nero,IJ. Cron.J.,.C.J. T:l!mudpu. ~.lib. 1. de ludic.& Sc:· --------------~~---~~ Ofthe €nderf thetVorld. ::-----:---:---~~~, whicluzre m11n; a"dmamtfo1u,[omeJ edrerwiJitb ·A ' tu::!.ruclouOy agree with rhac of Eli:1s; ail'd th~ are JPantirtgjJJa/lnor be e.\·pir~d. / ende of the world to be lllgh at tu nd. ChriH-. Some men there arc, ·which m:1ke Ch. I pcrcci~c that you hauc_read Come book,s great aCcoumpf thi.s)proph~cy, but In rrur}~ it. )' ofehis matter: bur doubtlcs your 1c2fon is.of is not eo be reg:~.rdc:d. ,And 1f wc.fhall exam1liC. no force: for rhat bookc is 1)0-t C::lnonil JI!, and Th( Ver~pti· it by the former n.mcs, it will appcarc ~o be but 1 the place whi5h you al,Jcadgc nlay be orhcrwif.S ~~~h~;;ii~t: a foolif11 prophefic,r· . ,, ;; ~nfwcr.c:d.For the angel by fimili rudcs,dorh no[ candriiFirfi,wbo is the:_aurhoroftnis prqphefic?not not fo muc~ comp~rc du;: rime p;:;,Il with the . c,1l!, Elias the Thisbitc, ~-.:hofe hlllOue ""~c re~ de t,i1~1c t9 come, 1:_~~-'> tbc cltarc , ~nd the infide!_itiC I in the oldc TcHa~C~t: but a fond lc\-\'Cof the et the time paft..r with the_e!bte. :~nd infidC'!tti,c, / fame name, and t~c. words of Ch? prophe,iic ~fEhc u,me tC? co;n9~ F.or ~s. the fir1o~c v::mqui.... arc found no \\·here, &ut in tbc leM:tDl Thai.. ll1cch tbe fire ,·and the- drapp~~ the fli9\nc: fo · mud. ' · , : /ha) I_(faith 1he A~gelt~ E!'lros), tj>e wjckcdncs SecOndly, it is again-A: the ·\ll.'orcl of Go.d .J of the time to come be i:~crc:;~(ed more thetr From rbc beginninggf•the world·, 'to th.cp4bthou hafi feet;l,C I]OVYC , or hail heard in times liJhingof dle:Lawwere two chot.1,fand yearcs, pafi. An.d this is tha.t whif)J;bc Angd princi.. {aith Elias: two thoufand fiue hund.rcth and B pally meaneth in \lis anfwcr_ to E.l(l_ras. . ~ ; .. thutecnc ycarcs fatth the Scnpturc. From the I ~r·orfd!. Let: vs goc on funhcr 10 thts pomrl giumgofthe Law to the pa!lion ofour Sau1our I What, i:ly you t.o tPc proph,~~~~of .the Poet OrClmH-, were t~o thou(and yearcs, faith Ehas: phcus? 1canJ~O.t f:1y h~swords,Qurthe meaning from the gnungofchc law to thep:J!fion ofour is this, that iJ1_the llxt age t pr llxt thoufaud S:auiour Chri!l were oncly one thoufand, fiuc yc~rc, Cod (hall dcfiroy the world.. " , hundred fortie twoyeares, faith the Scripture. Cbrift. You fay true, I ren~cmber (uch a, Now fcdng two pans of this prophc.(!c arc a· t]l!ng mdce,d~, alleadged by_!he auncicnt Ph;; gain(\ cheChronologie which i• !aid downe in lofophcr, J;luc ifthe p1pphefle of Elia1 i• the word ofGod: whylhould I bekcue, that nor to be regarded (as in_tnlth It i,s not)who i~ f Elias faith the nuth in the.third p3tt which is fo madde as to giue aqy heed to,rhe faying of.31 not yet fulfilled? 