Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ 446 I The fccond Treatife of the duties I firH, rhat it is bcfi for a Miuifter to bee prefent ~ A linncs, rcmooucd to another place , is the~·e I with his pcoplc,chat ro he may the better know tound mor:e·or l<!l'fc caintc.*d with them, bcc:mfc 1 them and thctr O.atc: nnd cenainelv if it bee a they abound amongfl: rhc people: and ycr fi.tr1 : MiniHcrs dutie to confcO'c to God ~he polluti;-- thcr, th\lt a MiniOcr, knowne to be faithfull ' ; \ ons of his people, then 'NtltU\1 and careldfc pain_efitll, and z,calous, and comming rO a difo~ I . , N qn-rc_fids!l(ie,and all abfcncc,without iull: & ;bcdtc~lr, at~d·f\ubborn~_,, frc.w.·~rd,or proph<~nc, ~e~~~~:J,1~u I 1 conf~ ionablc caufC.s, muflnccdcs be a foulc and ·and ddfolm·e people, hJS fanh ts wc:~kcncd.,. hts and Mny ~ fcctcfi.tll finn t;. For how could lfainh h:1uc conzc:alc and,cO~l·ragc qbatcd, Gods gr:~ccs in him ~:·~~~~~~;·! 1 : fciTr;d ,, th,tt his people were apeopleifpollmedltp!, dulled, and much t~~caycd: godly Minitl~rs do n1ifcr~. · ! but dl:lt he liwc~r.amqnglt them. Nay faith the d~ily complait~c hereof, ~nd ~xpcrie~Ke· rlicrie j jl ' P.rop.hct, he d_we\~hJ tbemiddcfl ~mong thcnl, \r\hcre l11cvv,cs_u coo tHI~. Out of this \VC may ·\ \"fe,louble. 1~ ! in<!ccd '"""cl may b~lJet~w :111d conf~f[e his peoplc_s ·lcarne fom~thmg both for our infiruChon, -and 1 \ .:-P9llutions, t;hat d:vdles in the middcfi amon·g for oilr conu~rfation; · ·· \ . '!<~: ·]. ·rq: '! r'.:. , '-~ . For OUll inHrutlion, i~rherc a_p~c~res ho\\' fir~~i.~~: ·' '·e~r~cE,r:,~i ! , ~gain_c, rf the Mmdlcr bco IQ cen(df.e hi-s wiCked and wrerchc:d rhc.coFrup.uon Ofom' na-, •.seeho 1 , I ~or~':re thcil" . p~pples t1nnes, atld thcrcfor.:: muH needs know B ture is,whicb cannot but teceiue fome c0nr3oi.' corruptour I !'innes, :~nd~ 1 thctn, then it foUowctb alfo th:~.t they mull: d.ion from chc·~_Olluti011'0fJthofe' with ~hoJhc ,~·e n:nur~i~. ; ~~ctj13di~~;i: ! f.';o,i.)C_ pmd confd(<; tbcm vmo hi tU, or clfc it is ' · liue,forthi.;i'is fo,not'oncly tn·chcm-who c~frva . .{niO:er. ~~,. not polllblc he lho. uld perfeCtly knowc their cloofchand oucr thcmfclues~ but cucn'in firc'h.a'sl NotPopilh, ; .fiat9 : the w:m,t. <{f 1hi's is a gr,cat· fault in our l lookc mofllMarrowly Vni:~ their ficps:la-s y.;'C fee but voluota· ' Churches: for Flow cucr we condcmnc Auricuhere in this lloly Prophet'; -who wa~a tmil"ofl ~~;d of fi·~h. \,Jar confcffio~ ,.a~ a ~e:r.ic _pollicy>h: the dcuifCr~, ; more thcn,ordinaric fanClHlea~ion :'.ho'W,-lir..- ~~;~~\b~~f .; a1_~d,a rackc to t~~-c.onfc1cnces of. poorc Chntie cahfe thcrfore hath any "fnan to c-daJ:nat'im~?\ fd.:ncc. .(ll;tt)~,yet, w,enolipncty allow~,but call and cry 1 and how ntuch Ic(fc caufc the fchoolcrhet; anii fo!) that oqnfc.f{ioAJ ,. whereby a ChriHian ·v6- 1 {olllC"'oth-aoPapifis ; to giue the lc~fi commenlut)t;;rily a~ ;lll,thlWS may rcfort to his Pallor;&: dartoi1s to our pur~natura/IJ: for if nature reCtiopen his c(btc, an9 'd.isburchcn:his·confcien.ce fi.