,',, I r:~~~va~~~tp~~ldr 0h11 <3 tnb,lea 1 t 1:d 01thh:rtmw;nt,ch 15 :~ 0a~ bay' cdadn hfee- tbl'fith~V.·nl~ w_~ke~e~c, aslt~c·PrOp?e!lt hh1~{b:~h1~:~ 1 ~re; I t ey }3UC ~..a me tG CXf atmc·agam them cum- ' nuhcm: they rnuft therefore watch oucr rhe1111 themlclues, they are not alOl-le, it•was this, and vhinc of 1 feJues moft carefitlly, and take heed to all their ,all pther holy Prophets ca.fe before them. 'In ~he~~t~c ~a1csrand fonhtscnd IS it that .a Mi111A:cr in ; ;hauing H-npcrfi:Ctions iti the"rnfelues, they arc ~ Prophec .., godly. wi!edome mufl often deprine him~elt~· . nO more niiferable~then the Prophet Was :-bur doth. eueti ofmauy things( which it may bc,lawfully: . let them labour to bcai b}elfed iti feeing' •and he might vfc) Icall his libcrric be an occafiou of complainidg ofthemfelnes:as he was :·Aud let enill to others; and mufi abHainc from the leaft• . cuery minificr alfure himfelfe,~hat· the 'm6re bee finnes_, leatl cuen'thcy be blcmifl1cs to his ea}.::; 'I makes confc'iencc, eucnlof the leatl finn~s of ling,& bu.nhcns to his confcience. And hcnc,c all; the: mor-e hcc refc'mblCrh the aunde~ltholy is it,th:u a miniflcr cannot hero-a carefull in his Prophets{ a~d ·the more ;likely is he1 to worke" calling,in his words,diet,company,recrcltion, - c.ffcC.lually in his miniHetit't for his 4ii.nieriS'\:o appardl,gcflurcs,~nd in his whole carriagc,bcworke in his people :i cQlifdrncc; nd~6f' ~rcat: caufe little finnes 3re fo great inhim. Efpeciat.:. B finncs.ontly,but euCn 'Ofalbbut how can he dol Jy Miuil!ersmu!l here learoe the Apo!lles lcfthatln th<rh, ·if hcc hau~not'firll of all donc·it fon, be inftant in foafon andpur. <Jf_(eafon·: 1 t~r 1 in himfclfc?hence it is.thcr.tferc,that godlymi– preach and exhort, to comfort, ·and rc'buk.!, pith- . niflci's finl1c·fault 1 With' thcmfelues VHl<"n\othcf~. Jikfl] andpritlattly: to good,;to.bad, when it iS•, 1 men ea~nO~and cryouc--againfhhCmfc:lu'es for• . well taken, when it is ill taken, whCn theyvJil; f t~eir.~polu~ion, ( wilh.·the..:Pr?phcc htrc ) ~hcnj, ~fl!~~ ~~de Jingly recciue it, and when they fiubbornly te..:.! no other -man can,· acoufe them oflthe leaft ' r~ulnYllh fift it:~ whetubey commend i)iml >and rcwa,rd-' 1 c:tim~: n~y,1whenother men do:~13g·ni~e God: ~h:;,r~~c· him,and.when:they raile at him' ·artd pcrfcc~t(~ 1 for'hts··gr.a"CC·Son t.h-tmf,lta~ld~ pratfe tlle~rt,Hh, worl<l unhimfor it: thus mufl: he be diligem in fdfon&. :and cdrfitnend·thcir g0od1iues, euen'tht'i.l10oc" .nut. out offeafon,for the leall negligence in his.<Ju.: tHey totnleqme themfelties, ·and exsl~m~· a.2\ tie, or omitting the leaG opportunity of dqing'J r;aintt-t.-lie.j.f O~nccorruptions: and thfirowne ' goOd, will WhenGod vifits hiS confcicnce, be ft-:iJ~ll~fi. ne'glliences, otr'omifftons,l ar~~ g~c~~ a~bui'thcn a.nd Ycx3tion to hiril,.aS.ii washcrCrtbi ; wounds'i:Qtheir confc·ionks: tn'd ·thtir· le.alt thcl?topbe~: : ' . <· 'i.. · 1 . 1C finncs, and thcirmofr pardonable infirmitiesl • -1' -0. , .And furthenn'Ore; if tbefcJinallrfinnts tblls· ! arc forelittrtlcn·s vnto •hii;ciforofail·mtifin.the offiiC\ed thedlropbet, ~herv a!a•.what iS>tobee world,..,Godlymini!lor..\s':(lftan of>.f.tl1t>!ltcn... · '' • t~bught_~f thofe MiniGers"\'\·h'omike l'lo Gon) de-rconftitOcc. ' ·r: :d .... ~:.