Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-·-------1 !_ _ anddi~nitierofthe Minijlerie. _ 445 1 1 ! · therefore is it that he cxclaimclil againfi rhc .A ) no confcicnc.c, nor can hauc any comforr, for I I poll11tion ofhis bppu: out ofwhich praCtifc ofhis that is d1e pi-incipall dut_icofa Min;Hc!·(rhough J ~ wem.:tyIcarnc, · oil the other bee rcqmrcd to make hun c01_n... 1 vfc;o I FirH, the vanici: qf the Papil'h, who t~a~-. piC"~tc:) the want_ o_f them !ll~.y condc;~mc hun I I l'.:>pifh do- .nifie rhe Merits et holy mens .workcs: for Jt bctorc men_, but Jt IS the pollunnn of h1s 1•ppcs ~:~~~c ~1~rit~ ) this hply Prophet ;:I 'ro.n truC;lyJiullilicd ,•and which pr~fcnt_ly checkcs him'bcforc God,_as Y•'C I is fJlre excraor(!inanly ·f~n&~ihcd, ty.ct durlt' not Hand ,fee here m th1s holy Prophet: the contlufJO~n J ·~nd.of before God it1 t!l)~ Ji(dc appcari~~oihis glory , then is to ~ucrie M1niHcr, that ifhe had:all th'c~ t·wrk's. no~v.·itl;lfbnding all )lis zcalc; and cour~gc,:md venues and goqd propcrtiC~s·;lhar can con\met\ll cgq(~ig!.v;e, and p:1i,ncs, & fvffcdng~ in his funa man in the world, yet Jfhttlips 6frpvllt-1t7d, C!~ And or lfOrboffll'" ~~~~rogati· t~~~t~t: Lawin'thi5 life. ).Vfc.Er;() Mini!lcrs mullt~ke hrcd ofncg– ligencein. theirf;mtti· onaboue all finnes:rJr thatbnrthc– lluhchc.cO~ fcicnccmo!l •milyofal. jo!l,ervcr– ltuu~rccJc l ull,m,b"' ".nnntfuf· lice,ifchi> !'""'· I I ! Chot}. but was caft d9wnc fo fatre-, fr.on1 a con- ~ thcr b;r not.prcachlllg, or b::y"twgligcnrt idie,or ceit ofr.his owne W@rth, that. he cry,ecl out,lt'd.e . c:irtlc:ff<:.·pfcaching, this pdlilttl6n·:will t(( flaii1e is m; [ amvndone: Ho\'\' then can•w.ewho are I j1is confdcncc ; and fo bur.thcmr him in rhe:pri:tno P~J~rJbut n~uch ,W?tfc rhen he,!f.a.nd before . fence of God, that the time v>~ll come {lnd!- Go.4in.thc day of .l;udgement, itHhe grear ap· ·\vithtla'nding1lll his orhl'f go?d "qualiticSj\hcc pe;uing ofhis inlinit~ and glorie?R;tlht'r :~ will cric our m farrc more pit'1full 1ti:mncr .rh' eh d~ubtleffc, as h~r~ the fmallc:fipoilt(tion of hU ! -here: the P rophet d0rh;Wot td mee, I amvndOn~, lippcJ,and neglig<Q<.< in his <'Uling; droue him •B • bcc.~>ife Iam-a·manofpol/lltcJI!fjJu. It foJ!oviout1of all conceit ot merit, v..:h~n...en~cc he came ~cth, ... " :.J!:~·~, 1 • '~: into the.prefcnce ofG0 p ;_fo thc.rdne.coofide• • A"dJdwellin-themidd~!l )ifa;people•fpoiiHtf'd rationof.our lo mai}Y& foule polliu1ons aboue lippu. r · ·:t ; ''-' 'llO·· lf•. his, fh..qul.d beau: all proudjconccitcs of •'' The Prophet not ;onC~J"~Gmp1ai0t:'s· of11i-s ouroWtle goodnetftt.,;when we appeare before ·Owne pollutib!J,but~fhrsrpeepJcs~alfo arnongH God It is therefo•;• to be fearcd<hat the Pawhom be liucd,&:-this·h:cdolh'for•thofe·caufes: pi its: who thus mdg-ni:fie their owtiomcrits,doc ' ..E.irfi; to.r_~3ch vs, that id$. rt:h~ll'1inHiers·.