Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

/__ I ' anddignitiesofthe t!M.inijlcti;, . _. 14''] I fclucs: fomc coucrcd their faces ,Come fell flatte A 1 kn~\vlcdgc ~his mcrcyof~od,in due rhanklut.,;\ / onrhc ground: and the Prophet here crycd ,. ~lc~c,~t~d V:Hh~ll_torentembcr, when they fee out;WoeU m(e,lam vndane;my eyes halie feene mtirmmcs 10 Mmtflcrs 1 that they arc bur mcnj the KinO' and LorJ ofHolles.But in the church and that, ifchey had not the Mioi(h:ric ofmeu 1 of Rome~ lookc rhe florics:th::tt Saint or Monke h_ow heard h woul_d goc with them : confide... is no bodic, chat hach not had fomc apparition, nng, that the lcaH meafure bf Gods owne p'r(- cirhcc of the Virgin Mt~ry, ~r feme of thc_Afence, camtot 6e endm·ed,Oy any man._ pofiles, or :m Angel!, or Chrdl Icfus appcanng . .z· lnalinuch as GodJ pre[encc, u ,[o gloriolt.J Gab.; and talking with him: and yet aias,Peter,lamu, m lC fclfe, and fearcfull to Qur nature, all men ti.A;i 1 J; 6 • and John, thofe three great pillar!, they were as arc taught toprepare thm-.folunby holy prayer, good tU6ejide lhemfolun, at the 3ppearin~ of a hy humiliation, and confdfton of thci(finncs, :, '\ 1tc.Eigo 1 ~:.~r,.:~~~~~e. lchu:s,bcl f.•rcthey, cnm~:rot!iC word,orSafiu!e part of rheglorie of Chri.ft inhis tranlfiguand vnwonhindfc, afore they come to Gods ration. WordorSacramcms t for they come ac chat cL·amcnu. Eitherthcrefore nmll it follow, that thcfc timdnro God!prefonce: they thcrcfot·e are not men haue no finne in them, which dare &. can to come in their fccuritic, nor in £heu ordin:uy behold Godsglory fo cafily, and (o ordinarily, finns vnrepcntcd of,.lcafl God flrike their con- ( whi'h is impotTible)or rather,which indeed is . :8 fciences, with a fcnfc of IHs fcarcful difpleafi.Jre 1 truth, it appcares that thcfe are bu.t deceitfull and make them f:ry out, vpon far greater caufe; fancies and forgeries ohhcir own deuifc,to dethen here the Prophet did~ cciue the world,andto magnifie themfclucs,beThirdly and la!\ly, 'le lmne here the ditfe- ~h~~ik~~:,. Re:rons. fore the eies ofthe common people:for it is fir{l: r~nt natUres and properties of fin ne & hotiycs: n:nurcs of . 1 .Apparidof al\ moftfalfo, that apparitions are fo cornSmnc, cucn the leat1 finr.c, nay, a Very f1nful- ~~~~~~s~nd ; ;:~no:t~~d monas they make ~hem, for ifthey were, ,hen ndfe of' nature makes a man afraid of Gods Sinnt dra\vs' more com· arc they more ordinaric in the newTcfbment, prcfcnce: Thar finne vnrepented ofdorh fo,ap- ~~~;:;~~ ~~;,i~h~: then in the Old.For whereas th.c Scripture bath P,Carcs. in .Adam 1 who as in his integritie,. hee ' fcn'c. they were in ' one, their Legends hauetwcnttt: and whereas ipakc and conuerfcd euen .In a familiar~fort ~a~~;~t~,. ; one, namely, Saint Paul,wil6 once rapt intohea.. with God: fo ho fooner had he finned, b'ut he :t.Cor.1:a. tlcn, they haue 20. th:Jt were rapt thither: And ·ran from Gnd, and hid himfc:lfc; and tha.t euen hl~ft~fhac~~n as chat is falfe, (o is It impojJtble that any man the lt'afl finnes not repented of; doe fo alfo; apclldurcgods clothed with Aeih, can endure any extraordipeares in this Prophet, who bceinga holy man, glotic. narie apparition of .Gods glory, without exyet his confcience being pnuic to it felfe o(fom trcamc