6biing Poct.l Bntlcaue yourpropheflcs,!ct v~ Thirdly, this prophcfle is aplaine viper, it heare wlm you'.anJay clff~.f9r it fc~mer,ht~a; I catcth out the guts of the: Je ..,•cs Thalrnud,and you haue read fome booke~.Ofthc fccOnd 'ern--; confuceth them for faying that ChrHl is not yYt:' mitlgOfChri!l. . . _ _ come: For Elias maketh but !oure choufind World!. I Remember fuch a rcafon_as rbi~ yeares, from the beginning ofthe world to the dra"''nc from the creation. God was llxe daics death of Chri!l :and now almo!llixe thoufand C in rt1aking the hcau;n aud rhe.eanh, and he !f· yeat; arcpa!l fincc the beginning of the world: !led the fcauenth day: now euery day isa thoHfo thattbc Iewes, iftl1cywill nmintain_c their fand yearcs, asS. Peter faith: .tnercfon: abOUt 1 .Pcq.l. propheflc,they n1u!l grauut that Chri!l is a! reafixe thoufanJ ycaccs the end of the w,o.rld fi)all diecome, which theydenie. bee. ; 1 World!. You fi>eake too fore again!l this Chrift. Youdoeabufethcp!accofScriptu!e prophcllc, fomc learnedmen doe fay, that it is which is in .Saint P('tcr, for hj~ meaning is this~ agreeable to the word of God. For in the 4· that the sreat~!l rime and rhe fmalldl, differ ofEfdras,whereas Efdras demaunJeth ofVricl not in rdpcCl of.God, to whomc all tithes ~re the angel,whether the tfmcpafl be greater then prcfcnt. And ifyour rcafon ·weregood, I wiU the time to come? the Angel doth anfvrer by make an other as good forth of t~e- fame place two fimilitudcs: and doth il1cwe vnto him a ag:1infl yo~, after this Ol:ltmcr. S:1im Pctcl· burning fornace,and afterward a W:ttcry cloud, which f.-lith that one day is as a choufand years, and faith:marke whether the fire do ouct·come faith alfo in the fame: place chat a tboul~nd • the fmoakc, and the {howrc the droppes,or oycarcs are but as one day. Out o_f \'l.'bich words therwaics. To whomEfdras faith, I fee Lord, I fr:~ome my reafon thus. A thoufanci ycares are that a \'crie great ftnoakc doth paffc away, I fee ID bm as one day: the v.orld {hall l;:;fi fixe thoual(o a vcrie great fhowrc to come powring f:1nd ycarcs, as you fay. therefore: che world downe:bmafterward I pcrcciuc the flame eo 0fhalllafi but fixe daycs. Morcouer, your ownc I uercome the: fmoake , and the droppes the rcafon may be retoned againll you thus: You 1 ilioure. Then faith the Angel, nowe- iudge of1 thinkc that the ende {hall be of all ~hin~-;, thi~ I the continuance ofthe world. Euen as chcfirfl: tlextycarc 88. B.ut, a:. God was fi:o::.:c daycs in fmoakcvanquilllcth the fire, and the drops the creating the "''orlJ , and hee did n~t reil in the I fhourc: fo the ycarc!i of the rime pafi fhall ex... flxt day, bm iil the fc~uemh: 10 in like manner I ceedc the time which is to come. B11t now ac- (If the fixe dayes of the creation refemblc the I cording to the computation ofyearcs, it is cui- 'fixe thoufand ycarcs of the conti~Hanceof the I dem th:a Efdras liued about the third thoufad world, asyou fuppofe) the cndc of the world '1 and fiuc hundred yeare aficr the \\'orlds ercat icannot bee before the fixt rhouf::111d yearc- bee.! on, and awhile after Cyrus death: fi-om \vhich expired : 3s the reA: w~s not before the fi)(t d:~y I timc·abom two rhoufand ycares arc confumed. ofthe creation was cxpircd:And fo neither you 1 ~~crefor~do f~,~this p~phc!ic do.rh nor any ot12er h~uc any.cau~e to fear_c_:~~ yc:Jrr j ------------------X='.c'~3_____ -~~:::._~-------·