,-----::----·-'" ,., ... ~--~---~ anddignit}erofthe Minijlerie. . . f61 l J--' might hjuc anfwcr~d; Lord I would goc: b?t f). , 3.5 goc~Hit}OO foonc, a~~d b':~h wa~cs are mat.lc ~ - ·-- I Do!.1.We mu!lnotfct otbersto rhclabuul of the Mini• fterit,but ourfdu« .~ .. Vniuerlitic mtnrnull. not be al~ W:aiesfcrs– dingouto. thel'$,bnt •u!lalfo rcndflut tbemfclue"s. AodStudtt~ mull not de– fer too lOg, b~t hallcn to the Mini~ 1\crie. l fo.(omo too long,as fomcgoe toofoilnt. fuch difgraccs & dif~9uragcmems accompamc vnprofir"'blc, or :lt lcart Idle protnablc to tlu: , / this funtl·ion :1; I ddlrc to be cxcufcd: but he Church. . _ · , .. , calling·, afid~ :~11 fu;h :~onccics, ~.n{v\•ercth pc- . And eo co)ldudc this tCc.C?n.d point, it is llo~ Dro~r.1.,-h~ rcmptorily,Herca~ I,fond mcc.Hq,w came this ~nwonhy to,l;>c noted, th:u;~ht.: Prophet_faith Pro1 !~et ~-iU , to ?;affc?fc;>.r c.crtaincly t~c Pwphc~ was as fennor, llcrc 1amt a11d I runnc on my own~head,. ~~~~·(:;/,. , fibleoft\lcfc wron()'.s as.any of Vli all,fot he was but Send mcc. . L; nobly borne and b~ought vp, and .was of the He wi!lcs the,Lord.ro.Ce11d hin_l! then w}1~rc. bloodsoyall: fiuc:y, becau(c he f~jYl1c W1 aS in a~c they \.vho 9~rc bragge•.c;>f Lhc1r primnc plp"' Gods·f:luour, he h~d l~iJn ~nd his cpmmil1io11 ~~on_s,and wtl runn~ "'·h~n t~i~.arc !lOt fc:nt? n. on his fide, and he 1,rcld this for a fur}' grouq<j: I , 1 he Pr~ph,c.\m1ght h~~.e.{]td: Oh no·wc. I If Godfu onmJJid~,who~an6e againj} pu~? fceJe a lllOtiOI~ from the lfLI'Ih _therefore 1w~ll Therefore doubddlq, thofe nien "''ho arc I goc and prc:~och: bm he fl~~cth ull!Jeebe fcm 111 driuen backc by thcfe ditCouragctT,cnrs, were c..xprcfie tcarm.cs: L:t no man,therfore prcfumc neuer f~tlcd in a!furance d13t their figncs•were to prClfc into this JunCliop,_till he be fully r-'!- forgiuen; por f:aisfiesf ft,fficiemly, that 9o~ Uon : B f<(lucd in ~lis .confcicn~c,.: ;!}at God and his And th~t nof I hypriu:ltC: ' mCidon onC· l)',butlrte~- ~ prcffc \\·ord' rheJfd~ of allgood Miniilcn, and_t_ha.t chc1r ea!.... Church hath f~1d vmoh1m,Goe. 1 ~, ling, as it hath its authoritic: from God, 10 , An~! though a man be pcqer fo wet qualified rden there' likewifc, allowance,}>lclfing~affitlal~cc,and d~· ~.ith ~llmanfner of fullicienei.c:, y~r let him fit fore are ta fence. of God, abouc any other eallmg: for ,f fi1ll and flay Gods Jcyfure,and let hun fay,l;leri . 1 ~f~~st~b~~· theY.!'.\'Cre, they wouJd fcorne the (s:orne, and J..mn,fondmee;and fo rcH conrentcd vnul hf be not ru goc ..., concemne the t6tett}pt qf the proph.Jne worldJ (em .lfany man fay it ii vnfit that a man 01duld ~~~~~hey be ,, and with 1 much ~oqrage and comfort fet their fay fo of himfelfe: I anfwer, let him not fay fo hand tQ.Gods Plough, and fay with the Proin words, but in deeds;(et him therefore make phet; Here•m !,fond me{. . proofe ofhimfelfc,and giuethc Church tryal of Se~ondly, let vs obfcrue, how th.e Prophet his gilts.Vpon which expe,riepcc of his g'ofts,if when God askes the que(Hon fends hun nm tl:> he be found fuflicicm, that p 0a.difc of his is all. . other I, nor commends others eo that fcruice, as one: and muclymorc then!