amazemcnt,as is plainc here in the pro- C , final! ormffions or negligc'nccs in his calling,he phet:who I hope was as holy a man,as the hoJi.. cricth ouc, bee i4 tmdone,. Deca~tfe hee--foerb rlt6 ell Monkc chat euer was.I haue noted this,that Lordofhofte~.But comrariwife,the llateof plr- UniineA"ein.; young Diuines may be.occafioned to lookea feet holindfc, and the..wam of all finne; makts i~~~·~~~~~ little into their fabulous legends_, that fo they a man bolde in Gods prefenct, and rather deftprcfcn,c. may difcouerche falfetrickes,& IUggling ca!\es rout, then afraidc to behold Gods glotie,which of that Religion; which cuilllhiftes it needed lh•ll be moH apparam at the Jaitdaj': for whc:n not,if it were of God. ' the wicked fl1all dcfire becoUeredwith J.Vfctothe Thirdly, the people may here learite, Firjl, the hillu,andgroundto duff h;)he mountttHu.r, ~~a:Pi:~t~ey I in that Godsprefonceis fo gloYiomandfearefull to then toappeare before the fa'cc of God: 'then ~O~~::i~cr ~nJnt4ture_, how ~erciflllly God ~ath dealt ~Hll the godly, whofc holindTe fhall thew be· teacbin~ehC wnh them,m teachmg them not by hJm(elfe,or .pcrfc&, look! Vp,and li(r 1Jp'thlir,head!, ·hecaafe ~c:7~~~~~! ! by his .Angcisfrom he~ucn, which ~hey coUld ·their re.lemptionU fo t~igh. ~nd [q[, ·rcftifidh of 3 ndnotby neuer endure; but by men who ar:e IJke them. ·himfdfc, thar!hrc: k!1oweth hU RedecmeY !;uclh' f!'!~r~-;~e. felues: and howvaincand fond thcfc men are, Anci rhat he fhall /1and biforehim, and !oolzyvp~ who would be tauglltfromheauen,. and not by onhim with hU tJeJ. Thus as guiltit/efJe~driues men, who:ue fofull of wams.In the old Te(b- ·a tnan from the Kings prefence, but innoOencie mem,whcnthepeoplc rcceiucd the law from D mah<himboldbcforchim; Sojin{ul11etmakl:s Gods ownc mouth, it is faid,chcj'~Tan away, & ,3man auoid Gods pr('fencc, but -holines inakes cried out, WhJ fhou!d wee die"? if rie· h'eare the him draw nccre vnto God,and c.o.rcioyceinhis l6J:7.18. Vo1ce of God any more, we {hall die: fo~ what prefencc. · ' f"fh euer heard tht voyce of the l•uing·God, .,d Then for a conclufion of this point; let all vr,, Ergo, if liued: therefore they fay [0 MofeJ, Goe thou ·men here learne the way to ~ru~ COllragc and ~~~:~b~W~Id neart, and he~tre all th~t the Lord foal/ fttJ, .it.nd boldndf~ be_(ore God: namely? to rtpent 'daily / ncs with , declarerhouvnto VJwha.t God faith to thee, And ofthclr hnnes, and labour rogr"owe in tnrc holi- j ~od,he mutl wecwillhe.areit, and d-oe: it. And then faith the -nd'fc: wealrh nor wir,lear_nhrg noi'authOritie, m~~~oly text, th~ LoYd [aid, I heard the .»;ordJ· of this "can ,loc this for thee, but' onely agood con{cf-· people, they haHe [aide well in all that thl!1 haue 1 e,nce, which tnuft be made good by1grace,&by fPok.fn. And fo, from rhat day ferwal·d:God·or.. . r.rpentance, then lhalt tho.u reioyce inGod 1 pre. dinarily taught his Church by men like themflncc in this " orld, & ddig.b't:to think ofGod .felu:s: _and we fee, that the be-ginning ofit was to Cpeakcof God, to pray vn['o him, to metl:~ not tn tUdgcment, but in mcrcie Vntu them. It Mm in his worCand Sacraincnrs, and at chc.Jafi is~~~re the duricof,all men, ic- -day lhaltthou !bnd with confidence btfo;'e the -- T tt 4 throne •'i ! ·., I