Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

452. 1 The jecond 'Treatife ofthe duties \ \ throne of his glory. Hitherto of the fearc & :iflonil11mcnt of the Prophet, & ofthe cau!cs thereof.Now follow- ! cthhu canfolation. • s.c;;tncrall .Then flew one oftheSeraphims, &c. ftnts. r. 1 In there two vcrfcs is laid downc the tCcond r ti~~~~~~~~~i~· 'ge'nerall point: namely, the con{olation of the Prophet : conccrniqg which, there :1re two· I points in the tCX·t: ' Cireum~ 1. The groul\d and maner of his confolati~ ~~~~::~fi~~: on, that MtiJefrJrgiJJ~mf{eofhMjinne, cc:sarema- 1 z. Diuers circt~mfl..tnces of that confolati– :?'The .. roud on. of it. 1;1 1. The time; Then. z. The MiniAer bywbomitwasdone: an A tend in his doing to thee, thou canfi n~-t tell: and therefore in filcncc, t~ndpatience pof{ef{e th; foul<. ---! . Ag:1in~, h~rc is _3 comfort to all fuch as are ~iJ'r~~~"in diflrcFd 111 mlndc, 111 fcnJ_c of th~ir finncs? and I con!Ci~tJcc, fighcofGods wrath: rhe1r ~arc 1s not d-uf~rafiha~~ti!~~::t b~c, much ldfc dcfpcrate, for they are in th<: ckfp~r:m~_a .I h1gh way to grace~ fauour. God iuftifterh.nor, :~~Y"~~~fl~u~, bur him that repents; God e>.:tdtf nor, bur 'him · couJ'imablc that is humhle: God comfo;·u nor, but him that is diftref{ed: Godhatlimcrcic on none;buc fuch as both .knownc and feele they want it:and know alfo, rhat they know not where to haue ir,bur at hishands.Happy thcrforciS that foulc, · Angel/, ane ofrbcSer1phims. B l fl"~: ::: tilt::,::::,~t':~::::~:::e;::~Y~ ,::: th::Jt fcclcs the 'W:lighr and burden of finne, for to him wil Chriil brin/? mofl cafe and comfort. Gods minHl:crs therefore arc hereby to com- , l' from thealtar. 5. Tbe outward aCl:ion or applic:uion of it; Hee touch<d hu liPR"' · The matter ofthe confol:uion is lafi in onlcr: .Let vs therefore firit lpeake of th~ circumilan– ccs. . s. Cireum• funee,thc: time,diatis, afterhis feare. The firfl: circum{bnce is, the time when this prophet wos.c.onifoncd ,and r-aifed from bis fc~re.Then, faith the text: thati~,Lafter hisfeare 3l1ck~fionifhment,,but not afore. Thus dealt God :dwaies with all his Sjints,:hce bclloweth nogr_~~es on them pertaining tofaluation, b!Jt ~o~lfoJ:~on, .a~ter. he bath by fom~mc.anes or ot11cr brought butafterbll- 1_them to truehumiliatton m themfelues, and t.o miliation. forrow for their finncs:Humiliation is the preparaliue for ..gr_ace ;, fpr whCJ\ by Gght and ~rcnfc of their Gnncs,and theirb.wne mifcrie by finne, hee hatb cUendriuenthemquiteout of thto1fel.ucs,finiiit~g nothing in themfclues, bUt :caufc of fcare~mda!l:oniUnncnt, then pdwres vrer.roall men:Ergo, dlc:emeof afflidions. he the oylc of. grace, and offwcetc comfort in– ",to'their hearts;and rcfrdheth'thcirwcary fouls ,with the dewof his meicic: th~Spoint needes ·11Q further proofe,for loOkc into the fcriptures, :ind-welhalfinde,God ncuer called any man to .thcftatcof grace,or to any nOtable worke or fune\ion in his Church , but heil firit humbled them,ind then brought themou·t Of all conceit with chcmfelucs, and then wrought in them, & I!] thrm, his wonderfull workcs•. - Thevfe