The fecond Tteatife of th~ dutiei I Uer touchcd,nor their foules fca(oncd \Nith the A he formc.rly complaincth ofthe po!l:ttio~ of his fantlifying grace of Gods iftirit, which fit flill lips., fo tlle medicine, is applied to his fippes: . :1nd fee great and gricuou!l (bjnes in a Church Here the, Angcll, which in rh is: cafc·is made i and corn1ption in a State, 3nd can be comcn~ Gods miniller cloth teach all Gods Miniflcrs l ncuer to rcprooue them, Miniftt>rs a g~eat point ofwifdomc,in heaucnly Diui.nity: Do 6h.Ergo, '\were pcri'-'·adcrs oncly,:ltld not repro9u'ers.. ~3J1lc:iy ,to apply t~eir d~Ctri~1 to their aud1cnce ~~~~~~r~ic But when this comes to be waied in the bat.; JH fuch manner, as dwurcum{hnccs of p.l,ace, 1 d!drJt~hin bn~eof a good cot1fciencc·, it w\11 be found; mncs, or perfons, dOe require: fomc Min.iflers . 1 fitly. that not the pl(tt.Ji~?g tongue, but thefiery come to an ignorant anti vnhumblcd p.fople, · i'S the principall grocc of. a goorl.(Yfinifter.. . 1 :md te.,.cP.._~tb.:em t~e' Gofpe/1, whi~h 11cu~r ~ne"'•\ 1 · Bnt to goc further: whc~tC( dmc this Coalc~ the ~a-,p: here the ji(l·tc loale is yfc,d, bu~ the T~rk$nfromrhe .Altar. · liP(·~!·~ pot touchcP,tha~.i.s,gb,O~4qffripeE.aught· ii:~:::~; This coale of.{ire was taken by the k&~ll. ; but no.~"?>ell app!J.ed l fqr that the la"Ye lhoul<\; f~om thea!rar of God, \'-'here was a·fire wli.,ic~ firO'Jbe bjd;:() th~ir ~anfci~J1CCs:oth,€r~ beacc al lnCuer\\'entout: and this fire w,as ..that., th_-,a~ 1 Ypontl." ,_... wh·n·,·,~a)•bethe'r-'-e· cr•a e· Wh<·m",",'h',·, . ••m•firo- h··--cn ,. retlt downe by God, •t t.hc.· · 1 !.hP'"W·J "· ' ...,. 1 iP :otf ~-t. r 1 • • • ... ·- ." ~ peopl~,(l\{li,,ienrly ca(\,dow~e, ~nd)l,auc more· ili:'~;~:~~ ! dedication ofthe Temple by Salomon.• Aqd tbi~ H nccde robe raifed vp with the fv\'Cete co~(ort' wh1ch fire. fire ktndlcdby god neucr wcm out:for no m;~ B ofJ"hc'Gofpdl:othcr vfeto lay open thertfakcd- ~':u'c~om l could k1,1d!e thl! firc,but all P,thcr,was counted nes of.thc:Court, in the-country,& torepr.ooue Leult to 1,1. flrangc fire; As Nadaband AbJhu, trtedmwge~ the faults of.P.rinccs.and great mat;:iHrares·bcn oar.'rhe lite&.uak ofthe Mini~ llermult: c:omcfro:n GOdsfpirir~ Af.tq. !.htth.J.If.o Nor from carn~llaifc,aions. far that is from hell. not from hca"cn. j.eireul'fl• !lance, the APt.>li(.'ation of the rcmc1 ~;!~:s~hich ! woc<pollu· tcr!. fuU txpeitencc ,.~~btn the; would '!eedts offer wtth. fore thr•cpmll')oR>peoplc, who ha.uc more need it. . of theCatechifme:qthcrs Q'ing the Cacechifme Now the Prophet nmil be cleanfed with th~ or potntsofordinary i11firuChon intoth~cfJitrl,_ firewhtch came fr<;>m l-Ie4um: te:lch!ng vs,that where the, duties of Kings· and Co~t?fji!Our! the Mini!ler ·n~u!l h:1~c hi~ ji~~ie to_Ji$uefr9.the 1 01o,uld be..taught in altplaiondfe a~1d finccrity: holy Gho.fl: As the Ap.oH!es wef~. taideJo be o,thers bring their new opiniot}~,or comr6uer6aptifed with theholy Ghofl andwithfire, Afief fall points .vnto popttlar audiences, whjch inri~ tongue. is a fpeciall,ornatn~nt of a M!ni(le.r; Cccdc arc fit,fot: thc{chooles:- Other bufi~ tbcm.. but that fire mufl: .come from heaucn : that is,. feJues abo,u.t ctrtmo.nin·,wh~P the fobj}.g~; is, his :z.rale mu!t be a godly and heauen!y <.