454 i The fecond Tteatiji: of the duties 1 I A-I;-;-pift would anfwcr ; Miniftm mu{\ A world, yet it ma)'yeeld comfort and ~omcm- / ____ I therefore \vorfh:ippc them, and keep their fJ{\:. ·mcm to ~ll fa.ithfull MiniHcrs in their paincfuH . ing, holy-d:lycs,and f:ty their fcruice,anJ pray calling. ,! , f \vmo thctn, as to their keepers ?nd Mediaron. But !et 'vs fcc'how the Autr//prrfofmcd his I ' But alas, caqnot the Kings Mdlcngcr or officer ~crui~c to the Prophet:_ not Vm\·illingly, not , I be honoured, :vnlcffc he be Cet vpon the Kings hngn.nglyj l.nttfptedi~r: lt_' faith the Texr, throne? will nothing !Crnc hi:n, but the Crowne Hu jhw:. 1 .circum. 1 lcffc they be made Gods, or Sattiour.r, or medi.t._ the :An_r,e//!1ad wings:for they hauc no corp~a/1 fi~~:~.ru.:~:lic I a~tl Scepter?IO cannm Angels bc.ilOnourcd,vn. \~Vhich is no: (o to br vndcdlood,as thoHgh HaocC',thc ~ ton? But lanfwerrhercfOrc, we dare not go fo nor feniible bodies, but fpiriuMll and inten~i.- [ , iltrc, lcaH '-'\"C remember the fcru:mt fo much, blc fob'il-tt?JCts, the actions \.\'hereofarcpcrforj that we forget rhc maflcr:but r~rher we anfwet med wilh_ fu~h nimblendfc and agilitic, as.c:u!- I J11;;:~~cr;;i. ~;o~~:~~~~t- ! rhus;fccing Angrls <~re thus tCruicc:lbi~ro gods nor f:.all wltlu!l_thc compaff: o~ o~t~ard ten{ I."• 1 1Jr, 1 u1Jiogly. forc:hon:our - mmiflcrs, it fhould firUof ~11 reach a!! men to But the phrafc·ts vfcd for our capacltlcs,Lo ihew that o.llm~. i honour that calling,with all due rmcrencc:For how rc::H.!ily and fpeedi!y the A ngel/ went _about. they cannm but plcatC the tOtge/s,in·honouting B to mtni!lcr comfort to the Prophet. for as no- • good Minifler.rl whom they cficeme their fdthing mour:.h fo quicldy to our fenfe, as doih luweJ. the creatur·e that.fi}cth; and as we fay, that man 1 .so MiniSecondly, idhoniJ tc:lch al1 MiniO.crs, not doth Ric about h1s burineffc, which doth it llersllloulJ to content thcmfclues with the name and title, quickf.y auddiligentfJ: [o here the holy Ghott }:}:~f~~~~nb: \ but to labour to be good :~.nd faithfult, For fo fees downc the willingndlC and quicknetTe of thcitulliD~- \ doing,thcy arc fcllo"''cs to the Angcls,and it is the Angell, to comfort this holy Prophet, ::~nd adifgracc to t.he Angels,. when: tho!C that ~re to doe the will of God, VVhcrC\\'Clcarnc; their fellows arc vnbithlull. Firtl,whar cxl"cl!cm feruants ofGod the ho- : Do8:r.t.Ste f~!~:!o~~~ And it Jl10nld further teach rhem to adornc ly An gels be, vvhjch fo rcaciily, willingly, and ;:~~~~crxu~e~;, ly lire. their calling with aholy life, for as finn is th:lr, fpcedilv execute the will of their lord. This ofGo.!,Au•. that gricues the Angels, and driues then1 aw:~y, mull: t;ach all Gods fcrtlams todoe thelikr, . 1 gdsarc. I fo it is grace & holines,which makes them deand to imitate them in this excellent obcdilight ill the fcllovv{hip of men. encc: And the rather,becaufe we pray daily to Tob And it may alio encourage any man, ro ~ake God; Th_;r JVi!llu_d~ne_i., eArth tU it kin he.t,~~~: li T;ci~~:urth ~·;J.i~lful~i_n paines in that holy calling . whcrin he is furc to In c::~nh of vs, as lt 1s 111 heauenofthe holy ':An:. P . n. . lheucall.iog. l haue GoJs .An1,e!J, m a fpcciaU manner to atge!lr: but they doe it mofi cheerefully, and tend him, to affi(l him, tb protect him, and to : c without alllingring, therefore fo ought wee.. Vfe. we be 3 witndfe of his faithfulneffe:& who would Mag fi,.Atel in thei~ plaas, and ~Winiflers in 1n,:un~oferue not work cheercfullyin that labour, wherin he thcfrs, and cuery mao in his flmdion, is to ap.:. !