Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

The fecond Treabife of 'the 'duties - ------ ' Rt:.f.1.Elfe ·, Seco:HI!y, their "''ords nor decdes bcare no A ofthy fuAiCit"t1Cic,God Joth not fend thee· 13~1 ~ - - -; ~·~~~i;~:i:h. crCdh,nor hauc any Power in rhcm,vnld1C they ifcontrariwlfe,thy conf"icnt:c doe truly tc"'ftifte- -M - · ' be lpok~n by vcrttlc of a CommijfiQn: l1'0r haue' Vnto thee, .that thou deiird! to doe icrui(c to 1 . or blcllinsthCir bbou~cs any bicffing,vnldfc·God gibe it. God and _hi~1 C1h~Jrc.h, in ' tl~i·s calling aboWc :my : ~ Re~f.~.EI!_e_ , 1Th~rdly, thcir·pcriong h:mc l'lO'f"rorc&ion/ other: And1f'-\'lthall,vpon fignification'hcreof 1' r"H pe•.'·~~ not fafccic, vnlcA'e they be Gods EntfNtJl4dot~r.r: tO the Chlircb, and v'pon tFi::l\1 made Of: thu I ::df~::pr.~- · 1 and how arc they fo, ,VIlleffc t~cy be l'alltd anJ gifis_and' l~~·rning, the Chu~rch (that iS~· n1~:tnY I 1 fdn by Ge1d,3ndh~u"t•:.imh0riri8giucn ofGod, lcarncd,,..vflc,and god!y,ttnd fi1cO as the dihrc1 1 . For tHc'fe L 1 1lks~~)~,l~l31l IS to rhru!\,h:mfdfc Illharh plihli~~y appoin~ed:fOnh:u purpOfc)'doc I to rh& mwdlcuc, ."~uhout 3 cal!mg tromGod: 11fprooHcot·~h.:tt thy ~cfi~c, ~.nd of thy fi.n~dcn-' 1 \ and,the1cf.J1C no 11131 u~)l, thoug~ thofc: men C.H'to doe (,.od fcnuce tn hts Mmifter'ie 1 j '::m4 1 who""' ll! be Clir1-jCrs, andCallers ot themfcluc:s; 1 thereupon hy a publikc Cii/ling, bid thee uoe' I ' ~ £hd 1 u'n ..,,·hen thC)I" arc not fem;be :n their per- , then affurN:l!y God him(clfe harh bid thce 0 goC": foils, fiibleCtto all daung-ers; becau.fc they arC' And it isi5 effeCtual! acallino. as if rhoU 'hearout 6fGods prorc5Hon, & their libours with.:.: ' defi the \JO'icc ofGod from h~auen:ForaS ih re- 1 ' oil\ profit, bccoufc noblelling,-n?r,promife o( , p<ntancc, If thy confc!cncc"tcll thee thdtl hofl I l i God was tl~cm: for G?d'tnay wfily B 1 truly ·repented, and 1f thou canA: make 'that far vnto thc:n: [et 1 h11n that 1ft'~yo11, proteCt ! kno wne to the Church by lo gOod euid~ncc,as yoUr pcrfons; ln.f~~~;, tluttfont jo~ ~leiTc your I th('reupoh·a Minifler bf God pronouncctll the I fa~our.s. ·· : \ ·· pardon of thy finnes vnro thee: If thou rHt obi.:d:.How. Btu .i~ will th~n' be demat~miC:d,")·h .. ow may .I. ~er~in, :tnd knowdt it to •be as effetfuall, as , if~'0~ ~idw b,l~\.V"tt God ~1d me .goc?f~r God lpcakes n~t I 1fCod from hea.u~n had told thee, ·tbjjinnu lllc goe ~ \ il0\1ll·from hc:~:ue'n as tn old mne,·and as to this are pard?nd, So tt 1s herc,,ifthouhaft the tefli..;. : 1 ,~~~~~:~~&fl ~.P~<?Phc~: I ::mf\,\·~r; 1t is true, w~arc to looke moliic, Rrltofthy confcienct, and thr!tof the ; I : God~ v.oic[ fOr :10 ~uch vi(tons,norapparition.r from he:~uen, Church,, thpu an. to rc~·~hereinJas in thC.voi.ce: ' ~ f from h~.1u · for Ordm:tnly then~ arc none fuch, and the Po., of God: :And dustS thecalling that wt?:ire' to. . ::~;j pijh't;hurcb cloth bUt decCiuethet:nfclucs, and lookc tOrln thefc daics. \.' r-:: · . j ~o~en the worltl,v.~ho tell.s vsof(Q many ap.paBy \o\'hit:h ·.doClrine, as. thofc are iulti(Con'- vrct.A'~aihll 1 I, n.tto!1S thlt l~app_rn to theJr A-fonk.!f ~nd Frrers; dcmned. of foule frefomptson, "''ho dare rurine ~~~~c:r:Ja : fOtrro·N ord1nan!y, God fpcakerll·m another. vpon pnu:~te mouons, and'(arnall rcfpc8s;and ;;~~.tht!.D.t· ~ ni:i0\1Crtohi!!iChurCh :•for i1~ gCnerall duties I are .iullly left without 6/1fi~>t_gorproteClion: fo , =~:hh:or~;~ 'God fpcakc:th to '!S out ofhis ·word and holy they on the orher1 fidcJ doeoftcr greatWt·Onj'to fuch.asne • twowaics, Scriptures, and in particulaf addperfonall duGod and hi:. Chm·ch, who when thryFimid[ b:1;~::Tce~: fu:n~~~~:in tiC!s,(where thc V.