Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·-·--· --- -----~-----·----·-,....---· -------.!------·~:.:.== -------- ! anddignitieJoftl?~ :\dinijlerie. i - ____ ,___ - . - ------;----- 1 - . p•ople .u !irt!cpollm~d4s m:t)' be: othcn\'il;; let 1A arc- t_hr_y to be mq(t cardnll , that dH·.v dbc nOt ;. J' fO,'P" .. 11·.~~. ,,;.; ~-;, I 1 him aifurc hirntC!fc to be pollu~ed wit~"l them, J jlooJ:.:!y ~nd buifl-ily br:Hvwc ~hcml,luts dd a!I rwr:u'"''~ which is both agrc3t difcomfort to hts ownc / I co mp>HllCS, as to_o many doe m Our <;hurch~ro ~;~,!~i':r~~~ I confcience (as here it was to chc Prophcr)and . the: great fcandall thereof) who care not wuh difgrncc eo his profciTion;for it"it be a dutic of who ne th<:.·y ccHntedC, bur all tvn~p:lllil'S , :~11 b:n.t.ti· cuery gooJ protC:·HOr of religion, tok}fpt>bim- ~laccs,all t_i,rjc~,all !pons t:t rc_crcatiO_s,all tncc~ · 1felfevnfpottedofth:: n•orld,thcn how much mnrc r1ngs, all OlC:d~on'i):nc_~1nc Wlth1 t11<"m~bm. ala.s j"s it the MiniHers dutic fo c._, doe? ::llld how \·'\'h:.!t m:trtlcH, thongh lncli men K-:cp 1mt d,~~:mfoulc a Haine is ic ro the honour of his c21liug, . fo!titt v .n!porud of ,h,•lvurld, but procw: too robe polluccrl in rhe rommonpolution::. oflhe ~1ft"t=nfil!C to rh_ci1· c:l!\i:1g: for,_tectilg th" b,·Hn1q peopl('? . . I ':tru~ot l1uc wah d1c_bdt ~eoplc) G;~r they ~1a1 l emay be therefore go~J connkll_to a~! goa..:.. I rrn•n1e fome_coocag_to_n fro thcmJ_;~w. c;rdul~ Iy Minlitcrs in the plac111g Jnd di~'Johng of 1 ly ought ordn1ar~ mHH(_krs to 1-ry:1kc Jd1cr.cncc; thcmlducs , not to tnquirc onely ho\.\" gotid I of men ::and mccungs,tunts ana p!jces, & not a liuing fuch & fud1 a plac_c is~ ho~\' we! fcjr~d, ?ift"u(~~ly ::and_ cardd}y to thrull rh_cmfi·l.t;es 441 i And indi. how hc::ahhfull,& bcncfiCin.IJ,t will bc,(v.-hJch llHO :lz:: So Jon~g flnll they keep thnr cdltng fpoting[hC:· arc alas the common and a\mofl: theonly que- I B frommuch re-prOach, and.p, thC:mfe!ucs ~~lu:r~ri~:~~ !lions now a d:1ycs,) but principally, to rcga.rd fro:n nliiC.h pollutiOn , which othen"' i!e from o~e.r.cozn· I what a people they bee, and how affcC\ed, atheir polluted people; they iliall be furc tO re• modmes. monn-Hwhomthey are to liuc: ifgodiy & well cciuc, . difp:fcd , or at the lcaH traC1able and geutilc, And here people ::are tO be :tdmonifhcd, n.Ot .... ,.I rnuH not dnwtheit Mzozificts tO!"l rnuch. iut<icvmfl'd· r.i,•. . and willing to be t:1Ught, then llfi"r to u:g:1rd too fharpc!y to cdrifurc their Minifler:though otherincommoditics: bm ifv\·icKed, and prohe be nOt fo fdciable with them all, as it may, or (which is wor!C) llubborn)frow:trd, be m::111y would expeCl-,IOr ic concerns no m:m and vmractablc, then IciTe to regard the greato be fo w:.ric ofhis company ~nO his fporcs,~., tefi commodities: ond ccrtainciy if this pomt it db~h the Miniller: and if they Y..