-----=-~--=----:------:-------~~-- OftheEndeof theWo~/d, . II ~ cdlC: they that refcrrc the flarrc:~ to this code IA thmgs: and _lamemen hal 1 c ~cc~e readie to fell I ' abufe the Harrcs, and brcakc the third eom- \ 3V\'ay all rhc1r goods,forfc:ae of coniunclions. . ! manclement, by taking Gods name in vainc, l I pray you jo; there no fud1 things-~ and ifthere • And therefore G_od thrc:uncth them by his be fllch things, w_h3t,arc they ? I ! Prophet Efay,·rhat make figncs of things to I Chrift. Indccdc;Aflronomcrs haue\\'rittcn j come in the hcaucns,and faith :! dcfl:roy the toofflcangc coniunCHons,and-among othcrs,onc: I kcns of the Sooth(Jycrs, and make them that Cyprianus Leouitim, aBohemian: and hccaufc ' conict1urc foolcs, & turnc the wife men back. you arc fo'earndl on me in this point,! will re- .j. ward, and make their knowledge tOolifhneff<.·. I peatc IOme of his vvords. In the·ycarc of our i j 1 And to thinkc, that by the flarrcs and their Lord (faith he) I;8J. iu.thc moneth of M,y, 1comfe, a m:m may conic~1urc the end of the there fhal happen a grCat coniunCHOofpl:tncts .# "' l world,is fooli(hnes,or rarhcr.madnCffe.For ciin the !aft end of Pifcu, afccr which, fhaightll thcr the {brrcsmufl be the cauf~.·s of the ende \vaies, m the yearc cightic tOure, {h:tU ~cufu; a of the \\'Orid, or bare !ignes. ~aules they canwondertUllmixturc ofal! the Planets in·Taurm ·1 1 . not be, for this is a propcnie in nature, that about'the end of Mar,h, and bcgin'ning of Aeucry th!ng labourcth to prefcrue it fclfe; and prill. And which is more, a little after thar, I therefore it is not like, that by the hcauens B fhall be fccne an eclipfc of the Sunnc, in the {hall be caufcd the end of the 'v\'Orld: for then twemic degree of Tm1rus, about the head of I they fhould be caufes of their ownc ruine.And Algol, a moft crucll and hurtfull fixed fla~rc, I aga1nc, the co~rfc of the fiarrcs cannot be a togoucrncd byVenus,whi,h fbalbe linked to fiue ken or figne of the ende. Dionrf m Ariopag;ra, planets in Ari~.t, tending toward the twdft when hce faw the Sunne to be ec!ipfed at the degree. Here wemufl watch (faith he:) :md I I full moone, bceing fore afraid, faid, that either think it meet that all ennhly cogitations be caH· the end of the -..-..·orld was then, or that the ot: lca(l: we be ddl:roycd bceing Vlneadie: for Godof nature did fuffer. And no tn;truailc, for th1s great coniuntlion, is of :1ll the la£1: which the extr~ordinaric eclipfc of the Sunnc, V\' as a fhall happen 111 the ende ofthe \V3tericTrigon: figne offomc ll:rangc 'v\'ondcr: but that tbc naand the watcric !rigon{hall haue an '·nd, and turaJl, and orditlarie cour(e ofthe fiarrcs in the be turned into the ficrie Trigon. N.cithcr fhall heauens,i11ould fignifie flr:1unge :1nd cxtr:10r..... there be any more i.n the fpace of8oo.yenrs:thc dinaric things,(fuch as arc fubucrfions ofkingendoflhc watcrie Trigon fbal be nigh.But bedomes, and the c:ndc ofthe world) that by no caufe about th(' end of the watcnc Trigon rhis reafon can be fi1cli.•eJ. And yet this is that Monarchie did bcgin:it is likely, that the fame which Aflronotpers maimaine, and take as \ C alfo, in the ('ndc ofthe fame Trigon lhall haue graumcd. Ag3inc, the power and venue,and an ende : fith the Sohoe ofCod hitl1felfe,l('fus the Operation of the flarres is vnknowne to Chriil our Lord,cucn in the ende of t\le wau:... man: and ifit \o\'Crc knowcn, yet by the ftarres rieTrigon, tookevpon hio1 the naturC of man. no m3n could g:~.ther what WlS to come:which For fixe yearcs before hisrnofi glorim1s natiui... I will lhcwc you by this fimilitudc, Suppofc tic the iame very couiunClioll in the ende of tWcntic eggcs oftWenty diucrsbirds,fct vndcr Pifcu, and in the beginning of Aries, bappcone hcnnc,lc:t her fit on them all, and communed. Neither came the hkc Gncc that timc,but nicatc her heat vmo themall, can you, or any when Charles the great hdd his Empirc,which other, byknowing the properties of the hen, W3S in thC' yc::arc of our Lord feaucn hundred and by feeling of her hcatc, tell mcc of euery eighth: nine: and now the fccond time, fi1ch a cggc what chickins fl1ee will hatch? whethe-r flrange and great coniunC\:ion fl1all COOlC, ~~~wy~~ ~~frb;i~~:r:~~:;,~~~;~~::~t;~b~ ~~~ :~t~;',~~t~i~; ~;tll:~~t~n~~~d~~~~~n~~: ;;~•"""' {ball die? in m:~.icflic of his glorie : at which time, we world!. I tell you, my wife h:achcs many D mufi render an accompt of our life aud conuerchickcnsin the ycar,but this paffcth al my skill, fation. and hers too. Jr'or!dl. I remember that I hauc reade thefe Chrift. Very ""ell. The heauens arc 3S an words in an Enolilh bookc ofthe fecond cornbenne, foflcring and chcrifhing thcfc earthly mm" ofChrifi ~nd I \.\'Ould defire your iudgethino.s vndcr thcm·and you can not by the ver- J m eo~ of them. ,It feemeth, that·the man which tues ~fthc fiarrcs, if you knew them ncuer fo wric ~hcfe words, \-\'as deeply learned inAfiro- 1 welt, you nm not, (I fay) conieC\:urc ~irher ~he nom1e. I tucm of thinosvpon earth, or the ddfolutton Cbr!fl. You fhall bearc as much :'ls1 am able of the world~ exCept you could thercv. ithall to tell you, and 1can {ay fOrne-what~ bccaufe ·know the fccret purpofc ofGod,a.nd .the partiI haue laboured in thcf~ matters. Firfi thcrfore cular caufcs of cucry partiwlar thing. know thus much , that this LcMituudoth not I J-Vorldl. You Chew mec your mtndc plainely, truely account the motions of the fiarres, but ::md me thinkcs it (hould be rrue yo.u fay : but is fa.rre decciucd, as by the mofi cx:.C1 tables of euery where there is great talkc of ConiunGHErafm us RrinboldH.s, o.nd Stlldius, may appcarf'. l ons of planers, !ind you would wondct to fee, And ""'hcreashe faith, that in the ye arc of our how_fi•nplc '>:<." (fuc~~'::') liflcn after fuch Lord 1583. in the mone:h of Maie there lhall ---- ----·-----==-~P_:__-. ~--J_ _____________________