Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.Of thecnde oftheWorld. ~ ----~- I --- the hundrcq yca~e in ·which the world A counfels, and !Hcke to his owncopinion.tPaul. i fhaU endc. ' Agaipc, when the Difciples ofour which was r~;n vp in the third hcauen, and faw I S-auiour Chrifi asked him whether he would at ttrangc vifions, was for all th:lt motl humblc,z. his afccntionrc.Horc thckingdomc to Hi-aell. Cor.12..3. - . :rhis anfwer was.giucn them : It is·not for yoti · 6. Lall.ly_ 1 if the Prophet bee a young man, to know the timcs,or frafons ,which the Father not an old : 1fa wom:m, and not a man : ifbabhath pUt in his ownc power. Whfd1 anfwcr ling and ralkariuc , not filcncwith wifcdome:if 1.makcth vcrie much for mc.Ppr ir-prooucth alfo vnruly and difordcrcd,not qukt:fufpicion may 1 that the fpcda\1 ti)nCs in \-vhich1 thc:cndc of the be garhered,that the prophclic is an illulion of · word !hall happ"Cn, arc vnknownc to man and SarhJn. For in the wcak'r fort he moH.prcuaihiddcn from him' .God kccpcth them to himlc:h. : · , fclfe. And in the Apocalyps, the loules ofthem Secondly, be againfhhe word of God, that were killed for the wot=d Of-God, longing or any circumlhncc of it: and if it rcucalC that for .afull ddiucr.ancc, nic \\'1d1 a loud voice, pankularly,which the word cfgod_ foretcllcth how long Lord ho\y.and tn1c? In the anfwcr I in general manner,not laying downcthe-place, whi:ch r}1cy rccciu:cfrom tl~?lambc; there is no the time, the pe-r.fons, the manner of doing it, fpcdall (tinlc mentioned ot· their deliuerance: ·B it may be taken for a fa!Cc prophd1c. b\1t it is told them that after a little !Ca(on whC Thirdly, if the propbefie be vttcred in amtheir fellow-fcruants !lnd be kilhiguous words, or in fpcac.hcs, which arc info- , l<dasthey-wcre", rh~t then they O>all fee the !em, and flrange, not vnder!lood offh<m 1 .endc. lnmy itidgcmcnt thde proofcs are fufuwhich he-arc them, and ncucr vfcd in the Scrip- ~cicnt to confirmc that I f.1id before. · tures ,.or of the Church : it is like to bC'c fome w~rld!. >For 111y pm than~ no ski!! in the Ocight, forthe fpirit of God fpeakcth plainly, -scriptures as }1ou hauc:you may foone decc--iue & if it vcccr things which arc nor to be known, I (lle, But _if this be true which 'You f::~.y-, then bemifhcally,ycr cucrmore it fpe:~kcth like it fclfc, like all the prophcfics which goe of the cncl of as appcareth in the pmphcGcs of the oldc and the world -.:rC falfc? . 'r ncwc Tdbment. :·.: ChriFf. · Afl propheGcs arc not of God , and Fourthly, ifthe end ofthe propheGc be gods from his fpirit: m:my :tre- from theJ·phantafics glory, and the profit of Gods Church, it !t: ~o \ . nfw!cked men, orrd from thc.fuggdlion.of the be rcgorded: but if rhis be the drifr of it to put DeUtll. · _· :..0 • -~· < .. fome men into afoolif'h feare,co make d1fquict- , T-f'oi!dL I pr:..y you·thcrCforc lhew.emc how C ndli: in the Church and common 1 Ncalth; if it I may difccrnc or prophehe' wherhl"r it bee be a platforme to bring fome- fO .promorilm, ,. from God, ot< the dcuill, an~ fo whether it it is not to be regarded. For cx5.ple,this is aAyought to bee regarded :is true, or dcfpifcd as ingprophcfie: Camcrburic was, London is,&. In thenonh falfe ? .. · Yorkc fhall be. This prophefic; if men w1H ~:~~~i!~ . Cbris"1:. I will t~ my power doe wh3t l cao regard it, tcndcth to Clrife, contcmion, and fcto fatisfic your rcqueCl:and hcte I wiltCt down dinon: and it may bee a me:mcs of wicked at... certaine note·s, by which you , or any man d[e temps,ifhcrcaftcr time and pl:lcc doe feruc: the may difcernc of :tny prophdic, Fir!l, if the deulll oftentimc::. fowcth his fecdc a.Jono time Prophet bee in(ufli.cicm it is a.flrong fufpition before he can hauc it growci-l vp. 0 that hch not of God : but it·argucth that his Fifdy:, if1t conccrnc fomc priuate men, and prophclics come from fomc other caufc. The fomc priuatcf.unilic,it is-to be fi1fpc8:ed,for the fuiliciendc or· infufficiencie ofa Prophet may prophcfics which come from Gods fpirit arc be pcrcciucd by thcfc markcs. · commonly generall, and tend eo the profit of r. Ifhcmaimainchen·!ics, and doe not cmthe whole Chllrch. bra~e the ChriO:ian religion. · Ifit be falfc in any one linlc point, or in any z. If his iudecmcnt bee rafl1 and inconAant circumlhncc, accompt it of no va!ue. For rhofe in ether matters~ D prOphcfics which :lrc.ofgod,arc ior falfe: 3· Ifhe bcgiucn to fomc: notorious vice, as for God is truth it fclfc. . couetoufnctfc, or pride; for then it may be fuf.. By thefc notes and m:iuy othcr,we may iudg p~il:cd, that he tC:ekcth by his prophefies to ofthe propbcficsof M·editlC, ofchc prophcfics / winne either fomc:·gamc, or fomc glonc vnto of thofe th:a tcarme themrelucs Elias, of Anahimfclfc. h3ptifHc:~ll reud~tiol\s , of drcames, of dlefe 4· Ifhis complexion and the temperature of flying talcs of thefccond comming ofChriit. his bodicbcfhange;forthChe m:ty be rhoughr. 1Yo-ridl." I knoV.·c t-Dorc nO\'\'e then euer I to haue fomc difeafcwhich hindcrcth the reaknewc in lll m1 life: and I pronlifc you for this fonablc part: he may haqe the weakenes of thee I ,.,,ill not bdceuct a.ll prophcfit.:s, which I lhaU 1 .braine, the phrcnfie, or feme ti1ch like. And it heare, but as well 'as I•can I will trk·:them out : l is ccrtainc that in all fuch Satan bath grea~po.. Buc in the mcanc time let!me heare your. iudg- j wer,and doth trouble them with dreames and. ment of.(omc fpeciall .p-:r.op-hcfiCs .v.hich conVIIions:and many thong phamaGcs and terrors CC'rne Domes day? \ fay you t'o Elias pro~ ofminde. pheflc: 7JPo thoufat~d~1Jaint, two tkoufmu{ tht 5· If he defpifc other mensiudgemcnts and Law<, two rh•u["!'_dp hrift!_.And f.r our Jinna ---------¥--- . TPhich