\_448 \- _ . CJ"hefecond T~e~tife of ~he du!ict --~--, - I j ts too fupcrlliuom:whcte thc_pcoplc arc tgno- A I the CJutc thereof u )JJ,s ~wn: a 11 d r/ 1 ( 1 r fi·mn, ' ! r.:Pit,t11Clc the mmd~cr ts no gr<Jt clark,\\!bcrc 1 l without wh1ch, he" \\Ould ncucr hauc bccnc j 1 f the people arc gmcn to any g,tvcar finne, there~ \ 1 afra1d,bur rather hauc gloncd to fee the Lord: 1 I , the M.nll'\:cr gencr-~lly 1s not ftcc from the fame \ but h1s confctcncc checkmg hun, for fame dc- r' pollutwn; ?.!ld tt ts fccne, that the bell M nu,.: fctt of duoe mills callmg, therefore he tremJ Hers, and moH carcfu~l of all, tloc complaiLlc. blcth ac the lcaH t'lJmolC of Gods glonc. Here ' Do..'l:r 11le I b I f I 11 f I I f I k I " . f "'''"'"" ttrcr y ~ r.1c po lit lOlls o t 1c1r P.c~p c: OS cc vs mar c t 1C ground o hts reafon,whicb ii in hh fin 11 e 1 ,. t~at ho~,·to~uc.r i: may b.cc thcx cfcap~ p3(ta,~ this ; Th(a mm1 that t! in hU finnu, is noi ablero ~~~ld';~.sr;.nt k1ng \Nlth t1lC!r !mnes: yet they alw~ues fin de flana in theprt'fonce of Uod: this is a gencrall ,fcn~e. a~ d~c lcaH :1 duiiing & dco.ying ofGods gva- . a~~i n:rtainc truth, and the rcafons of it a1c; b~~:£:~l ces 111 thcmfelues , ~'·here the people are vmoFult,the contranety betwixt God,and the na- _ ab.uue all t\·~rd and dif{jl5cdicnr. Iftherefore ·a MiniHcr tu re of Gnne, it bccing the oncly rhino which t thinb"S. , f'U':;i '.Ni)ch fuch.apeople, !-lis c:1fc.i5 pitifull a!1d offends him, and wtu~h prouokes hi~ ~rath &. 1 1 danscrous;t~r hC w~~kc~ in t_he midfl of nets, infi diCple:~furc; thcref~rt~· as a fi1bicCl cannot Ol G1:rrcs, wluch :~re l:ud !or h1~n ~m euery fide, bur be much amazed, 1fhe hap to come into :and ifhe c(cJp'c them(! mcane,it he keep him-· the Kings pr<'fc.-ncc with any ching abour him :fc~fe.vntpOucd, in the middell of a !potted~ \\·hi eh the Kmg h:acs, or cannot abide to fee: ·p6tlurcd.pcoplcJ his care and his confciencc is B fo a man cannot but be cxrrc;)me afionil1u,ifhe 1w6rd·,yboth admiration and -imirarion , and kno\\'Chimfclfc to bee in Gods prcfencc with B_utfuch mi- ,( himfclfe is wbrchy double h01l'our, as bccing his finnes, which Gods foulc hatcth. ii~e'~:t:h a ~~; ~~rhaz.c:~.lo.I· J·~·~i•~iil~r&a.n. holym:tn.Buthc Secondly, finne ~~~akcs. a man indebted to ,. Sinm:l'ku goo~pl'o· \.\·homGod hath bldled wnh a good and traGod: for as the law ucth h1mfirfito ohedimc~ am~n~dcb· r::l~~~J,'t \ &.ablepcoptC,and \\~Cl affeCfCd ~,ovith thewofd, fo if h~ fin ne, and failcin that, it binds himt~ , tcrtoGod. ~~;;'thi:~~ot j ~iid yer him_fdfe liucth lo~~ly and fcandalouptmifhm~nt,. _and the more a man .finn~t_h, thC be miniJlw,_· fly- :unongft_ thr:m, a heau1e bmdcn and ahard deeper ts he m Gods debr.Ifthen m tlHs world b<!.~to be de- ~ account lyeth oi1 that.MinHlcr ,'"a.nd. no rebuke a man willingly endures not the fight of him, prtucd. is t.oo'r.mlgl?? do punifluncm too grc:tc,no cein whofe debt he is; what m:aruell J though 3 fl1rc toOfh::~rpcfor bim. ·And, ifthis holy Pro· poorc t1nncr ucmble:~c the prefcnce ofGod,to I phcr,fc:ue fo mnch the prcfi:nce ofGod for his ~\'hom he hath forfaitcd foule and all? fmafpolutions,&yct liucd <lf!l?ngfl: [o wicked Thirdly,linnc is th:Jt which prciuoketh God . J.Sinnc it ! and pOlluted a pc.ople, then wh:1t heauinc~ and