Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

... ~.-)TO THE R IGHl1 HONOVRABLE THOMAS LORD S c a o o P E,ofche noble order of the Garter: and of hu Maiejlies Honourable [ounfe!l in the J\(orth• • Igilt Honourable, this little Treat& was the firll fruits of the!~· bout of thar great and reuerend Diuine M. Parkins, many yeares agoeferourby himfelfe: and now (alibis Workes beeiogro be put together) held fir ro be ioyned with the reil: for though it were written in hisyoung yeares, yer did thefc firll fruites giuc af. furance of that plemifull haruell of InllruC!ion and Confolation, which the Chriflian world haue fince reaped and recciued from · the hand and mmlth of that holy man: and iri this very beginning did that bleffcd Spirit beginne to fhew it fclfe, which afterward was fo mighde and powerfullin his tongue andpenne. It was firfl written againllcouerous hoarding vp ofcome(amongfiotherfinnes,) and was publifhed in a yeareofdearch,the ficrerJhere~ fore eo be now againereprinred, feeing ourfinnes haue broughtvpon vu dearth, ·arid (which is more lamentable) a dearth without fcarfirie. - • Hauing perufed and revifed this Treatife, I doe humbly prefenr it to your Lord• fhips reading, ana from you to che worlds view: the honourable conceit your L. hath vouchfafed to hold of mee and my po<!lre labours, defcrue at my hand more feruice anti dutie, then yet I can performe to your L. rill I can, giuc mee leaue thus to ranke y.our L amoogfi the religious and honourable Patrons of M. Perkinshis Workes. Honour-an<! al true happioeffe be mulriplied.vpon your Lordfh.froru God the Father in Iefus ChriC!, t..Amtn, /11/lf, 4• Ili o9• . ' 1 ,., ~ ·. '. \ ,.) Your goodL.-inChrif.l: to be commanded,- WiUiam [rajhawe.