-ed by grace, bee fo hardly kept with-in corn- ' .offuch finnes, as_ difquiet hiQ.11, and crauc hiS paffc,alashow omragious & pe'rucrfe bit_, 'vvhen 'I godly affifbn~c. , and holy prayer's: great blcf,., it raignes without comrolmcm? -; ! fing and comPo!ii <loth doubcleffc folio we them And for our further infiruCl-ion, here we may 1 • wn 1 u that vfc tbj sgoQly p.r:aClife, and thewam ofir, c 1 fee o~ wha~a c~ceping & inchroachin~ nature : ~~~?ri~r· is eau(e thar--n)\1)niHcr cam1ot difcernc theflatC jimre ts, wh1ch l1ke a fecret venome 111 tt"le natuhlth. cuen of his Qwne flocke , nOr can fomplain·e to .. r4ilbodie, fo it in thepolitiqu~ bodic rcfics not I God of thei); pollutions; and ·confe!fc their in the place or panic poifoncd , bur clofcly ()pnes (o par-tjc.uJarly., as would lice good both creeps and diffufeth it felfc.into cuery parr and 1 for him and the-n)._ mcrn?cr:ofthc whole~: ir·cr~eps ti:om man ro ::o~'r.~r~f.P ,. To teach ' ~~condly, the·Prophet couF'Ic:s together his m~m,yeafrom an tu1ll man to a good,_from the fl:cnto pea- ! vs th.2~ pco-. Owne pollutio,n, :md the poll ut ions of his peoworft hi:m to the bell:: ftOm prophane men, to pit,& (rom r~:j~~~i~iplc I as_thc: adiuvant, Ot llc:lping caufc and thj: godly Mlniflers:& as from publikeperfons (as [:i:rri~~~ ll:er n-:ore or effeCt: For the)pollution of a r.eople, hclpc:s Magiflratcs & Minillc~s) it d~fccndcrh vi6bly, ,r -~~~~ai;,~!~~ fC!~ward the pPJludon of a Miniflcr, and ~tHe :md the example of dlcir euiiJ life i~ palpably · Yfqrfc,pcop\qhey arc, the ""'orfc do they make fcandalous: fo from ,the people to the Magi- ·h-im, though hcc be othcrwifc ncucr fo gond e ftrate, or:Miniflcr. it crcepcth c!ofe'ly ; and af ... · For cuen rheProphet 3 though ,c·allcd of God cendcth in mote fccrct and infcnlibtc·hlanner, himfelfe, and iuA.ified,and fantlificd,aud aman yet·in effeCt it is too fcnfiblc, for it is a!V.·aics : of cxrraorrlinaric grace, yet dwcliing in t·he fCcne.; that they are fomc thing touched with ' middcfi ofa people fo llubbornc and difobcdi- D their peoples pollutioils: finnc is nor oncly as a ent,as the Iewes were, was fomFthing touched poifon fptcading from the heart to 311 pares, with their pollutions: (ellen the bcft) fi·omthe Mini!ler to the people : bur as·a ganare men , and this comes eo paffc by rcafon of grene, if iC beginne: in the foocc, \' ill wit~out ~-~~·i~0 J~( the corruption of nature as they are men) fpeedie prcuemion fpread ·priuiJy to the hearr'~ bcgianing. the natmc ofwhich corruption .i~ to apprehtnd fo fi.nne fhewes it felfe, euen from the people .any cuill whcr:c,euer it findcs it, .and to partake to the IJI.inifiers: So great caufe is there for all with it: reo-encrati6 qualificth& abats thisc-or• n1en to A:oppe finne in the beginning , to ruption, b~ttak_es it not away perfeCtly in thls breakc i"rin thecggc, tb giuewtlferno pajJngt, life: whereby h comes to p.affc, that a miniflcr no not a little: for !et this gangrene beginne liuing amongfl cui! peoples ca.nnot hut be fom. at the' ~~cte, it will not rdl till it bee in the what flaincd with their pollution, ofwhat fort hearr. J~. focuer chcy be: infomuch as it is ofrcn fee ne ; F0r our conucrfation wee arc here taught, ~~~~~rf~~d. that one knowne to bee orherwifc dilpoiCd of firfl ', if a miniflcr, by.reafon of the corr~pti- on. bimfelfc, isfoUnd to be difpofcd to this·or that on ofhis ownc naturc,and the creeping nature ,. ~tinHlcrn ,cui!I, by Jiuing arnongfl a people fo difjJofcd. offinnc, is in fuch danger to bee Hained with Ergo,hbour And :~g:1inc, thar a miniflcr in fuch'a place, :md the peoples polhnion'l, then let all Mini~crs ~~~~~it~~~ ::.mongn fuch people, free from fuch and fuch delire, and vfc all good mcanes to dwell with a s;oodpc"'J'le J'.:~pJ.:_;______i