· ~ r. -":. •-:r ~ .. ~ 'fcience of fouk ana fcandalou~ firlnes? h<>~ '" lfttherto hatli!be<Jltopb~fcomplained gelh:i)Sytnoni<., Iiiebnt\nencie;VC.try,lnhofpita~ . ncrally of nHpollution: •.. 1o .' ·" ' . ·"• ' •·" litY~Couttalrti:u:ffe; Ignorance,"Idleneffc, car.C'-' ··1 ~Pat~i·c..u1ai!y, hecxala.i\rteih ag:iitlfi'tPcpoliiJJ. PuticJ!larly !elfcNonrcfidenqr;bow !hall thefe(I fay) and· tiDn of./;iJ!tppu.; But!\\'If)' '" li·ll fomc l'ay; comh«ompl.i other like griebous.crimes opprdfe & burthen_ platHts•he·.of the- ·p61/U~i4n •f hu Iippes; tather ~h:~:;;:;r thtfoule, whcn:as·tli·efmalleflfinnes(loe foafthenof.his heart, or his hands, or :lnV "othtr onofhiilips frightthis holy man? Surcly,>,w:hcn God fhall part of him, we·tc they not polluted? yes; all in vifitc ihent, their ilaies wi-ll'b:<i ntot}-fcar<!full;• f<lmcmeaftire: •·arld was!trot hi·gricue<l·;!r them ndr /hall ~nymans cafe!be fo:ot1i.fcrableJ '~'' an: ~ll?.ye:s afl'tlic·dly, wemu.fl·gramthar alfo. :B\tt 'vn'confciorlabler,Minillers l'i/\ni:lr.dtclu·gh·now· the re~fen is hewas aProj'>l\cr,ohis duty"":as ro (uch loofe and liccmioitY Minittmifecm~-ru: •fe hisroagae·: for a minl!l\:r. ls a~l1ttef~10:t<'f ]iue'in.i~llitie, and:w.ithotit ariy fear.e, yet whel!! as he-in••ll<d; Job. 3~1'£3; rha!•ls, the-p!Dples t~ God·f!tall appeire·•nto thcii <tonfdiiin·cc; •then• I)' God.~J!f"•J<"', •nd 'Cf•4Prhht' peopll hf}"'"':. ForsPr~ phctsdutic conlifisin 1!H· vfco( histong11c. will they ·cry out in feareful atigu[f!t',.Wde i<:>M/ <hing:•hte<i<..Gods moulh, arrd rife peoJ>Ics l am:u..ndon~.:')J: ·•. ';I{ c·:. > 1 '.rn~~: \ _j~ tnouc:b: ~ f0dbt'tbe>tongucofa·miii'ift".er15th~at .~·!•'/ ·' Andfor grcac nepi· 1 gcnccin tht:irca.Uing, !clfcchcy ;h~.ue no eon· ' !'-ICilC:C. ' And.againe,if.diefe fma!U'aul~s.fd affr<gh;ed pa.rr of his<body,.wliilhii&>to .be vfcctl4.taprlnthis·holy Proplier;and burdcnl:dtli:ts cohfctece<; cip:dl•intlrllJnent'of Go>l$tglori~,-,o~•morc'.to then what pitifuf·c<5nfcicnces;hhliothofc mlbi.i tlie fetting>foith of his:hdnour then any other! flors~ whofcdail}t ·neg1i-gence, 1 aii<\ vncdnfcldf.t NOwttkry. man is ~o bC,t~ied what be iS ~y his nabl~carclc!fenl:ffc;in their fu<h~asfllll: calling 1 . rather the_n.,by •~y· ot•hcr. collaterail men fpeakc of and yet they:lr~ n0<rouche·d':; courfes·:' tHtrefbre tliehonour or dtf!tonour .of ,jl!'l.w :~ "·' . ..1·;' I ·~ lcoodand • \ flithful1Mi1nificrs not .to bcJiffurely thefe m:n are not of fo tender confcien!.:' a miniftcr,is the vfeor the abufc<of h~s tongucl ccs as the Prophet was:and either.the Ptophet1 and his comfort or difcomforr,is the wci·vfing, here was much1lnhr:e nice· thecr:necdcd, ot ornot vfiilg of ir. The Prophet therefore here , elfethefc men wiltprooue to !Jein a tnifcrabld affrighu!dotlGo'd~ prc.fetl1e; and.therefore reefiatc. ~~:1 ·y .. ~:- · -Ar:·r, . 1 JiJJ tYHngJin·ro himfdfe,'"p.te(cntly l.1is c6iifcl.ence .. tallly, let Miniilcrs ofcare and•confcicrr<e; chcckeshimlfor hinnoll ptopcr finncs:namely, be here comforte~~ imthe example ofthe Profof fonld f!lUit or 'negligence in his minifierie Hi,f,nallefl: ncgliftf':cc intcacblll!;• chrckcs lus cunfdc::ncc::• B·~h'.':e~o:~\v~h'.':o~i.:s~tJt:.::e.::re:! 1~b::ut:_:m:::::,ayL6~n:::d~c::li:::m:rp::er:_:£.::eCI~io::: 'n::s.L..!...l("- w::h::ic::li:..: i::.s.::th.:.::.>epr_"per.finne·of t~~l)i'ng) and :rJ · therc;~C.~or:..:e:,--~-