: 458 i 'The fecond T reatife of the dutiei ~~ ---- \ h~.·ould inllruet, in dil~~rs points of holy do– l Chine. . ~13 ~t~ ~r;~' FirH> hereby he would g:vevs to vndcrHand, , :ago<>fl Mihow h3rd a thing it is to tinde an 3ble andgodly 111 lt::r. )f;ftniftcr: t~Jr if there were not a grcat{i:;xrfirie I Oh.l'here of fu~h men ,_the L~rd n_cedcd not ~!ikc lhis :arc toom:tquell!on. Bnt io:r.c \Nil\ ob1ctl Jg:linfl this,that f fJ/f,:~~~~~· 1 tbe_r~ :ne in many Chriftian Churches_fo 1~1any vp&dnwnc. lV/mijfers, as they cannot 311 bee malnta1!1cd, ~i·~~r~:;~ !\ but iOt~~c go_c vp ant~ downc v_nd1fj)ofcd! and dcrin"' . vnprou1dcd for. I anlwcr, this IS too true 111 all Churdl. :1gcs: there v.·crc wandring Leuaes in the Olde A I ous, an~ it is a \Vorkc worthy the labour of Ki:1gs and Princes to reformcit: and is a Kirgs I eu:!l; not to bee healed but by the po\\ er of a , King :for as long as rhere arc tO fcwe and mc:ln ' preferments fOr paincfull Minitlers, there will I ncucr want aboundanccof{Uch Minil1ers as do wam either confcicncc or abiiitie to difcharoc I their duties . 0 T~fiamcnr,\\'hich "''Cnt vp and down and olfe– Indg-t-9-'·'il· red their fcruicc ,and lerucrl for 1 o. fl,(lz!/s of Jil– and 11· 8 • 6 • tur,anda[i1ite of apparel!, r.nd meat;tmd.drinlzf: but this cab;nitic was vpon the Church of the: B Icwes,(neucr but thcn,)whcn thererrM no kjng in ![rae!, andelterie one did that wh1chwa1good in his ownee;n. If therefore there be any in our Ch11rch, and in Chrillian nations, which go vp and dov\·n, and offer their fcruice at fuch rates, it is much more miferablc, fecing now thereare In the mcanc time , till God put into the . vr~ '· To hearts of Parliamcnll and Princes, to looke to M1nilten. this great and nccdcfull worke; let vs Minifle-o 1 ~h~·~~~:;1_ learnc our duties: :md firfi, we who arc in the fitics fr~me Vniuerjities 1 arc here admonifhcd to looke to e,eili~c~ii~:. our fclnes. By Gods bleffing we arc many, and fierie. d:nl~ growcmorc and more: let vs therefore fo \ furn101 6ur fclucs , as that. when God or his Church l11all fay, whojhallgo~forvs, and whome [hall f fond?then he 111ay fin demany amongfi vs, l ll1d.g.,,.6, k,ings in I[rat!: and therefore it is no rea(on that cu!.!ty man rob rhe Church, as it i11all ple~fe his coucrons minde. But ceafi.ng to enquire whe– ther this be fo or no: and if tt bee fO, leauing the refOrmation thcrof to thole Churches and t~~~;:~~; Scares whom it m:ly concern~: I anfwcr for the for any. mancr in hand, tho.t this may bee fo, and yet the Lord may complainc as here hce doth ; Whom fhalll fend ?fOr the Lord mcancth not fuch as bearc the name of Leuirer or Priefh in the olde, or of .tU.i11ijlers in the ne\YC TeHa– ment(for there were a!waies enough of them: t who, fome for preferment fake, fome for their eafe, and fomc for a refuge ho·w to liue, arc willing to enter that funChon, and :accordingly in that calling,fcck not the lord 1 but themfclucs and theit· ownc ends.) Butforgood But here the Lord cnquircth for fuch men, Minifters. as firft,pwc!J doefoe}zy anG ''ndcnakc that fun– Ction, therein tohonollr god ,and to gather his Church, and then in all thdr labours and miniJ. ficriall duties, truclv :-tnd faithfully eodeauour to the fame ends; Pr.eaching Gods wGrd, and M Gods word, diligently reproouing, exhorting, and admonif11ing and f11ining beforc their peo– ple: in good works: for fuch mcn,it is no mar– uell though the Lord light a c,andle at nocin_e day, an? n;ake open Procbmadon to fcckc for them, laying : whomc]hall I fe•d ? for fuch a lob 33 .n. m.an is as ltJb faith, One of a thoufond: for fome w:mt abilii:ic to difchargt:' their duties, as Paul 1.Cor.