Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

,·---- 1 -------;;;;;I;tig;;ie--;;;;}the~ i;I;Jl;t;;;----------..,-·. -I4'( j ;::- Thirdly, th:tt they are al(o by chc mcrcifi_,n A pl.ottcs.thc.y hauc auoydc~,wh~ch by their ~ne.o! . ~~';':::Tnac ' appointment of God, rhc g'!al."d of fio~r eh;/- : 1 m1cs, (or r~chcr thecuc,mcsot tltur doclnne) l rbey 1~e tb.c -drn 1 , and minillring fpirits km out, as 1t were hauc bl'CilC la:Jc for their hucq\\hllh thl'Jr de;;. gulrdof_ with a commiffion ofthe17oodof the Elet1. AI! huerancc,and tnanymhcr com!otts m chc1r nuGodHh,l· ' '' . . h c · it 1 1 b c G d drcn. thcfe poinrs becaufc they arc m t c1CnpIll cnc.s, w 1ence arc t 1cy ut aom o spro .. / Dt>S-4-.Th:it theyh111~ ~:~a~l1nd ,arc ofgod· lymiRifitrs. tllrc,and doe ldfe conccrnc our ge~crall_fcop:::, tcChon, by the msndtcry ofh1s Angels? which is couching chc Mini(}cne, I pallc them Bc!ote we leaJne thts po1nt, t\\O qu,flJons ;~;~~~:~~~·:.,~t':h:l~~~~~na~:~hf~~::,~~f~;:~ :z. :e,f:~:::~::.:,::~: ,::~~~:',:a:~::~::: J ~ <i!_,rf!ton eleCt, ( 0 ~fpeci411J of Godr minifler.s, _as IS pl_atne pe1fOrme more JCr~ucc ro good Mmij}ers then ~Vt~n~~ 15 in this place, where rhc Prophet becmg afnghto other mcn:l antwcr,rhe rc:afon 1s partly from lt rh:tt An· ted, a hof; Ange!Jis readie to giuc him comforr: I God, parlly from the Ang~ls.' firH, God hath <1 ~tl:ifttetr:';d and fo ouer the whole courfe of the Prophets: principall care-ofthem .aboue all other, mcn,be• l more r.her1 and at this day, theirpr?tcC1ion and comforta.. caufc they workc his worke about al btht'r cal- ~ ~~~~~~eea~· 1ble affirlance, is no Idle prefem to the godly B lings:fOr their labours immediady concerne 1he ton,, Miniilers ofrhc new Tcflament,though f"!Ot in guod of mens foules: whereas others doe firfi t;!~~?~~~e fitch fenfible figncs, and fuch vifiblc manner,as concrrne the body,and ,.-onfcquently ~he foulct ~h~~·:c::;;~e in the oldc: for if they be minifiring fpirics,fcnt thcn:fore, whereas hee harh giucn hu Angel.s ! h1~ worke om forrhc good of them which foal! bee fasud, thargeouerallhU eleCt, to k,:rp~ rhnn huzll their : :~~:~~1.n how much more forthcir good, .,.\•hich ll1all be ,goodlPaJeJ, they hauc afpccia!l charge doubtles 1 Jings· hoth fo 1 mi th~mfob~es,andfaueorhers alfo? I ouer allgodlj-andfatthfulMrmflos, whofc watcs I Pfa/'''· 11 '1:1 V~e.cor.ods I A doCtrine of nre:lt comfort, and much aq:Godsm;1fpenallmanncr. ~~~~ili;~ goodvfe to all Mit~Hers; '-\'ho fitfi af all m:y A_gamc,An~cls thcmfelues as they wilhngty !~~~4t~~J b~ cont~nc 1 here Iearue contentment in their calling: for pcrtormc any fctUlCe to the Church, or to any !dues. ' thou~~ it be , aoai11c bath more comfo1't: and howfoeuer none unploycd for the good of godly nun:ficrs, and ~~m:~r }lowfoeuer no calling hath more croj{es, fo none part thereof, iO.moll w1lhngly of all arc they I f~~~td~:r~. b~ more di(gracc.d hy miUmen,yct none is more that for two caufcs. :~!~~~~;ir 1 honorcd by the holy Angels: a~d howfocuer i1! Ftrll,becatlfc they are their fellow..:.bbourers~ BetauCec~C1 of the A.n1thi~ world they :~.boue any calhng 1 are fcruants both for that_ the Angels & good Minifiers are i;~:~!~~:v: ~~;r~~oue lQ ail men, yet none hach theferuic~ and actenboth ea!led Gods~mbajfador.s1 & Gods ownfer.;. 