Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

OftheBride·oftheTYorld. --- \: n;~~~~g.---~ --------~A-"fo-rt 7s-:i-,fo_r_e-:l-th_e_r_tl~-ty-g_o_e_"'_'it_h_t_he-co_n_ll_n_in_g_of : i• World!. Yo11 ore too f11btill for me.l' haue not Chn!l, or before fr. Of the firll fort fpcokerh I H~b.9,16, 1.P~t.1. . 1 been at the Vniucrlltic as you haue bin, though ou~ Sauiour Chrifi in .~he 'Cofpcll of S. Lukr", 1 · L11k.u.1,. l trauailc th;lt v\'ay now. But bccalifc you arc fofaylllg : the~ there \•nil be fignc5 in the Sunne 1 friendly in talkc,l \\'ill be bold with you a !iulc and ~'ioone, a~d in the flarrcs, and vpon the \ nlorc yc 1 t. Arc not thcfe thncs'h~ whjch wc-liuc earth trouble a'mong the n:i'rions,\-"ith p~rplcx- \ c:~l\ed the b(l hourc;:a.nd the l3H li[ilcs? I know tic: the fd and the waters fbill roarc: all thcfc i you will gr:mm it':Tor rhC S~rip1ure faith, that fit?nes fhalHlee fulfilled it the vCrie comminO' 1 .Pct.po. our.SalJiOur ChriHwas OhcC offered i'n the ..e1)d of Chdtl.,·~:Ocn as the hei·Ucns (hall paffe awa~ l of the wOrld: and S. Pctcr·(aith:1 H1at' Chri'H wirh a noifc, rand the elcmefits !hall melt with was mJdc manlfcfftn rhc 1 la(t Cinlc's~i<\nd if rhen heat, 3bd the earth v;ith the workcs th:at are l were thc.bH ilmCs 'v\'hen our SSuio'm"diJ{utfcr, thc:rin flul be burnt vp.Th'eother fort offigi'1CS the end of rhc- world ml!itbC lookeO foi' cuery that goe before our Sauiours commiiJ£ are·v·~ry hoJrc. · - .•"'., ,. '· · , many. J ~ ,. ~- ! Chtiff. You mull: vndcr!tin'd , that the 1. ThC'fir!l: figne is rhepreaching·of~hego- l h~.lnh.l.p.- whille time ofthe c'ominuan~·C "of th'cworld, is B fpcl,3s Chrill faith:and this Gofpcl ofthe·king- 1 diu!ded imo t'h-e oldc time ,·v..·bich.corltinueth dome fhall be preached throughout the v. hole fr'~m ths_.brgi\llling of·thc \'{Orld Vmo the eOI world, for a witncrfc to all nations, and rhen ming ofCl:~i~~:~~n~1 into the·l~~i:Fdaycs or latl ~all the ende come: arid this figne is cue~ry ·day bourc, whtch ts' the whole fpacc 'bf tnnc from more and more accomplilhed. · . ihe·commit1g ~f <:;·hri~l · vnt<i~~c· endc of the j 2. The fecond is, the fprcading tbroad of H~b.1• 1 ,z.,, \o\'orld::ls ma.y lppe:ue m the lfpt!He to rhe He- 1 errors, hcrdles, and fchifmcs : -asS. Paul faith, L"fi!ll.4.1•1· brt;\\•es.So tl1cn yOur rcafon prootlcth nothmg. [ that in the lafi dayC"s fome iliall depart from the FOr "th~fe m:I.}.' bc:· tl_lc~law:r ti:l,¥'es'{hlJ, and the ~- faith, and giut beede Vnto fpirirs ofcnors,and l~!t ~tpt1r'e~ a1~H-thc.,~iorldma~ .t-or'"all' that cOmi-· doCh ind of·Dcuih: and our Sauiour Chritl Ol)C' an·l_lundreO yc':in:s, or tWO hundred yeares. faith, that m·any falfc Prophrts {hall come, and tbngC'r,fci?'afl)r·rhlng'\o\'C knoW..-ls not the (om- ! if it were poffible, euJo <lc~eiue the eleCt·: wC l mit?g of our Saniol~r ChriH, cemparcd to thc. j and our anccflors haue feene this figne con1rl1.ilig of a rl:itif'e-, for thi-s·caU{C: that as o~ ! led. · ~Un is· abletru·clj;tb conicdure the comming I 3. The third is a generall (C'curitic ofmen in t of a thcifc before pc bcg1_nto brcakc into the euery calling, and in euery place. Which now ho\ man ca'n trudy conieClute thr eOis cuidcnt. When was there euer mot:e niino- ofChdft befOre he tCc him iu the clouds, C ifmc!more contempt of Gods holy MiU.iHcrie? 