Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

,·-- -I--- -------.-0[- the- EJ-ide-o/the:World. r4 7J l I ---I now the whole world isbim·n tO difobry-God A chficond purtScthrm& to clenferh cmof the I ----1 I ' in outragioui manner,and Atbifi11c ncucr more tild11C clrolrcof finnc, :1nd ro make them '"nh ' abound~d: \vho can not be 3 Prophet, and IOYof heart to pr21ft and m:Jgmfic lliS namci r I make his conclution of thcfc times, r:~:lt for\\hJchcndthcycamcuuoti,J.S'AOr!d. And there mu(t nccdcs bee plo.gucs and punifl1expcncncc tc::achcth, that as thnc IS a pcrpctu.: mcnts in the world, rroablcs?for God allmtcJcourfc bctv.. ccn day :and mgbr:lo there ' is not rh:mgcablc: but as he thrc~uncth plagues is in d1c Chmch of God, nbt :rny p(rpttuall j to the difobcdicm; fo his inunutablc iuHicc wil quictnes, but trouble and ·qmccncJrejJfHit1iotl . require the filme. and cafe, doe contlnually.fuccccd one :1norhcr. ! 2 . Second!v,bccau(c thcf.C 3rc the lafl times; So that iris verified of the Church: 7bo:fgh I! rr~1 30• and Satan (cc;h, that he hatb but a {hort ume forroweome in theertct7h~{, ;et ioyJbafl be in ths to continue, therefore bee bd1irreth himfelfc, 1ntrrning . In the bcginnmgl the Church was in his dellre is ro bring confufions,& to make ha. .Adams family; and albeit for a time they t1ad uock of:~.l:it is ade:uh whim eo (cc pods ktng-- prof['eriry,y~t through the malice ofSacan,A- · dom to beadu:lnced,the preachingofhis word bel W:lS ilainc,Ad:hns oncly child which feared I to hauc free p:1ffagc,his nlmeto be g~orificd in_ B God. . ' the con~rC'gations ofhis Samts, the clouds of Before the flood, ~A hen Gi:mts were vpori ignorance m be difpelled, and men that haue the earth, what-mi(ery was the Church·in?ho\'f long fat in dark-:-ndfe, and in the fhadow of was rtligion prophaned? what corruption of rieath, nowe to walke in the true lighr, and to manners \\'aS there when the fonnes of God I l".vannc themfclucs at the cothfortablc fun nemarried the daughters of them that- came of fuinc ofhis Goft)ell. He cloth cucn as temuucs wicket! Cain?though the L0rd.prefcrucd Not~,. I doe with their far,mcs: when their1eafcs drawe and h_is fa1~ily, yet pitifull iS it, t~ fee thc·d::mflncerc an e11d,thcn they vie to rack all things to gcrs 111 whxch they were afrct: this·:· Abrahams the vttennoll, to make monie ofeucry thing, family, howwas it now at reil? now in trOuble?" and to fcrape vnto thcmfelucs by hookc and by he bccing oppreffcd \\'ith famine:!~ wo.s fainc to cr-ookc whltfocucr they can, that aft~rward go downe into Egypt,& there he was in daun. they may hauc wherewith to hlaintaine themger ofhis life, when he dccciued the King fayfclues. Euen fo farcth it with the Dcuill: this is ing of Sarah, lhe 'Nas his fillcr.But afi:elw~rO, the laA: houre, therefore now he will play reaks bceing very poore, he was made rich, ah·d the cuery where, he ruAe-th it apace, as though he c: bnd of c~naanwas promifed him, :md he ,got were wood, he llirreth feditions, confpiracies, viC\-ory offiue Kings.Theprof)ag~tion ,?fgods tumults, warrcs, :md. by all mcaocs \\ith vioChurch \Vas to be prcfcrued Ill ltl!ac: Nnd fee lcnce he laboureth eo ouerlarge ~is own·kingnOw to what a firaight it is-Orottgkt ;. I.f~ac is dome. bound, and layed vpon the -alt-ar;. Ai>t.i!Y.rm 3· Thirdly, the Church of God hath olllrercheth forth hishand,andtaktthtHektiit~ waics beene fubicCt to the Hoffe, and none to kill his oncly fonnc; whcte nd~-v-is the M~tf.: mu!l: mcruailc if it be: how -can the world fias? where is th~ promife£1 fcec-i? ·1Hn!til\\iiUid lOue them that hate it, and haue little' acquain. haue thdughr,that God would hcreh:iuC·inodc tance with it, and arc on the earth as pilgrimes, an end of his Church: but this ~\(ras f<>'J1l~d«::t wayring cucry day for happie pa!fage through whar !hall be the cfiat<f-:ef<tlfe->Church;thal: the troublefon1c fca of this life, to their ownc rhough in m!fcrics to -ma!U' itYd~ni~i{f,kflnit home, cuen to thc-beauenly citiC of leru(alcm. fceme ro be del'hoycd1 yet G0d\\•ilJ..p't-~~r~.c And how c:m the prince of the \·\•orld Sathan ir, and.gm1er~1e it for cuer. This intercOu.rft:-o( loue the faithfull, chathateth God~ and how quiemes and a·ffHCtions rnay b'tfcene i'h· Th.~ob, can he !hew fat1oUr tO the mcmbcrs,lhat bitterin the children oflfi.3el beif'lg i'n ~gypt,-iti' the lydcrcfierh rhe h<ad Chrifi Icfus? And·!iacly, D , wildcrnc!ft, on·d in the l~nd ef G:am!a'ti;>lE'ut lt IS the blcffed wdl of God, that his- Children · l:o let pa!fe othtr time·s, tl-1i5 thing is aFi'"a"r;nt, !hall \¥cl~er and languilli vnder aftliClions, that when the I!i·aelites were ·gooorncd b'tj!.tJlrge's I they may lcarne tO dcfpifc the world,to know and Kiogs:l'he IfraeHtcs fi;>r the !pat:e~Of:efg}ilc :_ thcmfelues,to louc God,to fccke Vnto him,:md ycares were in bondag·evnder Chuf:il~"Ktbg 6~~ Icd;;. 1 .a. to fet their affeCtions, not on things otr earth, Aram: by_Orh0niel afterward·thry·were~r~Ro- '1 IuCg.J.,2, bucon the things rhat are aboue·. He letrcth the red to thclf liberry,for rhe_ fpaCC offoUny"ytrsj worldlings h3ue 'their beans cafe, bee lcttcth Againe aftCJ' this 18. ye::tres-r'Og'idlerth~f~l(\·e 1 them feed thcmfelucswith the pldfures ofthis in bondoge vader Eglon Ktng of J\.·1oalif-'a-h1t world, and fac rhcmfelues as oxen againfi the . '"'ere fllthy Idob.ny~after,hlsrdcc~a(l\, day 9ff\aughcer. With his own childr<: h(: dca- ~hud gatie thCm rcH for 80.i·yc:uCs tEi.g~-~cr, leth after another manner, He taketh the·m ::ts it And fo'vnfo'thC time of Sa'muel; the-y"\'<-'er~&J "'"'ere by the heelcs, he £Hngcth them into aJCa rher-whlles" iri pt·acc, a!ld c;>thcr-wiJilC' in'trt> ofmelting glaffe,thcr he lets theh1"for a time to blc:fo it 111ight he fhe~vcd t~lToi1gh al hill'ori~·S; ~ceth and boilc,and in great pc-fplexitie tei tbift cuen till thi-s d'-:ty. And f~e-'rH~:>-re n'O doUbt, the for themfclues: a~ leng1h he dra_ggeth them to Churches of God at rhr~~t'thYc, ~C:they\c'iM.bY the llloorc, and gmeth theni eale of their for~ peace, yet are 'they continual!)' to l~~t~k~.Cffi~ mer J'!11(C"ries. And :t\1 this is for this cnd,to fantroubles and :.ffiiCtions_. :md calamitieS: "i•Hhis I ''"'·'!·~ I I