Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

, / anddignities ofthe Minijlerie. ___ j _+~7_ !- fcngiuencfl~ to ~he Cu~le ~~fire. , I A Now to lay down \\·hat be. t~of\.' true a1~d good i ·~hi~, i~ do~e ' but the mame pomt Is,that forme Prophets groundcs, .. vhcrcupon aM1ndlcr may f:1:.cly and ~io';1i~~i. I J coufo!drion rhc An·,cll tells him his iniquities comfonably pronounce pardon of finncs to a care, ()f <80ull be t:tkcn Jway ~and hUjinnNpurgcd, as if ~ tinncr, belongs properly to another I!l::cc. (,icncc. I thereby he bad (aid,thy fumes were the caufc of I ln thc- next place: Let vs here oblcrue how Dotts.l'rue thyfea~·c, therefore that thy ~ear.c may be taken t~hc Lord afor~ be renew the Pr.opheu commif- ,;r·;~;11i~:Ai~;~ a~;\•ay, thyji.-mcsjl..-a/lbc f..?rgmcn. lion, or fend hun to preach to :he people, fir!l, h cobehii1OCltb.H:re VVhcrc wee lcarnc, that as feare comes hy humblu hin1 for hh 11nnes; and then vpon.. his ~~~~;;~~~~! td l fr~~~or~:~~in- . fin, ( 0 all true comfort comes fro!? thef"r$f'urcpemanc~ '· giu~s him pard~1-1: reaching vs, ncR'e ofou( ' n~Jfo of jimu:s: tbi~ is tl~:tt, ~hac oncly paC1hcth tha~ no Mlnlllcr_ 1~ \·\'Cll quahl-icd to the holy fi 1111 cs. the confciencc, and fausficm the fouk. When duc1cs of chc Muu.fler:e, vnldfc he hauc crucly TrueinDaDrmid had finned againtl the Lord in his n.-..·o repented of h~s ~nncs, and hauc obtained par· uid. - grc:lt fins, and thereby prOl~okcd Gods ~Haeh don ~n~ merCie m the Mdlia~. aoainH him,:md wounded IllS 0'.\'ll confCicnce, Mnuflers labour for qualijicatiom, but the i{?chc Prophet had told himhe had made hitn l true Min iller of God will labour for thisqulfli- :.S.t;n.JJ, k.!,ngdomu more, hce h~d not fv r~- -B .ficution abouc all other: for doubt!dfe he_{hall ioycc:d his heart, as when he told l-11m, after hts 1 . pronounc,• mofi pov,·crfully the pardon of hnnes rcpcnrance,th)finnesareforgirtcn rhee, thou{haft w others, to v.hofc confcicncc God bath pro..o Andinthi' not die: So when this Prophet was cxtrcamdy hounced pardon of hh o1vne. , Prophet. affriglltcd :lt Gods prc(c:ncc, bccaufc of tOme In the bfl: place, lcr vs obfcruc how the Pro..: finnes & negligcnces in his calling, it had been phet bccing to be ,comforted before he go this l'lO comfort to his poore foulc, to haue bccnc ne .. ,·c Embaffagc, the Lord is fo carefull for told, thou fhalr haue amore cloquem tongue, him, that rather then he be not comforted (if and a more powerfull fpeech, thou iliollc hauc there be noman to doe it), An Angel]!Jail be better accdfc to the Court, and audience befcnt robe bis comforter, and (ifthere bee uot fore the Kit)g:all thefc , and all !itch like,would another P1·ophet to doe u) .An Angell fl1al pro·- haue bcenc no better thcngm"ldcd poifon vmo nounce vnto him ~he pardon ofhis finncs. him, beeing in this cafe: bm the happie ~nf..,,·cr Let this be an incouragemcm for all PaflorJ that refrdheth his wca.rie foule more·then :1ll ~nd Miniflers ofGods Church, to labour painthe world,was this,Loethy iniquitist~r~ forJ:iNen, , fully & faid1fuly in their places,for the goodnes aud th] (im1eJpurged. , I ef-the Lord \ovillncuer faile thcm:nor !hall they vrr.Hcrels All faithfull Miniflcrs mufl here Jearncthc C wantcomforr,whcn euel;.they fiandin ncede' the rrue true way ofcomforting troubled :.tnd ~iHrdfcd thereof. Yea rather £hall Angels from beauen £:~dill~~{?" conlciences, namely, firtl todrawe h1m vnto a be heltlCl'S and comforters~ tlicn faithful IMinir~deOnf~· fight of fomc particular finne~, thet1 to tUmmon ficrs fuall be left dclHtute. . him into Gods pcfcocc, and there to arraigne Hitherto ofthe fecond gcnerall poinr, namhirn for thofc finnes, vmi!.thevicwofthe foully, ofthe Prophets confo)ation. ndfc ofhis finncs, and the gloric ofGds iufiice The third and bfi gem·rall point is, the reno.-. h:.tue fufficicncly hmnb!d him, :md then to la. tlation of the Prophets commiflion, in the eight, hour to perfwadc his c.onfciencc vpon good and part of the nimh verfes, and it comaineth groundes of the p~rdon ot thofe fin~cs by three! parts, 1. Aqudtion or inquiric made by Chril\ Iefu•, this jsthe way that Godvfcd and God; Whome jha/11 fende, andwhojhallgoefor dcuifcd, ,this is the ft1r~ way, that cannot vs? I failc. .. . . , z. The onfwcr of the Pro~het: Jl.rc am!, Some thin~e that :1ll trouble '?f m.indc is nofondmef. · ; th~ng but m.elancho!y, and therefore thinke no- ] 3· T_hc commHlion renued ~nto him: Tl 1 c I - ! Phyfick:n<i ourwudcO. foruwilnot • f~rue. l l'f~I.:.J.6·7· ~lal.p.J.i. ~lll.s• the 1vholePfal. thtng nerdes but PhyfifkC and outwarQ comLordfiud. Goc,andfpclfk!vntotlmpeople. fom:but he rhar confid,crs in what cafe rhcpro- D The fir(\ part is aqueftion made by God, by phct here was,or Dauidwhen he made the 6.~he way ofproclamati6,~·hercin he cnquircth who 3l.Or the; r. Pfalmes,will be of another mind, fhall goc preach vmo thispeople. , :.tnd will fin de char nothing can properly trouAlfo 1 hMrd the voice of the Lord 1 faJi"ng, ble the migde but fin ne; therefore as the wife whomcPuzlllfend? andwhofh~tllgoefor'l.l.t? Phyfttion inhis cure,firCl fcar;~~eth out the cttuft, In '-yhich Proclamation, and incp:irie of the and then endcauours to take it away: [o the Lord, we arc not to imagine,thatthe Lord was good Ph;Jirianofrhy foulc,mufl firflofall feareh cjtlm vnprouidcd of liteh as(houldcxecme his into the caufc ofhis fickcneff~. that is hisjinnes, will, or knew not"' ho vvcreab/e, or who \I\' ere and muCl take them a 'IN ay: v>hich if they doe rviJ/ir.g to goe preach his ·word: For as the ADoSG. Tnze l'ro~hets & Mimllers lh:tllhaue hclpe ~od comfort in their J~burs, elsAngds Ozaleonleto comforrthS, Cener:tll points, the rrnuingof hiseommif· lion,whieh cont:tinctll 3.poinu. I.Codsquc– rlion. Whom lltaU Ifcm1. Nou.t thou&h God haa none to frnd,or knew not whome. not, then all· their labour is loCl: for all the poHle faith, in the matter ofEleflion; The Lord compo.nie> muficke, rccrcation,v\·ine, diet, 11 ay /z.noweth who arebi!: fo much mote in particu. :t.Tim.2.19. worldly comforts and dcligh:s, if it were the: lar vocation!, The ~ordktJorveth rPho arehtS, and 1 aduat,ccmcnt to a kingdome, cannot fo much neede not to askc, whomejhafl I fende or n•ho 'l comfort the clil1rc{fcd foulc of a linner, as this /hall gut ? But then it in:~.y bee dcma~mded Buttoonr conccits:znd foronrfakc, to trach v, n1~ny good dofhines. I voice ~fa M,inifler fpokcn from God vpon "':hy the Lord faith fo ? I anfvvcr , not fo; g_?~!_groundcs i !!:J_ finnes are f:!!giuen thee. his 0\1\~c f<~kc '·bm for ou~c hereby ----------------------------------------------~V_t~IU=-1 .~h_c~------"