-·-L "'! I I ' . _ ,+M_ ' ~- ~; -,,,~~~~f§~~ll~'~~~~~w~ - -. '""..!,..(l~~-.!Xi~>:!lll~>..!X'l. • . ,-~?k.-~w~~-.r-..?.;61._~~~-~a;, t!Jt~~Cl-t1~tJ,.~JM{;,~~M~~ ~~~M~~~~j}..~J~-~(~:.i:;'U}~~ I -FRVITFAVLL--DIO ALOGVE BETVVEENE THE CHRISTIAN AND the \Vorldling, concerning the endeofthe World. - Chriftittn. A hurt:I vfc not eo goc eo the AJc.houJC and Ta;... 5 EL L etiCrtaHcn honcft ucrnc,as m:1ny naughcic men doe: and I hauc a ~:.:;.l~7f.n':J;;.YJ. man: laO. farfe uauai!e care to prouide fOr my (,lfc and far my f:unilic; youthlsway? andlhopc you willnotcondcmnemefordo.- Wor/d/ing. ing fo. As far as Cambridge, Chrift. Dill you ncucr heare fo much before? God willing. doubddfe more is the pitic, and 11ow ye f11all Chriftiail. What haue hcare more, cucn of me. For all thcCe hoar~ you a loadc: I pr3yyou? dcrsvp ofcornc(among which you are onc)arc WDriJi, As good wheat< as euer grewe on as had, as the vile£! rafcalls that be in rhc land? Gods urrh, 1 would I had as good aprice, as I you fay ye doe no man harme:doe you not?and could wilh for ir, what good cuc:r did }'c?ye floppe your cares at Chnfl. Whywould you {o? the crie of the poore,and fay vnto them; Goe World/, Alas, I haue great Gore of corn< in thy way thou !hanger, God fend thee thou my houfear home, and I feare me it will rotte {hanger rileate, drinkc,and clothing, asSirach vpon the tloares before I !hall be able ro fell ir, faith : yce play rhc glurton in the Gofpd, yce Luk.••·'" becaufe I cannot get aJmoA: any ~hiug for it:&: doe not fl1cw fo much fauour vmo poare LttJ theywhichoffered me fouremarkes for aquar- B ZAYm crying vmo you for rclee!C, as the dogs tcr of wheare, will notar this prcfenr giue rnce did which licksdhufort!. The richer fort of your 'foure nobles, and fearcc rw~ni.J/hillillgil. ifa man in any necde come: to begge or buie -Chrift. True:Jy I pcrcciue , thar you are a fomcthing for his filficn:mcc,.ye crie out, away hard-hearted man,voidc ofanycompaffion to with this bcgger, goe "''hippc this fiauc, ro the thepoore :you haue bcene one of thofc, that Gocks with this IHnklng rafcall, Gand furrher hauc brought our counrric imo fuch mifcric. off for filling vs with thy vermtne, thou loufic And to you rhc Prophet ~mos fpcakcth after wrctch,Contrariwifc,yc·which arc of the pao-' this manner; Hellr~thi,, Oyet thatfwa!lowevp. rer fort, f3y, God hclpe thee poore rnao,I haae tht p11ore, that}em4Jmttk! tfu ,,~di~of the !ttnd not for rhcc: I h:~uc a great d13rgc, and am a tofai!e,foyiHg: when will rh~ n~'f9~ moffeth IHgone poorc man my tClfe: thou wouldcH baue cornc that WrmaJftll cornt? andrh~Sahhizrh ·rbttt wee ofmc,but thou wilt noc·goe to the price of.it: ""'7 fotforthwhMu,.,dmaksth< Ephafmalland thus deare it is now,! cannot bare a !inching of theU:ekslgreat, andfa!Jijie thewe;ghuby decript? it: rhcrefore goe thy waies and trouble me not; thllt we 1111l1 hu] th~poore for fhofJeJ: Jt>a 14nd foil C And yet fOrfooth, ye doe no man any harme,ye the r<{•fo for ,.J,,au? the Lord hath fworne bJ would be foric ·to be charged with any difuothe ~xctlknci~ t~/laco/J, Silre[', I will ntuerforg~t ne{ltc. But in truth ye arc murderers, bccaufc \ 4'~'1 of thy wtiY'<!J. And eucnnowatthistime many :lre famill1cd by your hoarding vp of God hath beetie tniildfull af his promifc, for he cornc:yeare thiefes,becaufe ye kcepeback that · bath fruRrated the defires of all iUch couetous which bclongeth to the poore, vpon a rcafon• men as you are,and ofhis mercic he hath heard able price : ye a:re curfcd Idolatcrs,becaufc tou rhc cries of the poorc ;and bath now giuen vs fct your harts vpon your t1chcs:& ih one word, r.loh.~. plemic in this land. . ye are very Atheills in t:he ...,·orld, ye dilhufi Coloa:s. ~orldl. I meruai!e why you lhould fpcake Gods prouidencc1Yc loue him not j ye f~are :~g:11nfl mc,and all fuch as I am.I tell you·plain... him not:yc arc flarkc rebels Vnto G~d,bdwing ly ncurr any man fpakc fo much to me as you the knees ofyour harts befotc the pnncc ofthe hauc done nowe. Intheparitll where I d\vcll, world Sachan.You are the rich men ofwhich~it I am taken for anhoncfltnan,I doe no m:m any is faide,to bear. impoffi!ilt tbittgfo7 thrm to enter M:m&.,,. ____ _ :.:~,,;x-- -_,_.,-:..,____ ...: