476 j Ofthe Endeof the World. . I -·\ And as ~11 Churches mu!l put ehis in their 1 \world. A things whatthcy bc, that w~may confidcr thC ~ ·- -- anJ knO\·\'Cthe latter end ot them: (ither deI accounts : that thc;y cannot be free from the I Cro{fc: fo,abouc :~.\l oche( muH this our church ofEnglaad.VVchauc had long peace vnder our 1 5rlcious Dcborah, and no doubt, in Gods -good time we mu!l drinkc ofthe cup of3ffiiG1i- :.~.(ls ,... I! ~~:h(~Jr~;~~i~~~~~tc:~~~~ :~:~\~~~~:~~r~~ :~fr~ . Lions ..,,·help cry out ofhi:J dcn,if)1e hauc taken dare vs thingsfor to come. A!fo it is a \\·ic~cd part to attrib ..ute warrcs & alterations of l>ingdo!ns to the Harrcs, \:o..·hich onc-ly belongcti1 to God.And Daniel faith:God he chang('[h tim~s 1 D::m.~.u. at_1d fcafons:he takcth awaykings,hc fcttcth vp \ kmgs, &c. And to make wanes and peace, is ccpt the ruling of mans heart may come from - nothing? And againc, will the Fowler cake vp / ~he fnarc from the earth, and haue taken no1 thing at all ? t>r {hall a Trumpet be: blowcn in the City, and the people be not afraid? Mani– fold & great arc the dangers which our Prince not fi·om any coniunCHons of the fianes, exI the !lanes, which neuertheldfc is proper to 1Godo as Salomon faith, the heart ofthe kfng is rrou.l 1•1, in the hands ofthe Lord,as the rincrs of\\'aters, . hath e(caped, many affaultshauc bene made a1g~in(t our country.It bath bin in gteatpcrill by B I enemies at home,& enemies abroad: alingring famin hath a long time affii£\ed vs.Whatl!e all 011 theft things,,md many morc:but the roaring of the Lion forth of the forrdl? and the founding of the Tnt•npet? .htfe things arc no doubt forerunners of gt'C'atcr iudgcmcn.ts,and except we in England with tj:>eedc repent, the roarlngofrhc Lion will not be in vainc: affu– redly, the Lion will haue his pray. And thus much !ball fuflicc to declare this point, that in tbefe daics we mutt look for manifold affitClios jnem:ry country and kingJomc. World/, 1t is well faid of you, I con you thankc, I promifc: you, I thinkc a man cannot fpeakc a truer word then this that you haue laid? for the world is cuery where fo bad,that C fearce thete can be any quiemcffc,or good-fcl– low!bip amo11g men. Well, I am fatisfied for this matter; but one thing I will ••l<e you,doe you thinkc that there is no more daungcr to be feared the next ycarc, then any otherycare? Chrift. As HaiJ, fo I 11ow fay againe: that afllie\ions, hurly bur!ies, (ubuerlious of Kil1g– domcs, arcno more tob~ feared this next year, then a11y other ycare. W!WIJJ. What reafon•mooueth you to fay (o? Chrift. Thismoouethme tothinkefo, bc– caufc I can find no caufe of the troubles ofthis yc:arc,morc then of any other ycarc. WoriJI. Nay, there you are decciucd, the !\rang coniunetions of planets will tbcw their D operation this next yeare: and though you wit '· _ not graunt thatthcy arc ligncs ofthe ende of the world,yct you wil confeffe that thcyare the ca.ufcs '?f planuc, pcfHicnce, faminc,.warres, fubucrlions ofkingdoms,& fuch like:& by this means, wi(cmcn haue ptophclied before ofthis ycarc. . . . . Chrift. Your (pC3ch ts full of 1mp1euc. For to diuine of.things to come, bclongcth to God alone, and none mull be io bold as to chalcnge rr~•'·"•"· this to himfclfc: as the Prophet Ef•yah fhew– eth. Stand to your eaufe (faith the Lord)bring forth your 1\rong rea(ons, faith the king of !a– cob,letthcmbring them forth,and let them tcl v~what is to come : let them thew the former and hee turncth it whether foeucr it pJeafcth him. Furthcnnorc, bctwcenc the hc3uensand things bdow: there is a great fimpathy and confent, :;~;nd the {brrcs ofcentirnes make tem– pcfis, whirlewindes, drought,condnuall rainc, and fo they may be caufes offome difcafcs, of fcarfitie and ofplcntic : but we mull: accompt them oncly as infirumcnrs, \vhich God vfcth to bring to pa{fc his counfaile: and this not a!- ; waies,but onlyat fomc times:Forcll:amplc,whC \ Dauid was bidden to chufe of thrcec diuers s.sam.:_..,J. thing• which het would fuffct·, hcc chole the plague,now,there is not any man(! thiilk) that will attribute this pbguc to the llorrcs.Aod the famine whichwas in ludca in thedaies ofElias, and the want of rainc, was not from any coH. 1\el!ations.Nay rather all thcfc things befall vs by reafonof our finnes, and our wickcdneffe is the chccfe caufe that prouokcth God to pown: thefe punilhmems vpon vs,as that bleC- (ed martyr Maller Hoopcr fhewcth, whofe Honpn "P" words l will tC'citc.The prognofiications(faith ~:::,!~4... he) ofthefe blind prophets, art good to bee borne in a n'lans bofome, to know the day of the moncth. The reil of their praCtifcs i• !lot wonh an haw, asMofcs teacheth Dcut.28. l.cuit. 26. and Malach. 2. whereas yec may fee all thcfeeuills, and many .more then the Afi:ronomcrs fpcake of, come vnto vs fOr finnc,and the tranfgrdfion of Gods commandctnenrs. , It is n(ithcr Sunne, normoonc, nei– ther Jupiter, not Mars, that is the occafionor matter ofwealth or woe,plcmy orfcarfitie,war or pcocc. Neither is peflilcnce caufcd by the purrifaCtion of the aire,(as Galmwritcth:) but 1 contempt ofgods commandelllcnt is the caufe, as thou mai(t reade in the places before allcad– gcd.The airc,the water,nor the earth hauc any poifon in themfclues to hurt their Lor_d and n1afl:cr, man: but firfl man poifoncth himfeJfe with finnc,and then Cod vfcth rhcfe elements, ordained forthe life of man, to be theoccafion of his death. Readc chc placcs,and know, that oood health is numbrcd among the blcfiings ~f God, and appcrtaineth to tbofe that fearc ami kccpe Gods commandemcms, and not to thofe that be del\ined to liue long by the fa– uour•nd ofpeCtsofplanctS. And the cuill of what kind {Ocncrhbe, is the m:tlcdielio"n of l god again{\ fin.Thc Philiti5s foy ,that the chic- . fdt remedy again!l the pdH!cncc;is tofhc from I' -· the -----··--- -----;.··