<ale; in dangerro be loft: All thde ( haue it but be that bath • rayling,a lying, afign~erouli, but iris mifapplied, ;(nd not malitious, ora contentious .tqngue, bee hatP ~ ') app!U4 ta_, !ht,.polluted Iippes. let -a11 .¥ini.flers fterie tongueindcede: ~\lt_this is•kindlcd of t~q therefore learnc this point of wifedomc pfthe fire of bell, as, S. lamu faith; The vnhridled. .Angel/, to apply the medicines of theirdo&rine t<mg!<f, U, awur/d.of_wick!4>t•ffc, and dejilerh the, C to the•times, perfons, and pl~ccs, whioh.artjnwholthodie,fotteth,opfire t.he whole courfoof nafecred, fo lball they be fure notto rakepaines, turt, and is fot on fireof,heO. ' in vai~•.Atld·thusmuch ofthe circumfianccsof So then, afpitcfull ~nd matitious tongue we his confol~tion. fee, iSafierie tongHe, but thatfircis ta~en fr~m lt followqh in the text, Lo~ thine iniquiti~ hell,and not from (,iods altar.. · foal/ bttak,!naway,andt~l'[inne!furged. And bee that Hands vp to preach with thu After the Cn-cum/f•pw,. followoth rhe tongue, God will neuer (uffer any gre<lt wor}cc ground anO manerofhts confolation:, to be done by him in his Churc!l, though his is the forgiueneJTe of hU jinn,es; where firfi, let tongue be neuer fo ficric~ 3tld,his ncuer vs mark~: b9W 1 iJ: and rhc infirument areann{lxfo powerfull. , eel together: J.oe, fai1h thP.Angell, this ooAit As therefore M!niflertmu!t abhorrc theflathath touched.rhy lippcs,.andthy iniquitiet 11.>>.11 tering and pleafing tongut, ~md mull home afie.. be forgium, and rhyftn.~upurged,as though ~e rie tonguc:fo on theother fide,this fire mufl be - had beene clcnfedby the Coale; where we ji1ay from Gods~!tar: thar is, the fire oftheir z.~ale. QOte, how gre~ulyGod magnifieth the meanes mufr be kindled by Gods fpirit,and n_ot by the D ·which himfclfe ordaineth, euen true remiflion mors, turbulent 3.nd proud hum~l!rs,.new opi.. ' them, though it come not from rhcm,but from s.J'oinr.tbc g;:~;~r~fa· ~~~o~fi~~ linne"' Dodr.r.'for– giucndfc & rhcme.nts. arcanntxcd togcth«. fpitltof difoord and dijfentidn. Ambitious huI and faluotion to the right and holyvfing of niono;,priuatc quarrcls,al thcfc,nor a11y~ofthc(c ~ hi, own~ 1~n~rcie, and poWer of his ordinanc~. are for the pu:pir. . It is thereforeno m:~rucll,though God fanCHfi- . vre. !fV, Thefe may make a man fie·ric tong~~ed, bur I cth the child by tht Minillc.rieofwaterinbap. , :!':a~~"'·icb this fire, was nruer taken from God:s,alrar,as the tifmc, and fecde our fou~es 111 the Lords~upptr• l rcu<rf"'·'· Prophets W3S : this fieri~ to11gue ncucr came by feeding our bodirs wnh bread and wmc : &: · saddefpt(c from heauen, as the Apoillcs aid. lt followI no maruell though rhecarelejfcnegt.fl of tithtr 'b'"""' h I of them, be damnation. to them rbat defpifeth et , . .Andtouchedmy tippet. tl1em, feeing they are G~ds in!trumems ordaiThis fifth and lafi circum!tance, is the .Apned by him to conucy hts grace vnto vs. And p!icatiorJ ofthe rcmedie. The coale which is the I yet for all this, vvcarc to knowe, that remillimcdicinc,is applycdby this Angcll tohislippu, on or faluation, is no more tyC'd to the very c.. t~~'·~~o that pare which was polluted: •nd as lemcncs, or the aCtions, then_hc_t:_the p,op~~~----