anddzgnitiesofthe Minijlerie. i I -- he may neucr hauc occafion to tbinke ofrhen_1, A the holy thmg!. ofGod with vnwaJ11cn ha1ds! nor on G od by them. That this is uuc for hts For Whlt is it to enter into the miniHcric, but thoughts, 1haue cndcauourcd thus coprooue to c:mcr into the c!lambcr of prdCncc of the by Gods ownc re!timonics, bccaufc thoughts great Kmg? and ihould not a man look about cannot be dilccrncd by man. But alas, for che him,aforc he come rherc?Therefore ifgod rcfccond, that is, for his words,rhat is too appabukcd M~fes, for flcpping toohaHily tdward.s I. 449 FOr1~ is int0 Geld~ f'r~· lenCe cham· bcr. Htneuer fpeakcsof. God,vnles•t bcroabufe hismaicfiie. rent in rhc fight of all men. For obfcruc it, & the bufh, where his prefencc was, & faid;Comt you !hall nc:ucr fee awicked man, _by ~is good ndt too netrt, for thep!nce whr;·e thor:ftandefl U ExoJ·H• will haue God in his mouth, ( vnlcffc tt be to holyground: then how ,mi\ God rebuke and abufe his name, by f\o\'earing or bla4,hemic) <hcckc the confcicnccs of fuch carnallmcn, as nor willingly dQ[h hce heare any other ma.n carcldly and carnally ruih into thCPulpir, !illd ralke , or difcourfc largely of God, or of lus to Gods holy table, where God is prcfent in a orcarneffe and his iuflicc; buc fuch talke is refarrc more cxccllem manner then he was in the ~fious and·combcrfomc vnco hi111: & ifhe canBu!h? And if they be fo to be blamed,who en.:. nor breakc it off, with other difcourJC; then tcr into this calling .,_,,ithour feare and rcuche firs as mute as a fil11, & inwardly either frets B renee , then how much more faulcy arc they, with anger,oris tormented with feare. All.this ·who bccing Miniflcrs , dare venture to preach is true itl F~lix the Goucrnour: who whtlefl or miniHcr the holy Sacnimems, .,."ithout holy A&.siM. P~mldi{cortrf~dof r~IJteoufo~JTe. temperance, & and priuate preparation, and fandificadon of iudg~ment to come: the rcxt faith in the meane thcmfcltu:s : but ru01 ''pon them, as vpon eO... time he trembled. mon and prophanc aCl:ions? Whereas God is J. They loue And for the third, we fee dailywicked men prcfent there,in a mofl holy and glorious mani. ~~~~~~~:~rd endure not Gods prefcnce in the Church: for ner: thefc men furc wtlllay, the Prophet here menu. nothing is more rroublcfomc vmo them, then was of too nice aconfcicnce :·buc fcarcfully & many Sermons,oftcn praying, and much rccciterribly !hall God appearc at the lafl vmo fuch ningofche Sacrament: & therefore they neuer men, as care not how they appearc inhis holy Nor comE ro doe th~ dudc ofthaf clliing,witk· Olltrcpcn. u ncc, ;o.nd holy prep~· radon. come to the church,nor rccciue ofcer then the prefcnce. · Lawe layes vpon them: But further then char, Sccondly,chis lhcweth thereaf6 of th<' pra- !