Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-------------of-;!;; &d~if/h~Wo;.lit.------ ~· _+ 7~ / --- ~ happen., great coni~nC\ion of the ,topcrio~r A pcncn<e,or ""hou;•nr cxp<~i<n<e;lfthcy f:l' I phmctsm thccndc ot Pllccs: m crutn there JS tb::tt they i< '' ~~~-~ut expcncncc, then no fuch tlting. For lupircr omd Saturnc arc nucly they dccctu,vs:tol'all good knowledge almo!l three dcorccs ;tfi111dcr, when they in humauc Jc:~rning is buifclcd vpon expcriboth in the ctHtofPifccs in M:1.y: but in April!, cncc: If they kno\o\' it by c~·pcricncc, rhct.l they ' the month going before,they are in coniunCtimull .necdes h:mc obfcrueJ rh!:, that thc_<!c~ 1 on: and what llr~nge thing can rhi!! be, which HruC:hon of the w-orld harh followed Juch bath happened fu oft fincc r_he bcg~nnin? ~To coniuntlidn.s:ifthcy hal.IC lc~nc: this, lh~n .they, / wic, cuery 24o.yearts once 111 the f.1mc 1 ngon '"~ere enher m the ""orlc,or fonh ofthe world_~ I (as they fay.) As forth at hcc faith, th:n in the 1t they were in the world)1o\~ they elcapc yeare 1584. there (hall be a mixmre of all the ""hen the \\'odd wag dd1r?yed? If they were planets inTaurus,abom the end of March, eher forth ofthe world,whe_rc fteod they?B~n I "\il I is no fuch rhing:but in ~he bc?inning ofAprill_, htre ccafc t.o fpc~k_c of .AO_tonOJ_ncrs, 1_(':1.11ing S:uurne, :llid Mars :trc: tn conmnCbon,and then to them thctr vantttcs, t!1l luch r~.Jnc 3S tt l11a!l Iupiter is about twelue degrees difiant from plcale Cod ro m;:~ke thrn1 them, them: othc1· 111ixwrc of planets to be regarded :md !oath thcm,as the E!'hefians did:'" ho beeI fee none. MeJT<J/Jala maketh -the greatdl: ing giuen, not vnco \\'ir~rd and Jeuilhllians, coniunCtion of planets to be,.wh:en thcrhrcc B but vnw ~1ch vaincand friuolous coneeiprs, as fupcrior planers arc ioyned altogether in aries, thefc of the Afhonmiu·rs are, :;fi:cr that they which fhaiJ not beeither in rhe ye:JTe 83.or 84. were wonne ro the Religion ofChrifr,broughc But be it, that there had bin then t\!Ch fir:inge their cUrious bookes,and openly burned them. Ail.g, 1 d. coniunCl:ions of the pl:inets, as Leouitim fpea-· And I would haue you that are an ignorant m5, kcth of, what then? what fl1duld follow? forto rcnJetnbcr the faying ofthe Prophet Icrerhy: rer.I~F footh the end of the world. And why fhould Be not afi·aid ofthe figncs of hcauen, though this bc,conftdcring,that all thele eoniunB:ions. the Heathenbe afi·aid offucli: for the cuHomCS are naturall, and come of the naturall and orof the people arc va:nc. .r,. :.. · din:uic motions of the hcaucus? and there World!, I hauc heard 1ou hitherto, ha.ue bcenc lince the beginning of the wo·rtd that no man by' any prObable eonieCl.ure canttel z70. coniunChons of the fuperiour planets, the fpcciall time ofthe cn4 ofthe world : tto.w Mars, Jupiter, and Sacurne? heretofore they fhcw me, tbat it is not Ia.,,·full for any to le;trch haucportcnded no fueh daungcrs, as the cfoutthccndofthcwor~d. L , feCh dcchnc: but there is no remcdic, now Chrijl. Indcedc, I thinkc it is not lawfUll to they mufi needs fignific ruincs of kingdomcs 1 he curious to fearch oUt the time, in \vhicb the and the end of the world; Leouitim wm haue end fball be; it is athiilg in .which Chriflians it fo: for he fpcakcth vtry-confidcmly,as from C: ore notto lncddle. For it isthc will of Goa, an Oracle: No doubt (faith he) this great and that this fhould not be known; thcrcfore'wbo~ llrange coniunClion doth fordbow the other foeuct iCarcheth this timf',dO[h againfi the y;il comming of the Sonne of God and man, in of God; to thispurpofe it is faid in the ACtcs, rnaidHc of his glorie: but no doubt, God will It Mndt foryosnto k,_nowe the tzm.e.r dndfoafiuu.: Afl.J.~. dc!lroy the figncs, and confoundcthc phomaMorcou<r, God bath kepnhe knowledge of fies ofthefe men,as hitherto in all ages hath bin this fecrct vmo himfelfc: and neither the Anfectlc.,hee propheflc·d, char in the gels, nor ChriH as hce is l.Uin, knoweth this yeareof our Lord 1460, an end l11all be mad~ tinie: wherCfore,it .{hall be pi:idc and vani'tic in ·Of Chrillian religion : aud yet eucn rhen the man, to occupy himfel(e in fearching it our." 3~ Gofpcll began moft of all ro Hourilh. And a Laltly, the Apoltles, and Danicll the p·rophet, Iewe prophdicd, that in the ycare t 364. Mcfwhen they were curious, and Jeflred to knowe fi:ts fh.ould come, who fhould dcliuer the rdt rhc end, and askrd this qudlion: when !hall of his ownc nation, out offeruitudc vndcr the I thcfe times be? fhey had the repulfc.,and neucr Chrifiians:how true this is, let they the!llfelnes rcceiued any :mfwer:whlch dcdareth, that non iudge. D ought curiou{]y to inquire ofthat time. World. Yeu arc too forean encmie vnto I World/. BmwhyisnotthewillofGoQ 1 that Afionomcrs, you are now ncarcthe Vniuerfirhis time ihould be knovme? ., tic, if you were there, you dudl not fay fo Chriff. The fame caufc thar mooucd God to mt.lch, he is a wife man indeed that is neuer d~- c.onceale fr~m v~ the houre of de:11h, thcJ~me cetUed, and thefe men, though they arc dctelalfo h1adc hm1 h1de from vs the hourc and ttmc ucd fometimc,yct t.hey often tcl the very truth. of his comming: to wit, th-at ·we might alwaks . Chrift, That is nothing:for it is no maruaile, \.t'aH·h and pray,and haue our loyncs gir_t rOund tf a man vnskilfull in 01ooting, often hit the :aboutvs,and om lampes in our haodsb'Uitning, markc, if he continue in fuooting.But 1""'ould as though we cucry hourc did wait for the c6ha.u; tbc(c prophctic:all AAronomcrs f11cw a ming of Chriil. ' And this is the reafan ·"''11ich realon, why the great coniunCHon of planers our Sauior Ch.riO: vfeth, For after he ha(l fhcwfore01ow the end ofthe world: bclikc th('y wil cd the vncel'taintic ofthe time ofhi$ com'n1ing, fay,thn they k110w it to be fo: if rhcy know it, ancf yet that his comming was moft ccnainl:', then their knondcdge commeth either by ex~ and very fodaine :he adJcth an e...thort.ation, ------~--------------------------~------~--------~Gy-