Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Of the 8ndeofthelf/orfd. of an:I tl\ac no man euer did thctn 1 but it is a m~fi infallible truth, that all theywhofoeucr A j Woddl. It fccmcth thar you haue.skill rhis I way; we hauc yet 2 goOd way to go bdOrc· W~ come eo our iourncys ende: I prayyonlet ,tTLc:e– j .hearc your.iudgcmem of ir:·. Ancl wh<tt d~ y0U - hauc rccciued the fpirit of God, their mindcs are fo enlightened i their h~arts and affections fo reformed, and broughr1n ordc~, that rbcy C:liU10t but doe ~hefc things. : bm yQu are a worldly carnal! man,you "an J11ifc i~ rhc world am! inake ,, bargaine fOr y.our ownc aduanrage: bm as for the will of God in his word, '.lnd.the pcrfonn:mcc of it, it fecmerh fooliflu:~c{l'e vnt6 you,you know not the ml'aning and the rc,afon ofir. To Jcuhis paffc: I maruell why you d3re rraud abroad from your ownc houfc, you feem to be lickc, :md vcric lo'v''e brought with Jickc– ncffc, and in my iudgemcnt, you l~az.zard your life: you doe not well, you hauc I mall care of B your fclfc. I World!. I am brought Iowe indccde ,~_but ( Ithanke God) I hauc no fickcncffe.; that I 1· can tell of. Cbriff. VVh::~c is the matter then I pray 1 you, ifa. man may be; lo bold :~.s to e~qqirc of 1 you? • Woorldl. Ad told you, I hauc great !lore of cornc, and I hoped to hauc enriched my felfC by it: well: on the fudd:tinc,the price ofcornc !ell vcric much ; I reil you it Hrokc mee to the Heart, and ic made me at my wits ende. lfl had I not bccnc a Hrong heatccd m:m, and borne out my greife, I had not been here now. For when f:1y_ to thcfC vcr{cs which. tUcric man barb m his JllQUth, l • when nfi~r t..'hifls birth th"fre bce:~:.pired, t; .! ofl;m:4~cd.J,fifrecnc,,yc~tre.s cightic eight,, f!! Thm c.omu th( tfnu (1ft dang~r.J ro6e fl·,:rreJ,.. : anda!lmttn/J'Idwith dc!ors {tfludlji-ctght., For iftlze w~rld in that;t•aredoe fiot fall, if {ea mNI la~;d thMp~rifh nt drc;Ay: rer Er/Jpires oil; andkjng.domuw!ra jhall; andman to e:{e.bimfo!foJhallli:mc P.o :r;a;, 'CIJriH. For 1)1y part }make as lirilc accompt of thcfe verfc.S·as of.Merlins drunken prophe– fic:;,or ofthe talcs ofRobinhood. They import thus much in effeCt, that•t•ithcr the ende of the world, {hall b..c.tbe n.cxt year.a-;tJr- if the ende of the world bcnoQthen, yenhat tb~re will bte g1cat troublesand f.,bucrfions of kingdomcs in the worl,l. And tor the f,i,fying of your dCfirc,I will fhe.w·you my iu-dgrmCnt bet\>\'ern you and mce: firfi, ofthe ende ofthe "'·orld; (c. condly, oftbc.troubles which(a. men luppofc) lhall bcfalrvsthis next ycare: , ·. : Worldl. I pray you then what is your iudgc– incm of the ende ofthe Vl·orld ?.!hall it not bee this naxt ycarc. · . \ 1 . • . I faw1Jhould haue a great Jof'fe, and b_e almofr vndone, I had thought eo hauc made aw2y my felfe, but I hope I fhall bearc it om110\\'C, and bccaufe there is no ochcrrenLt'dy,I am content: trucly the world is come to that paife, it will notla!l alwaye,, Chrifh My iudgcmcnt is this, rhat it is n6t pollible for any to findcout the time ofthe end ofthe world; and ifit wcrcpoffiblc to appoint C , that timc,}'ct ic..werc notlawfull. I World!. Eueryhodlc thinketh that vnro icar.! ned men ii: is both p·o!fiblc and Iawfnll; for my part I cannot tdl,l wouldbe glad to learne,an.d vmiiJ.I heare what you fay, I will fay as moll doe fay, .. : . Chrift. That we may fprakc .of this pointin Chriff, You in your talke doe verilie the faying ofSaint Paul,that they that will be rich, do~ fall into tcnt:nions and fnarcs,and imoma.. ny foolifh and noyfome lulls. \\1)ich draw M1cn into perdition and dcfhuB:ion.And he addeth, that the defire of monic is the roote of all cui~. whiCh while fomc luCled after, they erred from 1 the faith, & pcarced themfelues through.with many forrowes: all which you hauc done. · world!. But I am in bcttC'r cafe nov1.·e then I hauc beenc: and I comfort my felfc as well as I can, for I fee there is no rcmedie, and I (hall not be al waies in this miferie,for the w.odd wil · D la{l bur a while. . fomc order, firfi -let vs confider whether it bee pofliblc by any mcancs to fet downc the cude of the world: oud for a ground of all .that I fhall fpeakc hcrqf,er, this I will propound as ~principle, that No man can defin~ ortmet; con– ie[fure, thehoure,the day, thewuk!, tne moneth, theyMtc, tn' the age in wbich rhe ende oj1he r~wld Jbnl/be. . World/, I thinke not fo: how can you proouc it by any goodrc~fon. ' J +6?_ I CbriH. Theie arc Gly comfonsjndced: you 1lhould rather cut off thiS vice of couctoufncs, and thenyou mighth:mc found comfort. Buc how commcth this into -your mindc, th'at the wcrld c:;mnot !all long?v Cbrift. The word of God is the ground of this my aif~nion. ln avii1onDaniel fecth one Dan.u.s h. .Angel asking another Angel cl~thcd in Jinncn 1 World!. How ?why, furcyo11 koowc as much as I: they f::~y eucry where, that the next yearc e.iRhtic eight, D.oomes day will be. . I Chrijr.·· They arc fl¥ing talcs. World!. Nay 1promifc you: 1 haue fomc ski!, and I hatJe rt·ad bookesp'f arc pdnted-,& ralkc goes,thatthcre bclOlltc ofthii ycarc found in Gldc !lonewalls. - _ .-.c:.!'!ifl: I ::!!_y~ plairic!y they are.veiie lies, when fhoult! bee. the ende of the mifcries and troubles ofthe Church: the anfv"cr was, that it fhould be after a time, tvvo times, and halfc a I tim~. Nowm:ukc the \'\'ords ofD:mid. Then 1 ' heard it (faith he) bur I vnderllood it not: and then I faid,O my Lord, what fhall be the ende oftht:fc thing!.? anJ he [aid go thy vray Daniel, for the v\•ordS ~re clolcd vp & fralcd tii the end ofthe tinle.IfDanicl could not tell the time,& l.''henan anfvvcr w2s made con(ernint' the Cnd could nnt vndcl'(Hid ic,whar mcansc~t~any man liuing_:•fe to ConicCturc at the (by, or the y~~r, Xxx 2 Ot'