{!ufic {'ddomc or neuer enter fcriouSl c0nlldera- confCfie not·only hi~ Owne~fi.11S·,bur_ the'11flt1's. tion#oft)~cir O\.Vl1~, do feldomc prc• ::ofhis peoplc,and [0 compl:lint! ofthem to god: fcnr themf~lucs in rl:!e·pr.cfcnce of Gods Maicfor as he ist\rc peoples Interpreter to God, bee Hie. for if they did ., then doubrldfe rhc ieall ·mull not thinkc._it enough·t?pu~ vp their pc'ti:. figl:t offhcir lealt pollution, \'vould make them tions,to vnfold their wants;-a,nO craiJe releefe far~e from cucr thinking of tbeir o.wne merits. for them ac goOs hand;bu··fhC1 inuft~furrher take They alfo tel v;,ofwoiks offuprrcrogatton, C • knowledge -of the finncs 'of!lis ;people , and but 1t feenoes here thisholy Prophet had rlone .make bqth pubhkc and prmar<: cot~fdlion of ofthem. And they teach, a man may in this life ~hem to God-: and the more~tkularly he cap perf<CHy fulfill the Law, but who can doe it, if doe this, the bette• -:and thBhe is'fo do, bot]l 1 •l,t ,1·· ~. Hi~ peo·~ pie~ pollu• tl<'ll. :lie cOrn• plainc~ofh t:ocucb. notMiniA:ers? And what minillers,ifnot extrafor the peoples good,and for his• ordinarie Prophml And yet lfaiah (the firlt & caufe it cannot b,t but the fit\nt•of)lis people, , .• ,, chcifeofthc:mJ cxclaimcth here in puifull man.. are in fome fort his : for this is ~h't')ptCu1iar OarfL ner again(\ his pollutions: Doubtlefler, !f the ger of tbc Magillrates and Minillcr{ calliQgl PapHh w?uld ce~fc fbue.ring them(elu.cs, and tha~ generally t~e Gnnes .of"their ·p~ople arC For t'n(rsf.. not cxamme then: con(csences by th{;tr owne theHS: I mc:me that they ar-c; <fq:effartc to'the lv h~=ac- ~ pleafing corruption, bui.. pr~cfcnt th.em~Clues in ftnnes .oft~eir-pcople, c:ithor-by:prc,>uO"k1ng t-liq h.fstf~~~prl~, i the face and prc.fcnuqt Gods tn.atdhc, they ·by'thctr cmiJ·cxample, or by.ner reproOuino';or ! #tunes. would be farrc f~om.rhcfe co?cc:its, ; ' noihindcring.or fuffcring,or ~·inking,or c6u;: ln the n.ext pl~ce,wbcras t:he Pto.phet cornr1ng and concealing, or oor plltllfhin,,. them of plaincd~ of thepo!IHtimt of IJU lip!-, as~of the·penOt carefully enough vtlng meanes t~ prcu;nc culiar finpc of his place.: Mimfler·s are here tHem: by all which meanesand many more, it taught, te? avoide that _fin.m;abouc: ;ll drhcr; & D ·comes to paffc, that the peoples finnes arc the to labour in that dutie-:\houc any·other: for d1c MinHlcrs by communication: fo rhat as \'-'ell doing of it, is his moll comfon; the: wam of for his owue fake <l's.theirs, he is to confcffc eo . it,is his mofi vcxarion:hi~ t.ongue is. rhc; inHruGod tht'ir finnesa·swell as his O\vhc. ment giuen him to honour God,ifhe vfe ic wel Now if a manifiermull confdfc his peopleS ~ it yecldcs him comfoa ,.more then any other finncs, then irfolloweth confcqmmtly, that tie ' ~·~~~~i~~~e, duties. ..lnuHkno.w them ,.and take noti(e ofthem:·frif I mufikn(\W Bur if he v(cnot, or abufe his tongue:, the clfe hec canno,t confdfe thci'Jl,·And tl1is is one ! ~:n~~~pJu pollucoon ofh islippes will be the heauielt burcaufc why the holy Gholt commaunds a Pallor .then of a!l:they rhen;:fore :1rc greatlydc:ccit1ed, ro}zyowebU{Wck!. ' · · ' Pl'ou.:~pJ. who thinke a mini!lcr to difchargc iUfficiently He muH not ondy h~ueaflock!, and k,r-oWe lus dmie, r~ot~~h b~ preach not, if1hc kotipc w·hich is hi1jltJr./zy: or ham: a!?cncrall eye ouer good HofpmthtiC, ~nd make peace amongfi it, but hce nmlt haue a parucular and diflmCl ~~ighbours,an.d ptrf~r!ne ?the1· works ofehaknowledge of the flare ofit,and the more par. nne and good l1f<::for 1\ a mam!ler hauc not this ticular the better. : venue; he h:lth none: Ifhe: Preach not; If he aAlld if the minillcr ought to knowc and h!tfo h~..!!fpcs: or if.Re open them nor, he hath confdfe hi5 peoples finncS, then it follov.•eth, Ttt I fidl, F.l'):<",ir ;s lJcil"fM:t Mir1ifl.::rrn bc11ith his p~oplc·