~;;g~;~;' p(at. 14 .,.; as the PfalmiH faith, they netJer call vpon God, -tl:ife ofall Chrifiian churches: who vfe tO p1 ay before and h~'if~~v~~ But as for the la~, tl~at th~y fcare .and abhorre 1 before the Sermon and after : nat11dy, not for 1 after Scrm&. ne~ercomc ! aboue all,chcy wtlh m their heart It may neuC'r : C , Decortlm oncly,and to grace thc3tlion, but to torudgebe. And therefore S.Paul makes it a token of fanCHfie and cc humble our [clues, hec1111{e then :~i.!;.4.s. anue bclccuer, and a holy man, to/oue,& lookf wecomehefore God.r pre[ence: they therefore do forrhoppearing ofltfm Chrt/f. Whereupon it notthinke reucrcntly enough of God and hi• followeth, thar euen fo 1t is a figne ofa wicked prcfence, who doe by \heir praGlife in any fott man, to feare the lalt iudgcment, and towifh make '"'ay to the contrarie-. . . irmight neuer be :And when it comes indeed Thirdly, "''Cmay here leatfie,chepitifu!J cafe Thepfe. and they fee they cannot efcape it, what then ofthofe Minitlers, vvho arc fo prefi.!mptuous, !regno;;~~~- Rc:u.6.16'. 1 doe they? Euen crieto the mountames ,fallvp- _as to exercife that holy funcl:io,n, and yet re..: treamdy de... on vs: andto th, Hils,couer vs,andhidevs:fi-om maine in their finnes without rcpemiicc; v.hat 2:~~:~;:;o Extraordi· llaricappa– :itions of God~ maic~ :flie,alinfull romcannot cnd11rc. what? ftom the prefence of God : fo fearcfi.Jll doe thefe men? they approaCh to the htirning to preach,& and fo hateful! is Gods preflnce to a~ finncful! Bujh, with the1rJhoon on the;:,.. feete': lhatiS,i'!'tO ~ri~~1~~~~sr~ man. Gods prefcnce in the;rJinnes: what fhall cOme of their linncs. Bcfidesrhcfc, there isanother way, wherby it in the cnd·e I fnre!y, that burning firr lhall God lheweth his prcfcnce: & that is by extrac~nfume thcm:ThC' lea it Gnnc,& fm:JlldlnCg~- ordinaric reuelation ofhis glorie Immediately: ligcnccs affrighccd the holy Prophet, when which was vfua!I in the old Te!lament, as here D .he lbould goc imo Gods prefence: But thefe to tl1e Prophet, but now it is not to bee n:pc.. · men dare come into the SanClu:iric of<Ziod;yea tled But how terrible that is to the hnfull na~ dare tak.! Gods word in their mout~u, and yet ture ofman , appcares in this place!: forlf the hate to bee reformed: and doecaft·the Glorious Prophet a moll holy man, whofe confcience word of God bi-hinde the1r back,p, which they accufed him but of3 fewe finall finncs,ye* hus pr.cach tO'O[hcts with their mouths: c1icfc inen cryes out amazed and affrightcd, at the reue- · may wonder at this holy Prophtts niccnefiC,or lationoffOme part of Gods glorie: alas how· ~ cls all the wo'rld may their proph:mwould t}lty be tenified with it ·, whofe confcincffc. A liule pollution of.hiSlips, feared him enccs arc burdened with great and grieuous !to come il'to Gods prcfcnc~: bm thefc dare finncs ,and that without repentance? ThtlS we doC' ir, "'ith cyt's, earcs, lips, fect,hands,heart, fee the ground of this rcafon, how true it is, :tnd all polluted:theit eyes poiluted with carethat a man in his finne, cannot thecrfi.dly ·come ldf<' looking at all va1~ities : their <'O.rcs \\ ith "Mle 1 .vrc nor boldly fhnd in (:.ods prcfence. The vfc of hrarinp; an.d·thcir lips with fpcaking wanton forminiflers. thh do~rin:Firft ofall;lct vs fee the mpnfirous' . :1nd \o\·idC"d talke: their feet with runnino into 1 1 ~;;~.' 111;:/~1~~ pref\1mprion ot fuch Minincrs as dare' ...\ irk(·d companic:cheir harrds "''ith practi'fin•J to that c:t 1· r.afhly into rhe minil1cry,ro tread VjlOO the hoand their hearts,with dcuifing and confCnti1 ~g' I ~n:pnthcir. I d f l :umcs. y groun ~ G~d~ith vncleancfect;to h;ndle •toall\\ ickedndfc. T " .- 3:---'--------·nis _____________-=-::. ...L_______ ._____