( he ~ad faicl, Here I istobethoughthcemight hauc donemanyin am,ftndmee. · ' . ! . , the Churches ofthcicwcs,but offers himfelti:, . Thus we (ec the Prop~et would not !lirre~f H ere am I. ' , he were fcl'lt,and therefOre m'the next W(i)rd h~C' le concrolles the ct~rnal1 courfes ~f many a~ is bid to Goe. . · ' ~ · j f.•. I mongftvs in che Vniucrfitics, who cPink it fuf- C .Andhee[aid,Goe,a'!d sJea~vnto thUpeople. ;) :f~~~~~!~:~:scra~l~"t~~~:r;L~t;:~~;::~1J:~i~ . eJTe~~~~l~:~:~ :~ihta~~~a!J{Z~~r~a;~:i1!'~~f~ ~:E:~~~~~ ons to ochermen, b}lt thcmfelu.es fi:irrc not. cer God hadfought for one c.o go,and the Pro.. When qudtion is made, whofhallgoerofuch a phet had prcfcmcd himfelfe., and olfrcd his !Crplace?or whofhal{ hefo~t to fuch a.Parifh? they uice)God both gi~es him leaue to goe,and furfay not, heream I, but c1ther it is too little alithcr doeh furni01 himwith authoritic, both to oing,,or toogreat a charge,br ill feated, or foma goeandfpeak.f. fault it hach, tllat chey will not be fent to lt1 but · Wherein the principali point is, chat the au- ~~~i~:~"lo will a~.fwer God and his Church,there is fuch a choririe of the Prophets calling,is deriucd from J•ruch man; ,and giuc him letters of tdlil1lQnie, or Godhimfe!fe in plaine and tuidem words; Goe c~~~~ill~f?.n. commfqdation,and fo all is wcll:buc for themand f}eak.§: and rill then the Prophet went nor. fdues, they liue too fwccteand eafie liues, WilSo 10 the neV! Tcfl-trment, J:he Apofllcs went lingly.co vndcrtakc the contempt and bunhcn not into rhc world to prea·ch,till they had their of the Minifieric. Comrrnffion, Goe and teachallNations. And ~~a:.~:!·~9 Lc.t fuch men ~hercforc learnc, when God D after them. S. Paul preached not till it was faid and h1s Church gmc them a callmg, to anfwcr 1 vntohun, Ari[e,and11oe. with rhc Prophcr,Here 4m I,fondmee., In all which is dff.:oucrcd and condemned Andl~call fuch, asareStudenrJ ofDiuinicie thcpridcandprefumption of thofe who dare in the Vniuerjirier,marke here rhc Prophets a.nrunne on their owne heads, .and will not fb.y fwcr, notlwi/lbereadic,buthere~tm/: Why tillrhe Lordf":ly vnto them, Goe, andf}eaJ:.s. f!i~~:~f;• takes hee no longer time? becaufe hee was Thcfe men are bolder, then either the cxmtorcau!cs. nowe fufficicndy qualified. \<V"herc let them dinaric P;·ophtrs of the oldc Teflamcnt, or r,he le3rnc,not to linger and lie loyrring too long in Apoif!eJwhich arc the e:xtraordinarie MinHlers their !ptculatiue courfes: but \\•hen they arc of the new: who alwaies had their ·warrant comp~tcmly furni{hcd with learning, & other with themwhen they "''Cnt. And if any 11130 qualitiesbefitting that ca1ling: let them fl1cwc askcwhy it isnecdfaric they fhou!d hauc fo;] tt:cmfelucs willing & ready to ycclJ their feranfwe:-,the reatOns arc many. UICC to the Church, when they l11all be called. Firlt,all Propheu andMinijfers,arc Cods <leFor as an apple tn<'y as well hang too long on puties and Commiffioners,it isrher<fore rcafon the tree,as be puld too foone,and both make it .that they haue authoritie ti:om their Lord and vnfi:forvfc:fo many men as we1 flay too long, Maflcr. ' V uu SccotllRcafon r. Co!llmiffio· ner~h:n·c: 110 power but from du:: King. - ----·