Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-,-----· ----- --------- and drgnitiesoft_~e."!i~ij!crie~ ___.;_;___~-J,:~~ ' I - , d~~n-;nindlers 'cl'~hc Go/pelV~l~-God.But t~kc A & holy hymncs, and of hono~1·ing h1m id out t away them, and lOmc fcwc.fdc:Clcd Mqnkcs lluc5 and callings. . . : / (and rhofe but a fc wc out of nllny thoufands) , But to prOouc one Ofthc '-\'orcls; H o!r,Hu(n 1 and then cuea for learning God r~UY. cry. and Jlo!J~ tllc three Pcl'IOns in Trinitic, fcctncs tO I ' call,and proclaimc in their MonaHeric~:.w?ome b:~ no tic nor iO'ulid cOllCdiO.Rathcr in m}' opi:. jbtlll I fond ?And ifit be a {hamc and m1lcnc t? nkHi, wC may t3fcly colkCt and con(lttdc mu I 3Cht1 rch to v\'ant fi1ch as G~HI ma_y fend, -Or r_d of tbCfC words( I and vs) th:lt tilhc ate 1i1brc hauc but a fcwc, then rhc Romifh Ch~rch tS pcr(qns id the 1'rinitie thcr1 dnc ! fot lirtl, GOd lhameldfc, which thamcs not to h~auc (Qm~·ny, thc·F;uher,or the ..,.,·hole Dciric (airh:IFhomjhl1! and yet amongH rhcm all, whom Qod may f {etitft at~d then changing the ti1irtihci', he tlith: fcnd,a)mOG nQnc. f'l/hojljn!lt.oeforvJ? FOr ho'wfocuct God moy ooch.,,N.., In rhc next place. hy this: inquirie, and queimply in the .word ( V1,) that heC rhat is fcnt tO ::ci1 ;'~~,r ftion made by God, whomfh411 Ifend, andwho r Preach, is fcm is well for the good of the lcndhin1. jb 11 !lgoe for vs? The Lord ~ou!d :c.ach .vs, chat I Church, as for Ius owneglone, yet can he not 110 man is tovndcrtakc thu ~unCtJOn,. vn~dfe be dcmcd,bur that the plural! number here, :~nO. ~:=~~~~ God calla"dfond him: thcrdor~ here are conclfc whcrc,af~r lbcd to r.h.c DIC'tiC, rnull.nccdcs !~~:.~~;,ro~ uctl :l p!ur;a· Juic ofpd. I~m. priu3te mo. dcmned, the profane fancicsot thcd'!abap- B 1 argl)ea· ccrtame pJur:Jimc ofperfons m th:tt rions. ri.ft.s,and all like them,who thinke rhatanym:tn Deitic: as in Gcncfis it is writtcn,th:tt god [aid, Gefd.1G, voonapriuatcmotion, may ficppe forth and L(tfiJmak_:man: and hereJ Whofoallgo(for I ,t dcnakc the duties of a. Prophet, to prcac~ V!• _ ' and expound,&c. Oh bucl•y they, thefe mortOnt ofrhcciiidence of,\·hich places, Cecing 1 ons arc from Gods fpirit:furely they can.fay litthe enemies of this doc1rine mufi necdcs grant / de for thcm(clues,whp c::mnot fay fo much:bot a pluralitie; J)_amely, that the-re are more thcrr that cannot fcruc thei1· turne: for ifwe f.ay,con.. one:then we thal fi1fficicntly prouc out bfothef tr:1riwifc nay., but.theyare from the dcuill,or,:~t }:'lac-es; and by other arguments) that there ate leafi fi·om ·your ownc vanitie and pride, how tlnt:C'•.· . can they ditproouc it? Againe, might not the ln the Ia£1: place,Jet vs tharkc What God faith Prophet haue aleadged that with a better pre~ Whom lblll fende ;ond who !hall goe for V!; tencc and colour then they? ¥CC hce tlaieth till God ~Crids a Mi1iificr to preach,and he gocth God here call him: euen lo all good MinHlers for God. Then!>ehold here, what is th.c trade Ill bo~.• w. uificuuc Gods fer· uaots,'the}t go forGor!. are to flay Gods calling. ... profcffion of a Minift:er,, hee is the. fcruant of n::~t If any aske, how !hall hee know when Cod C G<id•.So faith Godhere;hee gcietbfor· mu:and Godul" ea/Inhim n anfwer, God calleth ordinarily by I [o faith 1th.e ~pollle of himfdfe and all other m< I An(.JfGods Churihal· lowthycal· lihg. • Do!l,r.