oftl1is doC\rinc,is firil ofall to reach 11/l men to e!leemc :1riglitof the: .aflhCl:ions that God Iaycth vpon them in this world:commo~ly m~n. take them impatiently, --:at1d our nature; _grudgeth againA: them: but let a C~riflian man confider with 1~imfclfc, how God,hath alwa1es , .dcalt~Withhis children,and he hath caufe nOt-to .thi)1ke fo: for doth God lay fame great af!liC\.i_- , on, on thee_? it may be bee bath fo~nc mighu.e \NOrkc of hi~ grace·tO worke in thee. or fon~e . great workc of mer.cie to be wrought by thu IJl his:5:hurch, and h'~rcby prepar<th thee for.t~~ {aone••Srty therefore with the holy Prophc~,l pr,l.JH• _hi/de;my to!'g~<<, 0 Lord, andfpakf nothing, keC c'!'!fo·it wa<thy aoing-: and what God may .iti- ' fott diClreffcd confcienccs, to affurc them, that ifwith thts Prophet theybe .fo deeply touched with fight of their finnes, and Gods iuHice, as ·that they cric, Woe u mee, I am vndone; Then, euenThen, arc they moll capable of comfort, and bc!l: prepared to rcceiue it, as here it fell out to the holy Proph~r. !hirdly, here is the ~~e lt·oTI~~ way taught vs IJow to attame to any.excellent exfeue~t graces ofGod,cichcr for their own faluati6, or gmje~atd tbc good 9f the Church, namely to labour for ! ~~~~ab~u; , a fcnfible fec\incr of the want of themm, our ! to fcelc t~; , fclues: for God vfeth tobef1ow nog1fcs on lwantofdlc, any man,but fuch as doe m humlluy and lowlincffc, confeffe to God, and ackno\-vledge in ~ themfelues, the \V3nt of them. So the bleffcd C P:ugm•Ggmficth, God fillerh the hungrT wtth · L'k·•·l!· good things, hut th< richhtefonds empti< 1m>a7: I And fo tlie Pfalmiil, Godfatisji<th the bungri< Pf•L••7·•· [oule, and jilleth th< <mptie [oule with goodn</fo.. So then if thou be rich in,thy conceits, God bath not forrhce: but if thou be hr<»grie, hec is readie to fill thee with good things:211d do{l: thou ><knowledge thy foulc cmpty,thc behold rreafures of goodnelfe, to fccde andfill rhu: & art thoucaft down<'l-vith the Prophet, and·is thy foule emptie of hope, .and fraught with fcare, . thenbehold, eucn then, God and his Angells are rcadic to raifC thee vp-,•and to fill thee-with confolation. Thus much for the time of his confolation: now forrhe Miniitcr, by.-whom D itWM. ' :.': . · .·. OneoftheSeraphimJ. . ·The z.~ circum{hncc of his confolation is·• 2. Cirelln'l~ theMiOHl:erby vvhomcitwas done: Ari An- 1 ~1i~~ffi~~:e geB, one of the Scraphims : that is 11n .Angel! Ang~'·' Se· of thatbr.der 'fo called: out ofwhich we lear~e; ~!;~_~£110 Firlt, that"thcre arcdiuers degrees and feue- ~~~i,d:fc· rail ordcr.s ofAngcls,though.we know not the grm or An· rruc: di~lntl}on thereof: ~~r thinke it lawful to ~~~::;~t~e iriJaoine them to be9· nor to fet them downe part~cularly, aS the Chur~h ofROme d.oth,V\•ho make rltan)rjof their owne deuifes, which 'they -call traDitiOns of cquail authoritie with the · .ScriptuieS.ScconcU)' 1 that t/,ofl holy .Angel.rarc ~~~asr.enr~.t the glori~us guard ofGod,and doe continually Gods gu~rd. Hand about the throne0f his glory, and aitcnd his holy will, both in heaucn and in eanh. - -- Thirdly,