Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~ - - \: 46~ \ OjtheendeoftheWorld. __ . I . 'I i~uo thekJnJ;domeofhe4mn:. and'6·upt with sfccd 1 A this filchinCffe: yet becaufc ~he}r ~~~red not thcfc ye rep".'1t, ye{JYallftnde it tobe fo. finnes, but approouCd'thc doers of them, no- • 1 World!. VVh:~.t mc:mc you rhus to rayle on thingd!fllking thcirfJthic bchauiour, as Lot ,lvs? ...vhat doe we but rhat we may hwfullydo? tiid, whofc righteous heart was vexed at rhdr ' !. I }JT:iY you for aH your sk1l1, is it not lawfu\1 for "~·ickcdndfc,bchold God ddlroycd rhcm all a- : I 1 ~vs to doe 'lt\'ith o\fr Ot.Nnc wh~r we \\'ill? ;:rnd to hkc:and Pau!tm him to b_ca couerous man : Ronll.!:?.;t I '\ tnakc as much of it as wecAn? you tell vs (mcc that fauourcth & gt.uc-.h ...~ok1ien~to ,the; doings I ~ thinkcs) that wee cannot be faucd, but l,wi!J 1 of acouctom man. \ , ~ ..- '\ \ ', alvvaics put agood llith in Go~ ) l~y you v\•h::tc I Wor!~!. How if I 111~jtd'oUlJ mycorn l ;you will, and I hope to bee bucd as\well as. chcapc alf this yearc, a&d no1)odic- Cl[e, \\'hat 1 I il you. , "' good wouldthis-ha.ucdonc? ~ ~ I l Chr{!f: It i$a pitifLili thing to fee how 1hc Cbrifl. You fhollfd haue done gr~at "OOd: I .world taknh many things for l;mfull, whi~h for in,rcg~r~ of yo~n· fclfe you 0101~Jd no~ hauc I ! arc tht ag::tinH the \\'orci'of God. As for exantbcc~c gutlttc of toe great opp~c!Tion of this ! 1 plc: it is thought no tJult to rai(c the market,. !ana, andyour doings t.vould hauc condemned 1 1 and to take fOr a mans ownc '-'·hnfocuerhccan the dcuillifh praC1i!Cs~ of other men, and it ~ j gee, :lnd to Cell of <my price: but this isreproo· B might haue plcafed God by your enfamplc, to ued in the place of the Prophet Amos before. hauc mooned other men to dcale more chariraallcadgcd, \\'here he (h.·nounccth Gods iudgbiy ju their_b.argaining: and the Scripture is mcl'lts againll thCthat wait for a time, in v .. ,hich plaine,that the good V\'orkcs and Cbrifhan eOthey ruay make the meafurc imall,and the prfcc uerfation of1al"o/ ni::LO ,jhh;ing M !:ght 6efore the l\O:atth._s.16. great, :md take for their cornc according to e;a; mak._e mm17 men r_oglorifie Gods their couecous ddircs: you fay you haue agood name. .·~o l , faith to God-ward, but ai:ls you de,ciue your World!. You fay like ari honefl man: and I fe·lfe witO a phantaf1c: for if you 'had cruc faith am perfw~.dcd, ifyou willfpcake your .<onfciindeedc, you would louc God with all your ence, you t~at haue fpoket).fo much ag~inft vs,· heart, and louing God, you \1\'ould alfo louecannot ·but fpcakc fomcthing in ,our .bchalfc. your poorc brother in whom Gods image :1pYou fee cuery where what inclofing there is, pearcth:and ifyou had a lo!.!c of your brother, ~nd you cannot be ignorant_, th~t gendt-mcn,& you \\·ould be ful of pitiful! cornpaffi6 towards Landlords they haue large confc.icnccs, they him, you ...,.,·ould no more Gng this fong , may I make nothing of it to take great fines, and to not take for rny owne what I can gcr? nay, you C double and treble"their·r'ents; now ifthe poore would rather doe as the faithfull did, in the pri~ tenants iball not be fuffcred to fell their corne mitiuc Church, who fold thCi\- po!fcffions, ::md ofaclearer price,hci\v fhall they beable to Hue? cookc money, and -diuidcd to the poare as how fhall they pay their 6nes and rlkir yearely they had needc. And asthe Churches ofMacerents? I tell you plaindy, ifthis may not be fufdonia did, ,_,·hich bccing in cxtrcame poucnic, ·fered·, we fllal hauc bcggers inough within this yet did fend pl<mifull relccfc to the Church at land :-yea, enen they which are now fublhntiIerufalem, f.1.rrc di!lant from them. And you :1ll men;,w.m l11only come_ to viic bcggerie. would rather fee your fclfc in mi.f(•rie and poChrifl. lndecde 1doubt not butthefe. i3Cuenie, then your poorc brother, for \-.home kcrs of rents, and thcfe inclofcrs, they are'VnChrifi hath fl1edde his blood: yea, you would mcrcifi.i!l meu:furcly thejr c3.te the bread-ofopbc. content to fare hardly,& to pinch your tClfe, pr.elfion: and the vCrie.fto;us m the Wl(l/ts, and Ueb.J.If. that you might relciuc yonr neighbours:For(as the bcames of their faiYe: ·bl1ildings.'crit vnto t.CO"r.ts+ Paul faith) loue is bountiful!, louc fcckcth not God for vcngCatfcc aga.infl them: bur what f-1· her owne, loue fuffcrcth all things, and cnduthen? they dea!e'\vith you, they robbe rcth them. yot~, will youdcale th'ercfOrc vniu(lJ)', aO<frob f+'or!J. For mine ownc part, I couid hauc D others? it is very like th<n~ God doth vfc thc111 beene content to hauc (old my corne all the I as mcancs to cha!lifcybu, to nJ3ke y0u·Khowe yeare through for aldfcpricc, ifocher"''ould · ..your fdues , to know God, and to ~epend vpi bauc done fo: but other men 4 werc fo hard,that on his procidencc. You nmfi nOt th~r~fotc in they w'ould Hi eke for apennic. Th~fC men inany wife vfc vnlawfuH mC'lnes to 11uoide this deede were they that did raifc the marker: I croffc which Cml l•ycth vpon you ·by thcfc i ·tooke nothing but that which was offered me: wealrhic 'opprc!fors,bbt·r:uheryou ~re t.~ brare I and fonnypart, I hope God will haue mcccx- -it witbpatitncc, till fuch tirne as God fliall dc- "·ufed. Jiucr you: praying ro,God(if it bohis-will) to Chr;j}. The vile!l n1ifcr, ~md !lJofi couetous (often rhe hearts ofthCic~1ard h:ntcd men, who .Carle that is among!l you, an f~y fo much, , rega-rd nothin,.g but •their O\\'Oc pleafurc and I Ant!' how can you lookc for any fauour at gods cafe. ' hands, whenbyyour owtvcoufefli.on you hauC world/, f.-Yen~ we fh'ould doe fo indCedc:bur ! c!011c~s others hauc done,and giuco confent to who ,arc rhey which doe fo? I would fainc fee l o".·l8.rg. thclrwicl{ cdndfc.:? InSodomcandGomorrha youdoe(o;l . , ·: · ' nadoubr a!I were not Jrunkards, and whoreChriflirw. Thts JS 'the m::tnner of you all. j • tnllltns,fo:newcr.c ciuill, :md did ahflaine from You thinke thcfc be dreamcs ""'hieh I fl)cakc t )___L -·----·----·-· . . . .- of; !_____