17,18,:S1.3o. I a~d~hen he may:c~rtainety dctc.rminc that t-he 1· more !hameldfe hypocri£1e; then i'i. in·thefe tndpfrhc.\vorlatsprefem? . timcsin'whichwcnowliue? ~- ·· I ~ ' 1 11/orldt. All. 'the ftgnes of rhe commiog of I 4· The fourth figne is the Apofiafie,and the ),Thc!f.:.f. E:-hrift arc p:1ll~ !Oh, y,·hat earthquakes haue I reuealing of Amichrifl, which now· is knowne &:c. thci_r beep? w_hat famine ?wha; war_rcs and hurof all men to be thePope, :1.nd his Church, and Iil?urlies among men?what ilgnesm the Sunne they thcmfc:lues, if they were nor pafi ihame, a'rid Moone? ;~ha~ Oaibing iil the ·ayre? what would graunt, that the fccond bcafi cotr.ming &laCing fhrres~[urely. furcly, the world cannot forth of the canh , h:ming the lambcs hornes, lafi Iono-: tbcrC is fomc caufe' tli'at fo many men but the dragons mouth, ~hey (I fay) would fo longz;goc: haue fp_okcn of th_cfc times, and graum, that this bca!t fi1ould be the Pope their fpe<ially of the next yearc. I lee you doe not Father. fcare, butT promife you I am afraid. S• The fift figne isthe afflictions arid mife1 Chriff. Some men there bee, that thinkc ric~ofrhe world by earthquakes, warres,pcHiI th::.tall the fignes of the comming of our SaJcncc, famine, and fuch like"• ., uiourChri!l'arepafl. And what if they be pa!t, D 6. The finh figne, istbeeonuerfion of the I as you fay: what then ? mufl: of neccffirie the Iewes vnto that religion which now theyhate-: . end immediatly follow them? \.\•11ar f11ould binasappeareth in the 1 the Romanes:and this / Rom.11.1~· der that the comming of Chri!t fhould not be figne which goeth immediately before rbe eo- . rY.·q or three hundred yearcs after the fignes ming ofChriH to iudgcmenr,is not yet fu1fil1cd f which fi"nific his cornming?You baue nothing for any thing I can tcl.Thcle only be the chcifc I to frlcw but your ownc jn1aginations.But now figncs, ofwhich Gods word maketh any menifthe figncs ofChrifis comming be not all pafi? tion: Ofthefc, fome areprrfcnt, fomc are to ·whar will yoU fay then? :J.ffuredly vcrie godly .come:fo that for any thing I can tell,therc is no and learned me11 arc ofthis mind. caufe why we fl1ouid thinkcthat the end oftl-1e ! World!. I pray you fhew me how all.the Ggncs I world (hall be rhc ncxr yearc. arc noryet fulfilled which goc bcfotc the cndc world/. I cannot reil whether all the lign<s ofthe'-:'-'orld. ofrhecommingofChriftbepatl,ornot , but ChriH. Accordin" to!hat mc::~fiu·e of know-~ fure I am that wondcrt!Jll thmgs are come to ledge which God h~rh giuen me, I will do my paffe in thefe dayes: and the world is come ro ~ndcauour ro illC\V this point vnto you. ~he that p:a!fc for naughtincifc, that it cannot lafi \ flg:nc~ of rhc commi~gof ChriH arc of two long. ___ -~----------------------------------------------- Chr~~