~.1 6', , faith,WhottrefuJ!icient for thtfo things? And fqme wane willi1igneffc to vnderrake the labour ~·as God here complaineth; who jl;all goe for vs? Now/to make vfc of this doCtrine vnto our Church. Good il!ini.. It wen~ tobe wil11ed,th:1t in thrfc d:aycs,and ~~~€~~c~~~;~ for our ChrillianChurches, the Lord had not as grc:tt c:tufe to cry out in the want of able, 1 faithfull, and godly Mini!lcrs, wkome. [hall I fe~d, andwho(btdlgoefor vs? But :l!as, th'1s '.\'at~t is~'~pparem, and this ~~~i~2 is too notonwhomhe may fende to that great workeofthe I ll1inifhrie: and let vs fcare to be fuch, as th3t God may <l.ffirrne of vs, as he did in the d<tycs of (ob' that hec cannot finde One of a tbonI [and, Sccond!y, all Minifters lcarnc here: not to l, bbonr 10 contcntthemfclucs With the name <lnd title of b"'"orchic Miniflcrs; but labour for the fubfl:andall orna- ~ Min~llcrs. mcnts thereof, nor tobe willing ro takt:thdJOnonr and liuing.r, and tG refufc the burti)Cn 411d duties ofthe Minificric. For elfe let them know, God bath no neede FotGod ofrhcm: for had the Lord pleafed or contented hath vfeof himfelfc with fuch kinde ofmen, :~sflek.f to bee ~:~~·:f1!nC \ Miniflers for themfelues and nor for his fake: confdona- , or beeing.Minifiers,doe fecdc thentfclues, and ~~~~3fi~: not their flocke: or Preach themfclues,and not ·~· ·. Chrifl: then had hcc not needed to haue made this Proclamation, for Ages haue yeldedft:ore of fiteh. But contr,ariwife, he that is painfull and fa~thfull in this fun CHon, let him knowe, that God and his Church hath ncedcof him. ' Latlly, here the RvmifJ? f!lea~gie arc i1.1fl~y to 2 .vrc.Tothe be taxCd,~.oYhofc number IS mfimte~ut 1t 1sia- ~ cJ~rgicof m&'table to fee how fcwc amongth.embce fuch ~~~~·t~ a~ thr Lord here {eeketh for. Then Orders of' them, thn . 1 Regu!qr~ are exceeding many, beflde all their ~~ar~u~~:rc Secular Prief!.r, and it is almo!l incrcdiblc,how 1, ne7n fewof. many thoufands there be ofDomfnicansor Fri- ~ ~~dt!f!~~ ci{cans)or in fomc: oneoftheir orclcrs:andyCt aD mongft the many millions of thcjr Monkes, ·· there is fcarcc to be found one of many, who for his learning& other gifts, is fir eo be fcnt to I the workc of God : riay, tbeir igl'lo~ancc \\'95 l palpab~c and ridiculous to the world, vntill of ~~~~~~:~~~ late bcmo bv Luhter, and others ofour Chtlrch · and MCNiks made :dh~m.cd thereof, they haue labourea (c- 1 are ignorant fpccially the lrfuites) to become_learned. How I drones. foule !!. thing is it that amongfi fo_many, the: Lord fl1ould hauc caufe to complaine; whome Thclefuits jhall we fend? The lefP.dn indccde,. ~any of I ~f~~~~e:tr~o them, arc learned, but for m her qualmes:thcy confcicnce: arc fitter to be plotters and praCl-ifers in Sr:uc.. ~nd arcn· , . • ther St~ce~· rnartcrs, Sp1cs, or lntclilgencers, rcconctlers, men, then feducers, and fubucrters, then Minijlen : and \ Diuinc•. fitter to be intlwmcnts ofpolicie to cuill kings, then