~~~~·~our bath the Angels to be in a fore ftllow-wori(_us ply thisto himldfe,and to be 1\irrtd vp thereby with him? ro a cheerflllnc!fcand quirkncsin their dudes, Th.usto~. To doe thcfe three' duties, is to honour good for therein they relCmblc the bldfed Angels,& ~~~~ono~r ~;f:;~·c:~~h~~~: ~;nt;~c;~a~,.~f;af{~0r1h:~~~ ~~~t;r~~~~i1::~: ~~~~~~~t~·;:i~ ~u~~~ ~~~~~1;l~n~~; fdues fufficicnrlyhonoured ofthat man. and vnreadily is like the Dcuil: which iod.rcde Anclifa MiAnd if befide this honoHr 1 we would reioyce doth Godrwi!l,and yet againtl hi&will: and furclcti~mh· thctp, then ll1 the fourth pbce, let all Mmifters ward. But as God IB:leth a cheer~full giuer, fo l.Cor 9• 1 • ~!~:re~v~h~: I Gods Ange/lJ, an~ Miniflcrm:m'r of ioy ~mo ly vnto fUch obed.1encc there bclongctb no re ... ~~;r:;;i;o propoundc to thcmfelucs abouc all _things, CoJJbtlcffc loues he a chcercfull worker. _prcich ash:: thecimverftonoffoulc.r, rather thl"n the1r owne Secondly ,we fee here how gr-eat loue AngcJs Doth.s. may win!)(: I praife or liuing, or plcafing of men, and fo en- 1 bean~ vnto Gods children,efpecially vntogod- / ~;~d:~~~~ foulcs. deuour it both in teaching, and all their other D ly Minificrs, howwtlling!J thl"y arc impJoycd I :rctogoo? · courfcs, that the Angcf.n{:,ay fecir, and be witto doe them goodJVillingncjfe,·J.Ild readindfe to :r;;;~~~~d j ndfes of it: for tf they reioycc at the conuerjion doe good to :my m:m, muH ncedes come from Miaitlcrs. I of tJ Jirmer,(as Ch:-i!l t3.ith they doe,) then tRofe Joue: and yet ::tlas all men,cuen thebefl,:md all men make them oftefi reioJcc, which doe moH: Miniflcrs, cuen the: beJl,are crcJturcs far infe~ii ferioufiy aimc-a.r the comurjionoffrnners-.. rior to the Ar.gelt, And thus we fee, both the fcruicc of Angc1s Here frlagijh·AteJ andMini}ler.r,mufi lcnnc to Gods"miniflers, and the dmies tRcy arc eo to be fJrrefrom contm;pt oftheir inferiours: & r.Vfc.Ergo. fi1periours louc1hcir inftriours.& performe to them in rhat regard. The due conto doe their duties ofruling and te~c~ing ~arcfi.deration of this point,m~y raife the u;orldto :l .fully, though the people be far tl1e1r rnjer1ou;J: ~~;~e;;: better conceite ofthis Calling, and perfwade it is then;~.ture offouc to make any man doe ferfathers to dedicate their fonncs to it, and fline uicc moBwil/ing1},tohim thnt he loucs,though vp yo.~mg jl-Hdenu to confecratc thcmfelues he be far meaner thcnhimfelfc. thcreto,apd turnc their {tudics tO th:\t end~ for Ifchc-rc!~rc Princn lone their flJbirCts, they c;~~i:~~··~~c no m:~n 1 nno cal!Jng hath fo ~>c:cJaltatten~nce • .,·ill not 1i,are any c:~.rr, colt, nor psincs, nay, good. and aftitlanccof Gods Angels, as godly Mrmthey wil reio~cc ~o do them goo,d,:.md they .wil mjfers hauc: At leafl, 1f Jt work~~<?.:_this m t~e_ labo:.:.!...a be hk.c_:~l~ -:!;'gdJ, \\'110 are far gtea~ tCl" , /. -------~-------