•ould h~uc ~ewell confidercd of, :1.nd how bitt.Cr ir hath comfor~ aJid honOur by rhcir mii1iller;h~l them U-:en in thC end, to m:my who hauc nor rcgarbe corctull into whac rcdcadom and comp:my dedit, ic w11l appcare, that this is the bell enthey draw or ddlrC hin,:for the mOre pqlJmcd couragcmem or dilcouragemcnt, the grc:ttdl: rhc people are amongfi whomc he Hues, the commoditie or difcommoditic, and ~he bdl marc carcfull muH be b~c to khpc himfelfe ·1 rcafon, either to wimle aman to a p!acc; or to C eh:are from their po!ltitions. draw him from it, how good foeuer it beother la(lly, here people are caught, not ro beC. J• People: n1i11\ n(lt clJ· dcm•letou t1.azPIY r.. ch" Min1ttcrsas arcfattlticirt thcirliucs, forthlfdud arcchc-caule ofir, bccing ofed!l Hue~ thcrr.ftjuu , I A_poo~h· wngwidl I good pco– pl(,bctrcr thC'nagrcat 1 tiuingandc· l"'liF<•plo. I !waies: they that negrctl: this dude, and arc led too lh::arpe co.ndemners of thofc MinHlcrs , f (or milled rather) With carnall and \Yorldly rewhofe cdnuer1ations arc not fOvnblameable as fpcCls ,how iufi is it vpon themwhen theyare were to be wHhed: for as they liue iii, genemade to crie in fhe forrO\\'e of th~ir foule,woe rally_d1c caufc is, bccaufc they liue among!t an isTM, I dwell in thcmMd'.f/ of apeople cfpollmcd ill pcopl<. Iippes? W!1y then fhould they fo much cond<mne And here fuch Minifl:ers ::as haue poort!iuingr them, fOr filCh faulrs '"'herein thcmfelues b:~.ue 6utgoodptople, let them not faint nor bee difmade them faulty? I fay hac, bur our Church& rouragcd,they h:me more c::ltl!t: to blctTe God, flatc, and Minificrie, arc to renftue fuch men) then tobegrciu{"d , for douhtldfethey ;.ue far (and it were goorl they did it more) but it isbetter then thof~.: who b:1.ucgrem liuingJ andan again!t all rcafon the pco_plc: l110uld doe fo) tllillpeop!c. · \-\·hcrcas thcmfclucs are the cau!Cofit: For alas But as forthofc to. ·whorne G<:'d beene ifthis hoiy Prophet WJU aman of pollmt'd lippu ~o ~ood, as t~ b_etto•,vc vpon t.~1cm COlr.petcnt hecaufl heedwe/t ~ri. h a. people of polluted lippe!,. humgs) & aWllhng and well cufpofed people, what marucll thcn,thollgh ordinary .MiniHcrs let them thinkc th~n,felucs double bldf~d of D bee polluted \\'ith the common and \"tliuhfall Cod,and treble bound to honour Goci,and to P')Jluti'ons of their people ? Pc:ople there-fore, doe good in his Church : anci if fuch men goc arc fidl of all t6 fee that themfclue' bee well not before rh~ir brethren in all Minificrial care ordered ::and godly, and thcn iulllj• m:1.)' they and dutie,rheir fault isabouc a!! men, and they complainc,ifthc Hues oftheir Minill~r.s be not 1~akc themfclues vnwonhy of fo great roer- ~ agrccablt:but othc-,..twifc)iris not poffiblc \"\·ith ctes, . . out very fp('ci::all grace ofgod,but that a miniAgamc, tf thata.pollmcd people poJlutcs 1 !ler '11::111 be more or ldfc touched \\ith thofe f.(lo"ke what thtr Minificr, here is a good '"'"arning for all crimes "'hi eh arc the common f:iuhs of his ~~~~d:io amfnillcrs tobe warie and choifc of their cornptOJ,lc. And ]alncmab!c cxperiCccdaily lc.tsvs uy placc,au.t ,panic ,with \\'hom they wil prinately conucrlc; fee,th:lt where a peopl~ in a toV>onc i-; giun1 to ~~~~:·cf~~~~~i- ] for as on t_he one 0d~ t~lcy 11Jay not retire drfln~m~tJ/t, there the Minifier, iscilhcr fo for ni!l~:,i;·t~in• I thc:nfclucs i~Ho any f_a·l!tanndfc, nor fequcficr Compante, or ~r the lca(i too good a fcllov.:c:: : I 1 '.1 1 •. b t. rthen~lcJu:~ h om all lo_cictie '"'ith th~?r people, whcr_ca i~coplc arC' ~~iuen to contcntio.n, there t ( wh1ch IS 1·athcr:1 ~millcall ~~1d fam~fticall, the Minttlcr hatlt too many fufu:s : ·wt 1 (';·c ~ rhen any wa~_: ~~p_l_o~_::.eacfl\c:)fo of :11! lll<'ii the E~_le be~ ~p-ifb, ~~-~Mi_ni!lcr I i -------------- T tt >___ is ·