Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I -------------------~-- -- -- 1 The Epijlle Vedicatorie. r >~<b."-'4· : raohsd.aughter? and yet iuf\ly r re(#fedhc, nay defpifed he the tide, that he might bee : q '·'"h·l·•· ; called but ofGod. Bllt q Geboldw!w l.t«the Father bcarrthvs, thatwe fbotJid be;,[_ ! l ied ( nor fcmants any more, bur friends, !oh. 15. 15· naymore) thefwmrsof God. VI/as i I it fuch .a::_ adua1~11ent that Dauid fbonld bec~mcthe foi1ne of Sat~!-, awicked King of! I n-S•m·••· Ifrael? and ,.'"" t!Jecme afma/!ihing to become ttie fonncs of the holy o11e the God of Ifra- 'I cl? Is it 10 be repmcd a grcar grace to be nobly delcendcd from areat men, and backed widi the alliance of the mi ghti·c? whothcncan dceme ir orhcr, cl1cn.the top and rower .,f rruef\ Nobiliri~ , to be (os rhc beleeuer) fi1 neerely alli~d vnra<:;hrilf 1 who.fprouted [ out of-the moft·lror.omable flod:e th2t eucr the great field of the earth bare vpon it ? 1 vnro which rhcic defccnr if you adde their whole filtableeilarc,rhcy will appcare f<Jab- • lolutely gloriot1s, as·it fccmeth no further honour here below can befall rhcm. \rVhofe i fRom.q.•< r garmct~ts are rhe white and vn{bined robes ofChrills innocencie and riglncoufi1elfe ; 1 the iF ~haine is the gofdcn chaine o_f their faluation, the linkcs whereof arc defqibcdz ,Ro,.,.,..,,. 1ROin. 8".24.- thm ' Rmg orligner rs the fpmr of God, pledging and fe,.ling vp in their """''·'··" hearts the affitrance of their f~luarion:thdr Iewels ana ·"ornaments a're the graces o(tlie fpiric, as H"mtlitie, Knowledge,F,<ill;, Loue, Hope, &c: rhcir dier more' cboife ther: t!i-:it · x~o:•.<.so. Manna, which W<~s but a fbadowc of this' hrcadwhich eommelhfomh/aiwn : their fl!ini– llersate all tha.creatures ;· their attendance arc the Angels, not only ooili~ befor'cth!!tn , rr,t, 41 . a·ncl:lt::hcir hedes,.bur as a..guard ' prt,hing themfi!ues 'rofmdaboRrthe;; th~ir DiaqeJ11 is I 1u.I;m.,,,_ that, J crowne oj'J'ighteonjnejfo ;.,~ich the rif..hteotu Iuage:fbitltgitJe foal/them th:a!oue hi. 81(- fcdappuring. 'fhjsis li1ch ahonour ~sdar-k'c:i1erh al!-lll~•honouroLtbc:_world, :JS'\he brighr.l11ining of. -the·Srmhe-'l>bfcurcrh thc•lighr of-the·lelfer llarrcs, this cauferh rhe bean rhat hatl1 it to oeuncmne rhcconte111pt ofrhe-w.Wld ; ahd'qt~ii:t~it fdfe in th~l:li61didg hereof, as in a dwifc inh;,~:ita11ce and a•prcrio~S pul'ch<tfe. '' ~torl' '" . ""~ Nuw (my.Lord.J by..!l r-h~tllmhbeen premifed, yofl may behoJ!h?lr.itgod(rgrotmd~ yourLorcfbips·Hn~s arc fallewlnto:.whoR>e the Lord'll'atf) fiot ooiel}"tlftls inwardly ho– i'u;m~ed by purring ~''' fcare inyour ~care. {Whercofri:n~ight -~~·~ly r~hre more tl~cn e!t~~.yourLord!lup W<Ju!d Ill! Wtlltng rorc3de; '0~Iny'fdfe'(6autl~C:ue.ti the litfpmon of.rbe baf\: linne ofinfinuariui'!J~m hearrl:ned'tb'wrlte3 bx1t ~l!o in·yCitl(-Wbdtc.