Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

474 1 O[the Endeof the World. I_ faying: P/~tcb rh~refore, beuufe ;ce k.!row not A ~ J·Vor/dl. Shcw me fidl of all, th3t th~rc flal M.ath. 14 ' 41 . , when rbe Sonw ofman will rame.Aud indeed be. he many troubles in the worlG:for I \\ould ye. I caufe the time is vnknowcn, it Hirreth vs vp to ry t3.incknow thu· •. .. perpetuall watchfulneffe:The Mafler.ofa famiChrifl, Doubtlefie, the reafons of this il:inn Jy, if he knew.the hourc in which thethicfc ~remofl cuidcnt. Fidl,Gods wordthrcatneth would co:n.:, he would watch onrly the fame plagues, and punHhn<'nts, to the difobcdicm, bourc: but bec::mfc he kno.,\·crh that hcc will and the uanfgrdfors ofhis CGtmn::mdemcms.lf comc, vnccn.ain ofthe hourc in \ovhich he ( tlit~ Moj(J) thou \\·ih not obey the.voice of 1 De•t lB. 'S· wil com,thcrforche watchcth the whole night the Lord thy God, to kcepe o.nd doe all his H>,101. throughout. commandcmcnts, whieh I command thee this World. I thanl<c you (fir) heartily, for that day: then all thefe curfcs D»ll come vpon thee, you b:me- ll1cwcd me your opinion fo willingly \ and ouenakether. Curfed !halt thou be in the 2nd10councoufiy, of the end ofthcvvorld: -towne,andcurfcdinrhc ficld,&c. The Lord but yet 1would m:1kc bold "''i•h you a little flllll ftndvpon thee curfing,troubk,& f11:!mc, more in this matter. I oti·en come :~mong my in all th:~t \\·hich thou fcttdl thv h:md to cloc, neighbours, & now and then we talkc ofthcfc vmill thou be ddhoicd and perilh qJJickly,&c matters,:md c:ucry man will hauc his own fayAnd the Lord fllal make the pdl:ilfce toclcaue ing, and pcraducntuq; we are all deceiued.You B Ynto thee, vmill he hauc confumed thee forth fay it is neither poffiblc, nor 1lawfull to fcarch ofche land, whether thou godlto potfc{fc it:' th~ cornming of Chrifl: by any meanes: hGw the Lord fllall fmitc the:c wirh a confi1mp.tiPn, then may a man frame his talke wifely.. and arfd with the fcucr; and ,with :J. burning :1gue,&· fpeakc the truth in thc:Jc: matters? with fcruent hear, and with the (word, and - Chrijl. It i<> agood queflion you demand, with blafiing:md mildue. Thehcauen, that iS and I will be cardtJ!I to make you an anfwcr. oucr thy hcad,lhall be bralfe,and thecmh that ThCrc:fore, when you fpeake with any man of is vnderthce,lron: the Lord fi1~ll giuc the'efor the ende of the world, ft:amc your talkc after the raine of thy land,dufl and afhes,cuen from thiS manner. heauen fl1all it come vpon thee, lill thou bede- •' ·r; That the ende of the world is mo{\ el!rfiroyed. And,the Lord D1311 caufe thee tQ.fall taine. before thine enemies, &c;Alfo .Amo.r the Pro~ z.:..Thatthe time of thccnd of the world is phet fpeaketh ihus; Behold, the eyes of the vnccrtainC to man; and that he muil: not be cuLord, are vpon the finfuHnation,and I v-. iJ de!. riou~ in this maner. C fhoy it cleanc out of the earth: ncucnhdcs, I ; • .That God would haue this time to be wil notvtterly de!lroy the houfe of!acob,faitb vnknownc, that mcri might liuc in the-feare of the Lord:and in the third chapter hce fpc3kcth his nanu:,and not dcfcrrc their repentance. of the boufc of lfrac1, thus: They know not ta Amos.3.~ 4.Tbat euery man mu£\ long to fee this day, doe right (faith the lord,) they fiirre vyvioin.w.hich ail end fl1al be madeoffinn~ and w1clcnce.. and robbcric in their palaces: therefore kedneAc: ,thus faith the Lord God, an aduerfarie· !hall . 5· That God may come fooner to ·iudgccomec:uenroundabomtheCountrie,and{haH mcnt then ·we :trcaware of, or the world doth bring down the fircngth from thcq, & thy p-aimagine; asthe parable of the V>icked feruant .laces !hall be fpoiled. And the Prophet If.ri•h lhcweth. proqounceth a feardiill cuJ(e again!! Ifrael for · 6.Thlt ifgod fccm to dcfcrre hiS.comming.. her finnes; Bchold,(faith he) tf1e Lord maketh Ifa.1f.J.&c. it is, that by his long fuffcring he tn.ight bring the earth emptie, and he m_.keth it wa!l:he tik:_ vs to repentance. ncth it vpfide down,and ftancrcth abrOad,&c. 7· That though God wit not end the world, Wcl,to tl1e purpofcahcfe arc the tims in which yet he may cucry moment cut ofthe life Ofman eucn through all nations finne and wickcdnts Ifyouthall fpeake of any ofthefe points, you D moflaboundeth.Thefc!all times are cannot fpeakc amiCfe. to the d:~ies ofNoah, and of Lot, in \\hich 1-Yor!di. Surely my mcmorie is naught, and there was tlothing but eating, and driokillg, no.w y.ou doe meplc:lfurc, itl that you tell mec & mar.ying, & building,and a gencraii fecurity your whole mind fo briefly and plainely.I pray poflc!feth all mens hearts. And p,~J fpeaketh ,. 1 ·im.p,• you lcuUc make bold to confcrrc: with you of of thefe daies thus; Thus know ::tllo, that in l· -t· the other part of the prophdic: ·which is, th~t lhe la{l dayes there fl1all come peri!ous times: ifthc'cnd ofthe world be not this next yeare, for men fhal be loucrs ofrheir owne fclues,coyet thcrt fhall be great troubles,& fi.1buerfions uetous, boaflcfs,proud, curfed fpc~kers,.diCoof kingdomes. IfI knew your opinion of thi.s, bcdicnc toparents> vmhankfull, vnholy ,'-\·ich1wf>u1d ceafc to trouble you. . out natural <~ffcClion,trucc bre<~kcrs,faife accuChrift. Not to make long c1i(courfes, my ofcrs,intcmpcratc,firce,dcfpifcrs oCthC that-arc piniOn is this: that therernu/l bee / trouble; good,traitors,hcady, high n\inded, louers of in the world, but they ar~ not to 6ec loo~ed for, plcafurcs, more then loucrs of God, hauing :1 more in tiJe yeare ss:rhen >!f11} ot!J(Y:Jeare. And thew ofnodlines,but hauing d<'nicd the povver this I will briefly dcclarevmo you,and then \o\·e Jhcrefo{VVhcretOrc fccing God thrc~tneth his will.end this matter. curfc: to thedi~obedicnt, and we knowe, ·tlut now