~.Out ti~~(':fh~ 11y,t.times. · hrre i~ no lfulfieimt ptuofeof ltbeTrinitie. u.fnme . thinkc. his CIJi1rch, her voice i.s.his: tbereforc whenfogood Minifiers,thllt rhey11re Godt La6otlrtr!~ euer thcChi}1'Chof God,, faith vmo thee, thou Andin another-place, the Angcll of God lhalt be fcm, ~nd thou fiult goe for1.J.t 1 cocn appeared,1¥hofe I am, and whom Iferueo But if ,.Cot J.p: then doth the Lordcall vs out to this holy funany man thinkethat either God fpeaketli too M.•pJ; [tidn, . 1-atioutably of thetn, or S, ,Pay/ too partially ~Thirdly, let vs obferue ho.w the Lord f:tith: .ofthenifclues, rhen letthe Deuill »iDJfelfc bee c.,r,tr,J ,,.' whomjh&/1 (I )find: andwhoflfall goefor (w!) iudgc in this cafe, who·plainly anp; freely con- <:~;flhl: Some Interpreters-gather qut.of this ChaprPr, fclfc•hEt'bough he ,di.d it .not ih loo.e ro th.e truth r<Jr,. an argument for tl~e trirlitic;as nameor thcn1.,,{Theft are tf;eferuants ()f tb.e, 'tnoft high · Ad.16'.J~''' ,ly~, out ofthe t.hird,Vcrfc, wh·erc the Ang:clls God, 1Ybic,l, ftt~Pb,f~lo 11VJ the»-'4} pffo!uation:. (Jng: Holy, Hof;,Holy,Lord(jod,&c. But it is .Let ther,efore eirher,God bGe b.elc<-'1"0.\ -who ,not. fOund enough to oucrthrowoutJ\.ubbornq Js·for1 ,Ul~.m, Ot' the deuill who is agai'nfi theoi. enemies the /cwu,andthcrcfo.r~)t fccme.s thof~ .B.ut/"'~-at. ,kinde .of feruants arc - the~? w.hat I>iuines a,c ofa.(ounder and wi.fer).udgemell\1 ,pia<~ ofo.ilicehaue they.? They ar<JhisMeffinwho fcci~1g we liaue other places pregnact"piHI gers~or<Embaj]#don,-tliat is their profdlion..,and pl;tinecnough,thcrefore thinkc it nggood dif- D .cheir·pla~t.,; . , 1 ,~ crction to vrge this or any t~lch place.vvhic;h :rNO\VtJbt'n fo1 the vfc thereof. . ,,, - m.~y probably admit another"'}nterpHtatiQn, If they be Godtforu:mts, th~.n· 1lfC Jt}l~y,nPt le:ifi thot 1\1< lelllu finding !P< }Vc3ke.nclfe pf rhtir, owne M•fiers, 1hey hauc a Mdltr, euen the Argument, doe iudge~)19ur proofcs.tQbe God whofe thcpre,'a~d fo~twho'l'; Jnd from as wcakc: and fo take o·Hafl..on t.o:pcr[Jfi th~ r..a,. whotn t•\lCf Eon,1e: rhc.y,,il;la.y t)Ot rherfc::>rt pleale ther in their blintinetfc, bY' th':~twhic~l.\\'t:C tlu:mf~luct$,n$r·i~uc t}lqiro.w.n~pleaf'u~cs, no'r brou\lllt to hnue conucrtcil. 1hem, And as for fc~kc rl•c fati>fying:of their O\Vilo carnal!· lulls: tfut long ofthe Angel/1 in the t\1i'rd -y('rfe,whcr ei.dl~r in11nattcr of,ptcafure., eredite, ot profirc: ' ~dt\vh~t pl~Ce is it thcvhoJat J(. Hi~EIII• b~cradt~rs. tob.n·~J, ~~::~r:n(', I feeke to plcafeGOd thcir m':l./ler,· notthcm– fc:Juet. they afcribe holinctfe to the Lord •th{e~ iftbcy.<Jo,th~r>w>[he,<;tll them to a hcauy ac- ~~~i:~:,~de times~ that their repetition' fignifie~h. not~ing count;' vbofc fcru.lm!i, t~ey. MC~ 'by the An, die, but the continoall ioy and delight which Againe, 1f thcyrbqQo(ls fcru:.111ts~ then let vres Thtn gd,!'hewc,a the holy AngelI! take lri ptaifing cf God, them dho th~Ht ferUICC tQ Cod,nnd~xpcd rhor let ~hem .Jo !t:;:?n::~~" 1.~ho cannot f~lti.sfic thc~llfClit:s in honouring reward from God dome Mi!}ifit;rs 1 will, c~pcCt ~;;;~rJ;j~gft· ' himr~:fc:in h1s n:-tmc : tcachulg_ vs m chci.r cxa:nple neth.e reward, and honour ofCods fc.r.t .. l<lnts, bur I h·,~ cxpett !. r 0r:i~.""o b ""' ' fle1 d ..,.. u:_r to c wc.aric of p_t:.ayG.~g Godbyprayers will doe no fcntice:that bcfrcmes not {Cruants; ~ffu;,d~1;:.1r i --~-----------·--~==--~J. .. :~:..-== --·------. let