---·----------- - ---·---- . ~" +7 7 i 0f the ende of the fYorld. 1-- ___ j / rhc place where the ayre is corrupt: Gods la\i\'C 'A 1 faith,Oic whither thou wilr,thc Lord Oul make I the pe!lilcncc cleaue and affociate thee, till it confume thee from the world. Aga.inc, in the fame Chapter, the difeafc or (,ckcncffc 01all be faithfUll, that is to fay, il:ickc fall to thee, vfe \-\'bat medicines thou wilt. Galen faich,tha.t the chiefc rcmcdie to preferuc from pdlilcncc, is to purae the bodie from fi.1pcrfluous humours, to hau~ a fi'ee :md a libcrall windc.and to auoid the aboundancc of mcate nnd drinke. God faith, nothing prcfcructh, but the keeping of his commandemcms. Jfv,·c offcnd,the be(t re– medic is, repentance and amendment of life. It makerh no force how corrupt the aire be/o B the' confciencc of man be dcanc from finne. Though there die a thoufand on the one Gde of thee, and ten thoufand on the mher fide, thou lhalt be fafc, Pfai.90. &c. And now to make an cnde, I hope I hauc fatisfied your minde, con– cerning the ycare next enfuing 88. rhough I know ~ I am nor able to farisfie rhc icar.. • n~d , nci~hcr \\":!s it cucr my purpofc 01· my thought. World!. Yea,fir,you hauc indccdc ~ t rhanke you for it: I hope 1 !hall be the better for your talkc as long a~ I liuc:: I warrant you I {hall re– member you when you think little on me.And bcc~ufc you arc now come to Cambridoc if you \.vi!!, I \\'ill brfiow the courtefie of tile tovvne on you,eucn vdrh all my heart. Chrtjf. I thankc you heartily: but the bell councfic you can 01cw to mc, is this,ro rclecuc the poore, \V herein you haue bee:ne faultie. World/. Alas man! what fhould we doe? the world is hard :but I !hall not forget you :your fayings will make me doe more rhtn euer I had thought to haue done. Vv'ell Gr, if it doe not pleafc you to take the cuncGe of the towne at my hands,I will take my leaue ofyou. Chrijf. The Lord be with you, and with all them that fcarc his name. Amen, F I :J( IS. y y y I i I