<>Ufward cfl'ar:.:z.wgrcatrhonour is n ro.llca.he i\o>nt\C<of.IO noblea·na W<irthie ah'>Eirle;~s wa!)'i»~r . fatueriol famousand•pdpewalhnem0~~i0 but that th'e fai'ne loue 6fl'tc)igioh<~~e!IIC>!6 tlte·trurh , pra·ttife of pi'ctie, wife care <>fyotnCountrit'l ~!lit ari<Pifall'£nt refof<Mori 7 boumifltll hofpitaJ]itie and libcr.allitie fhotll<fbc fo eon'inteht, :ihd !llli'AAe>Hefi ~§rtl~fliis bett'dpart aJJdvcrulesthould f!! fcate rhemfdlles in Y\Juf'pcrfonj)llhWlHt Wh'ielPI'ha~ kC:th your L'OnJfbi,p hononrable, nor in him lb much';osqn yotJl'-fetf~s·neitlieHniY.,u·r I .,_,,m.•. <. felfc alone, bur (as ' S•mue/ was)in the hurts of a!!thepeople. Trrl:f'i:'f.,nytord')·elpeeiai: ~o,...., 7• ly oftbe former kmd,a~cqualities well befeemin·g b Ne/i~,hatlneJW<ts·Nolilcs. ~o,l'·'Who a~efo fittcdJo fiaiJd before e<~rthlyKingsl anhcy who'afc"oficn·irl<tli~Jp~efence~the great King, to whom all Kii1gs are to be colmtable?or wh<>.grefo wor~h'ic th lta'ncmi~l)~ pJefeQcc of our..earrhly Gods:; as thofe whome rhc G0~ !)f hcauen•h~t·h vouchfafed to ···' fet .inhis light, aoCI.gratious acceptance? VVhcretinte"wheii I haile al!8ed how"God hath honoured your-Lordfbipto be the husband of averruou• and·UiigiousJ,adie,,flie Father ofan hopeful! heirc, tba brorbcrofthreeJo Wonhic~ndreligi'ous- C6t!oidfcs, (tWo of whom of late hauc r.eteiued th·e·end ofrheir fairh,cuen·the1r gloriewhh-'God, ...c.......... thc.po!fcfforof a goodlyreucnewe:)l may o/ell fay, •,oormaf1Jthmmble. Now b~C:iiife toi.vhommu,h ugiuen,m11'h ifo[Jhem required;agd whcr'e fhe Lord f6wet_blibera'tyt'lll re . ne expeetethaplcntifull crop: let your L6t'dlhip be ple~fcd to giue me leaue by_htHg I tofltrrevpandwarn.yourp11re mind,byCllling t<'> your remembrance rhat dtftie;whicliJbti religiouily receiuedfrom my mouth(& that nor feldome;lthofe diu~riC.ydresl c~p~oy· cd my paines and poorc talents inyomHo~ourshoufc, namely~ tli!lt a~ ctthcryo~,t~nder the continuance of the honour whtch the Larrl harh alread1c powred vpon you; or . expecrany accclfethcreunto,foyoufaithfully procc~dc i_n rhc wayes~herein h,ori~h: ""'""'·''·' may redound w rhe higheR: perfillmgtohonour hrm wtrh yom· "he••?·; bygtHtng ·tt 'T;,.,,,o. vnro him : with your lift; by' adorning tht doc7rtne of God : wtth your cormtenance ;-by I rrr,t•••·•· If incouraging the pracriles of picric: with.your g richu and "''"'aft; by rcleeuing tlie "'"'""·'·•· poore members of Chrill ; fceing that in all thclc' your large receus·, God hath made . J _ -- your \ 'I l