Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

. ----- ----c-----.-,----- I j _ / · • Of_theEndeoft~eWol~~ /J-11 I J Chriff. That is your oldc fong, but if the 1 A Chrij!. Inaword)thcyarc alll.icrs:inddC..: ) 'r · world be: n:lUglu, Jt is the "''·orfc: by you chat I cciucrs, .theyarc not ab!: rruc~:r_ to ~onic:Clure / are 10 couccous: lna if yoli thinkc th:st the end thcfc th1 ngs, ::md ] w1d flc,, 1t you plamcly. I ofthe vvorld \\'il be fho.nly,cucn the ncxr year, The Egyprians;:md Cha!dc~J~s~a~·al other riH:n~ ~ \\hat 3 madde man arc you .to be fo couccous~ wcrt mvH gnH:n to the Hudte ofme lbrs,& ne- ~ will you hcapc vp riches which you knov\' you ucr any v~'C'rc fo skilful! in thac m:'l.m:r, a~ thcri 1 lhall neuer imoy? And \.Yill you hoardvp trC:l· Ye~ for all that, the Lord by the P_roph<-t Ef:ty, I' furc foroi:1ny ycarcs., v\'hcn the ..-..·orl.d is not to l laicth this in thcittcech, th~t for all their skill; comilmeo1lC? , · yet lllC}' 1AC'tt noc able to foretell tht;)r ov.nt I world!. \Ncli, '"'en; my coucroufneffc is :~n dcth liChoH,"' ht~h '-Nas :ahand. \\'hrr ne now cicforc toyou, you arc alwlics harping vpon (fa!th clw Prophcc)thy \\ 1fc mcn 1 chat thty may~ •it: take no carc,it lh:d neucrhurt you,you !ha! I tell thce,or may know ""hat tbc lord of hoHs I I anfwcr for your fcltC, you fuall not :il.nfwcr for dctcn_mncd;tg:unfi Egypt? And vmo Bamc:e: if you will not c:~lkc quietly wi'th H:lC in bylon, h<' ta.nb: dwu art'' caned m the multi1 good neighbourhood, I will h?id my cor:gu:. wdc of thy c.ounfds: let now the AHrologers, Ef•,47·" • 1 Cbriff. I mlift nce,dcs.admonHh you ot tiHs B the !hrrc-gakrs,and prognoll!c:ltors fbnd vp, 111 ' 3· vice ~o~hich raigneth in yOu.Wh:ltifyou fhould and fauc chee from chc!C thirig~ that fhap 'ome· fee a man caft imo a \-Vater, (.,.,•imming,:m~ rea. vpon thee: bcho{d they fhall be as H.ubl>lc:. th: j die to be drowned, "'"ould you not wnh all fire !hall burnc them, they ihall not dd!Ucr I fpeedc fecke to (auc his life? :md were it not a their ownc liucs from the power .of the flame: wicked part i~1 him to be angrie V\'ith you for there !hall be no coa!cs to .. w::~rn,_e at, nor ligh~ I your good w1ll? .. . . · to Gt by: thus are they With· whom thou hall Chri.ft. Your cafe IS· the very iamc: You are weaned thy fclfc,cucn thy r11archants that hauc world!. Ycs. bcenc "'·ith thee from thy youth : euery one plunged oucr head &cares it1 this !i.nnc of eo- !hall wander eO hi:; ownc quancr: none !hall ,uecouineffc:itpreffcth downc your foulc to the faut th~~· bottom< of hell, and by it you are in fcarctull World!. The prophet in rhefe places fpeakct!l dano-cr ofeternal death;it pitieth me to fee you :~gainll- the vnskilfulJ,not againft,h~ ai'tc ofA:;. in this cafe, I would wich ~ll my heart doe any I firouomic • . I thing to bring you forth of danger. Yet for all Chrijf. Y<3; if you motkc and confidct the my good will thus I am re,Nardcd. C places wd,.yoU ihal find they areagainfl the art. j · #World!. It is but your n1inde th:tt I am in fuch it fclfc, and againfl the moll Wife, and skilfull danger of hell fire. I would be fori<, if I h~d in all and Chaldea:theipuitofGod here not a good heart to God.ward, and I feruc confiacth their arrogancie,and threatcneth rc..o him truly morning 2rid,as well as God ueng('mcm on thtm{forthat they profc{fe to' will giue me grace'. And if I were {o bad afelfore-lhew thofe things which God hath hid lowc as you would makc·rnc,good Lo~dt what inhts fectct counfell, :~nd taunot be pcrceiued a miferable cafe is the world 111? For I doe noby the flarrcs. thing but that which euery body cloth. I pray World. Doe you thinkc, that God would yoll heartily let vs goe on in ourformcrtalkc. make the Hc:mens, and the llarrcs in chem ~ot Chrijf. Well, goe too, I will foll9w your no ende? no doubr, God hoth made them fo.r humor,fay what you can. fomc great vfe. world!. You rciect all ofthe ende Chrijf. The bcautifu:ll frame.,[the heau<ns; ofchc world, and aJl··other COf!ieClures,you ac- \\'as created for mans vfc and profit. As to be count them as ffiuolous, and not to be regarftgnes ofthe ordinaric and natural courfe of ali i G(n.t..1ft dcd: yet tl1e Aflronomers arc men that arc g:~ithings in the world, as of the time of fowing .Jy lcarncd,and can tdl many things, which the D cornc, of reaping, of planting, lopping, &c. world knoweth not: I thinkeyou dare fay no- I j Againe, they haue thisvfc, to difhngui{h, and i thing againll- them. : · to make the fcafons of winter, fornmer,fpring, Chrift. Aflronomcrs that take vpon them ( harm:ft:they make day and night,and the natUto prognofiicatc ofthings eo come are bablers, I rall courfe ofycarcs is by them:In a \\'ord,thcy and there: is no hccdc to be giuen eo their f:~yare made euen as aohcnne to foflC'r and chcrifh ings. There is manr ofrhcm in this Lanrl, that the cre:atures here below: and therefore doe make a liuing by tellingoffortunes,and things I giuc hcatt:, :md c~ufe rainc and moillure in rhe that arc lo!l, and fiolne: but in truth th,·y art feafons of the yeare. As the Prophet Dauid .. rt:al.rSf6, Vcrie thiefes, and the good flamtes that 2re faith, nothing is hid from the hcate of the I ma~c ;tgainfl: CoGners, might better be vrged Sunne. A!\d the Prophet Ofeah faith: And in orc.;,HM· agamft them, then manyothers. that day I will hc:trc (faith the I-ord,) I will I W~ridl. Me rhinkcs you arc very rafh,bcfore heare the heaucns, :tnd they (hJll hcarc the cucr I tc~l you what they f~y, you inneigh bitearth, and the earth fhall heareche come, and I tcrly agam!l them; they wnce,that :~.bout eighthe, and the oylc, and t hey Jl1all heare Jf,.. ty eight,thc end ofthe world Ihall be,or at the racl. Now God did not make the !tarres to be lc::1H great fi1bued1ons ofKingdome.5, warres, meanes offoretelling rhlnl!s to come. and cha.t '\ 1 eonfufio11s>&c. men fho~1ld lcarnc of' them good and euill fnc. 1 Xx ~ 4 cdfc.' .l