----- ·~-----·--~~ anddignitiesofthe :.Yl-1 inijlerie. j fo that o»e /;;tite of thei•. heads jl;~/! r:ot (:!11 to · rbc etf~·th, wiFhom hu p1·omdcnce. Hhe fend them he willproJJidc for rhcm, and !i.tflicicncly rr'lvm-d them: and'' ill hrrnMr rhcm in the beans of his owne people, and mag•,:jie rhcm in the bees of thrir enemies. And Iaflly. if he icnd them, he wi~! pay them their wages, cucn an crcrna!l waight of comfort hcrc, 1nd t)f glorie in hca- ______ , ___ A ucn. And :t<; they :'Ire hc;c bid gee, (o once th~y fll:dl be Lid Come: :md that not oncly with the gc:1cr:tli c:dl of all the Elctl; Comf}te6fcJICdof 1-.htth.tS·i-t-· my Fdth::r, f;lhe;·ire the kmgdome prep:;red for you: but cucn V\'i:h that panicubr Cllll, which 1 ctj1cdally belongs to thct~l that :H(' LHhti.lll in ! thisli-ruJC-C: Come rhoH gQorl and jm·;hfu/J Ser- ~ Mlitll.ij.1TI TMm ,eNter into th; M aHersio_y, Ptal. 118. t 6. 13/ejfedheheethat commeth mthe~meofthe Lord. D an. 12 . ~ · 'They that turne many to righteoufnejfe, foal/ jhine M the jlarresfor euerand etter. t. Cor. 4. J, Let amanfothin{eo{vs, M of the ~in~1ers of [hrifl, and difpojersof tbejecretJ o/ qod. F 1 J\( IS. Vuu 1-