·oi'd in plainc .tea.rmes fcrueth C i. denic; but they affcCtth'e 1ninilleric aDOUc-any . :~~~~~v.·ill: not)hC: fpcaketh toa man byhis ownconfciCcc callingf·and hauc ap'prob<tt1on of rheir ·gifreS' r.Cor.fl· Iob;pJ. Aa.t6,17• • PtOU.2.;).18. ~.l'.aniculat·. lyGodfpe<l· ~~i~e'!/h 1 i: eonfeience forhisindi· nation. :.B)' thevoice of his Churc:h (or his gifts. 01tl\i ~Y tllc voiCe of his Chr1rch. · from the Ch~urch of God, ycr "''illuotb'eleeue Ouc ofhis word,God llu:?•eth thee thedigtheTcHimonie of the Church·herein,bui rhtil nity and, exccllenc!e of this calling, to be a Mi..i owneprit:arc l~tdgemenu, which in th1s cafC is nHl:er ofLhc word: N:1mety. they arc his Me[- no way a c6petcnt Iudge,eithcr for, or ag .... alnfi• Jengers ~ndEmbaffadors, qt. that (o hec may Let fuch ITJCll knowc, th~t they oppofc themwinn'e them to loue and affeCt: it. And againe, felues euen againfl Cod himfClfe:it beeing "CerthC1Jcc'.'ffrticof it, that it tcachcrh the w-9 tofa!- taine, that' where the inwa•·d calling of the 11at.ion, that wid10ut it ordinarily Gods confcicncc, and the orf111!m·d calling"bf'the Church is norrcgarded,nor mens foulcs faucd, Church do,concurrc, thck...Godbimfo!feC"alicd) ;md this may Hirrc r]1cc vp to vnder-tak,sthe burand biddcth that mangoe,and{peak.;. · then: this is gme,·all. But nowpal'ticular!y for NoV\' then ( to drawcto anendc) let vs ob.. noar.l·See thy {clfc: VVouldeH thou know whether God fcruc in the laft place, with what authoritic a I t~caud10ri. \.,•ou1d hauc rhec to .. '{oe or no'? then thou Miniller of God comes vnto vs, and executes ~ci~~~~~7~. mu!l: aske thy ownc cor,fcicncc, and aske thC D h1s Function: cucn ·wirh immediate autlioride 1 mccliJ~efrO Church, for if thou be heartily rvi!lin ... ~, and be a'!d Com:niffion from God: whereby·he is bid, ~~f~.himfully and wor~hi!J 1""/ificd, 1hcn God bids ' Goeandjpeakj. !fit be fo, letitperf"';ade zh, thee go.Now thy con!ciencc mufi iudge ofthy world, tO fearc to dor any w rong,eirher to that vre r. F.Tt<~• willrngne./fe ,and the Church of thy abi~die: and ca.lling, or r~ thofe perfon~ w~o comC\(h~ ~o ~~;o~~d,~':n~ :as thou maiA: not rruA: other men, to 10dge of faire ,;~ cotmmffi.on from God hJmfolfe. But 1f IC I _ , thv inclinationor affeCtion, fo thou maidl not do~norperf..,\·adc the prophanc world, at leaft tr~fi chy o\\'ne iudoemenr, to iudgc of thy let this be a comfOrt & inCouragmenr t.o all true vrc~.E.~o,. worrh)'lJcffi or fiiAicic:~cy. If thcref~rc t~y o,;·ne .M_inift~rs, fo.r ifGod bid themgoe, he w~ll goe , ~c;~~;~~;~ co'l'lfcience tell thee vpon cruc examtnatton tnat wtth rhem hzmfo!fe, Ifbeefend thcm,hcw!llnot ud_mdo~no thou do'dt not lout and affeCt this calli:1gaforfake thcm,btlt ajf,jlth('m, a'nd M~JTe them, t;i f~~~rf~~~~~· bouc; anyotln:r,thcn God fends thee not:and if open thcir~·~outhes, and cnlarg~ their hearts,& ~c~n~tt~;:·c, rhou enter with fi1ch a tcflimonic, not God,but harden thetr forehc:uls, and {?.IUC powervmo £aik thef)1, fame worldly&. finiflcr rcfpcGl doth fend thee, rheir words to c.onnert his chilclre.n, & u~ con- & put thee ft)rward,for though thou doft dcfirc fom!d and aftomlh th.e hearts ofh1s cnrmJCS, If I it,yct ifthc Church ofGod hauc not allov·:ance be fend them, hce will defe.ndand pror~[f tb:~, - [o______ l