1.Cor,+ 1; !."E.rgo,la lhcmh~ue ~~:~:~r~c~:~~~ beagainfi ~~~~i~~gtb~. dance of Angels (o much as they: for thot~gh . Hllntsor officers. in a mqre peculiar manner then ~:~~~-~~ we haue themnot to help vs to do the outward C any other cal!ing~anrl for that their feruice is fo Reud.~.& aCtions of our Minifieric with vs, or for vs, (as l like,that thelr pamcs are common_,one to thCo- 1 l·'b2p. fomc popiil1DoC\:ors teach,that in their Ma!fc, 1 1 ther. Angels bceing calledM.inifttrs, and M;... , .Amenisnotfaid to one colleCt', becaufc the nifl~rsAr.g~ll.s, as though theywere:llmofialJ Angels fay Amen to it) yet doubtlefic they arc . I one. prefcnt alwaies,as ac all holy cxercifcs and law... Srcondly, bccaufe the Mipifteri dutie1s, to · :Bc;ttufe t"he1 full aCtions, fo cfpecially at the publikc feruice conucrt and lfme foules,beeinga workc,\\•hich f~~~~~:~~hicfi of God,performed by the MiniHcrs_:and befide (11cxr to the glorifyiug of God, and doinghis dclighmh that,they are witncJTn rhercto,and of the paines, vdll) the .Angelsdo take mofi delight in,abouc: the A.ngds and diligcncc,and f3ithfulndfe ofagoodMiAiany otl•cr: fOr ifrheybefenr out for the good of :~i~~ei~';L, !ler, they alfo doe minifl~r vnro thcn1 oftenrhemwhich !hallbefat~ed, howmuc:hmore wil- ~~b~~:;4, times, bo~ily A:~ength,and affifiance,and •m_ny hn~ly for their good, by w_home rhey ar~ faued, luk.lj.JO'. comforts tn thctt' troublefomc trauds, wh1ch wh1chfhal1 be fam·d? and 1f the Angels reioyc~ they know not how by any naturall mcancs ntt~~conuer(ionof a ]inner, furely they much they come vnto them. And as this dothin doth louchim,and defire to doe him good,by whom thus yecld them contentment againfi the contht finnerUcomterted: and in thefe refpc8:s, an ... tempt, fo :1lfo com·age ag~intl the daunger of D gels and Minifiers l)auc thefome names: and arc this calling. For what though thou hafi mighty both impJoycd in the llme greatwork.!;namcly, menof thi,worJdagain}lthee, \-\'hen chou hail doing good to the EleCt Ang<lilfor the<? and what thougb thou fighTherefore is ir, that the Ang<il calls him• tdt againft principalities and p OW(:rS, _ V\'h("n folf~S.fohlt the Evange!i.fts fe!Ww in the Rcuc-laReueLr.9o thou haA: Chemhins, and Scraphims on thyfide? tion: If then they be f~I/Qw.s, cuen tCl!ow fer- · lo.& :n 1 ' godly Miniltcrs baue many enemies, but if by uams, and fdlow-labourcrs, in a nJore fpcciaH I the eye of fililh they can fee as well \\·ho arc manner then any other, \Yh:lt. rnarudl though with them, as with the qeof~eafon who arc athe Angell.s bemoll willingly imployed in dogainfi them, they will confdle with Elifha_thcre ing~my fcruicc ofhelp or l-omfon to godly mj.. a. <l!_,efl:inrt. are mo?cwith vs, then againfl vs. The Clones of niHcrs? \\'hat duties a_ll a.ges doe affirme, and the comfortabl~ expcIn the fecon~place. If~".Y aske, if it be fo, 1,1~~d%i~t~ ncncc ofthefedaycsofours do~h vcnfic the then ,,·hat dunes arcMmlflers fim w pcr· truthhereof. Miniller~ rh~t _liue inplaces verie to A~JeUs,forthis1hcir fo rarefull fcrui_re, :1nJ , ~:~:~\~~'o'Jr 1 pro. phane, or verypop101, 'tt IS admtrable to fee cfpcctall attendance vpon them, aboue other worn11p t~E I ho~~1any~.angc~~:Y ~uc_cl:_ap~,~nd what men? ~itl's~d~~.l'a· . i~