to wrath: thcrtfore a finncfull m:mfearcth the ·: ::~~~~od r rnot"' ith how fOulc pollutions h1s l1fe be !hiPrince, or amalefaCtor ofthe Judge. For thef~ : rted, and yet1mcrb amongCl: a godly and·\\' ell caufes, a wicked man endures not Gods prc- [: ltor"rol ,fl1all-be heaped on hts foule, v. ho cares :C p. refence of God, as a traytor the face of the j·angr~~. difpofcd people? And thus wee haue the BrR fence. ' caufc of his,!Care, his ownc., and his people_s . Now G~ds pr_efcoce hath diue.rfe d~grces: g~~ee:c~r pollutions. . . .J (' • :: ~ Fufi~~od IS r:etcnc to o~r confctC!]Ce, when fcnce.p :J.Caufeor hhftarc,he rawethe Lord. How1inz viliou. It followcth, And miN( eyes htt!J~ foefu ·ihe w~ di1_..nkc of hun. 1. He tsprefcJ?.r, w_h('n wee :h.~~~~;:~ · ·King, andLordofHojles. narric"him, O.r heare him named or mentioned :a.l'o our The frcond caufcof rhc Prophets fc3rc and by others, and Lhcfc ~re the funhdl off.Third· ~~~;;r~ii'::' .aftonifhment is, 1/c{.lwc rh~ Lord, who·rhcn ~y, God is necrcr vnto v~ in the prcfenceofhi~ hisordinan- :appe:~red in gforie vnto hh.n: noc chat he fawe Ordin::~nces, as .his Word and Sacramenrs,and the fubHanct of God (fOr that is inuiflblc and publtke fcruice 111 the Congrcgation.~outthly, ! 4 . Neerdl incomprchenfibleJ but hi.s glorie: Nor rbe fulthere is amoll apparent and fenfiPle prefcnce 1 : ~ai:claft . ue{fe of his glorie, for that cannot be endured, ofGod, \;Vhich fl1all be at the Jail Judgement, but a glimpfcofit:nor that with the eyes ofhi.s whC all men f'haJ Hand before him in his immebodic in ordilurie mam\cr, but in a vifi.oi1 : diareprcfcucc,to rcceiuc their iudgmem.Now A fin~cfull wherein how farrc the e)'is of hisbody were D all thefe prcfCces ofGod, 3rc h:~tcfull to a wk- ~~~~h:f:.c5 vfed, neither the Prophet cl:prc_!fcth ~_nor wee ked ~an: for the ~rfi, a wicked man ~y his ;~~~;i~~cr, can well conceiue. The h1eaning thrn is; In a good ·will ncuer thmkes of God, and iffomeJingl~·.thioks viGon he fawe filCh gloric and Maidlie; as he time a thought of (?.Od (like lightening)Adhes of God. knewc there wasan cxtr:10rdit~arie prefcnce of in his minde, prefcnrly hce qucnched1 it, as the Lord of Ho!ls, who is the king of gloric J bceing a mo!l vnwclcome :Jnd burthenfome :lt whofe fight, ~nil tho~.ght_of his ~refence, th~ugh~vmo him: therefore faith Dauid; _The Pral.uy. in{bnrlv his conkiencc l"i tinmen wnh feare, wtck!du fo proud, hu cttrdhnotfor God,nt'tther for his ~wnc iohrmitics, and che pollutions of is Godit~ allhis rhoHghu; Nay, Godhirnfclfe is his people. fo.li_ltk• tho_ugbcon by .them. that. they ":·ill W hrrcin Jet vs firfi of all obfcnlc the cpn- \\'lllmglythmke ofnothmg, that m1ght bnng ncxion & dt·pcndanrc oftheft" two ~aufes one God into thei: thoughts;~s n3.mcly gocls grc:~t vpon anorher : for as they arc hoth 1oyn_r!Y. t.hc \Yorkcs of h1s wondcrtull_.Judg.emems: of cau!C ofhis fcarc fo one of them i!> in a fort the \\home the f:~mc Propl~ct f.'\Hh, m the fame . caufe of anothe;: he .fC,neth, bccaufc of hU p:ace, Th; it;d.getnt'Jtfl ar~ farre abc11e, cHt cf . Pf~!.1o.5· I ow 11 e 1 wd hU peopln Jit~na _, 411 d bcraufoWfowe hi; (rght ; as if hce had fa id , ~cc ~ablours to 'I --~-'j_'_h_e~.ord, but why is be afaideto fie~ he Lord? fet rhnn fam from the eye o~ hiS mm<~~~'-;~: ____