Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- - - ------------------- ,.....,"""'"""'""-::,;,_· ·i;i:;itpk.~j(j the God of. light by .chaji~g~W-9' the b~;~~l"ifli of PdP4J,,d.rk– n_elft to refl.~rethe cfeare '!ndjimne-fbme.ltghtofhi4, g_/Q,riotw·Gofilr.ll. r:nto '• thife part.r of Ern-ope,, &ce bath neuer.beepewaJJtmg iJ;_.raijingvp moj/fitth– fr!/fandforntJhe1 mjlmments; who 41 gol,lmtrump,q~.h_attf fou!'kd"''!.,aiul '/lfugolden.Gmtd•eJI.tcks ha11e heldfo.rth before hupeople ih'Af -gmtltg'fir.,euen fhe wor,dfltrlfl& JV!Jichw,~~p_reach, wfterf.Wtththqhao4 beimemtght}thr611 gh , '" Go{i._both;b;_ r,r''~ and f~ne;, h); w!'r,~apd /i:mng; n;t P"f/y·t~ dt(;.~'u, P,d~· t1et~CJ_that'Af1M•for{iJ ,,'but f$.•f'.Cf!hrowe ;"ff{''ajl dorMe}yflrongeJI hflfi. 1Jf4tmdh~ur.b.~he' 1 po_wer,of tl;ef.ame/f.t~tt m,th~tr,_-mouthes, w <cf. ou~ofCkriJis own~!,.'flltfl'111mpjlPf'lf..'!(tfl(y.}- [ bolifh..that map.,of.Jinne at t_h;,6rtghtnelft•of. ;hA~!ftarmg,gtl"'!. th,~ bf~,al~cadu.h!f. tlr_ad!y wotmd: Y''' a11d by the ltght ha11e drtuen away ihat fOrmer Egypttaca!ldarken1ft andU'ind-barha- 1 ri(me whminmenfott,andcot~ld not for manyd•Jes ,yea hundreds ofyeem before jlirre out of thep! 1 ce wherein the corruptton of thm »ature hadjet tl"m. Witn1ft thu truth with mee can thofeineomparable ltghts ofGermaruc ( thati rnaybegm where the Lord beganne) Lmhcr, MelanClhort91~q<;.er..,Oeli,ola!{'Pa~IU~ l,~~· Fraqce iujilyglorinhof hfr three Worthies, Calvinc , Bezli;•M-:itlo~fe: andij ht>'fl»te Nob!Es, Sadeel, Momcy, and luoius. How h•ppie hath l!eluetia beene in herftrlitfi•llg<rde..s, whmcefo manJfwm, flower;, jiJCh ,u Bullingcr, Lauatcr, Zuinglius,andothcrs not afewhaueJjrowud? Tea hahe her felfi whofefOJ!t 1 u 4 jlepmother indeedetofoch punts, hnhyet beene fo jam manureri by the handofthe goodhuf i bandman ti!fltJu~r['~nt~lj•{/fYjbrancho,tmther ofthemtnjer~our totheforrner, Mar1tyr,andZanchitiSbattejf.u11g vp, ihtt tf6 out of the mouth of two Wltnejfes ft•m among them. fe!ues, their fontcncemtght bee feakd agamjl them. But among thoJatlQns gl.rio11s artthou i Great Brittaine in thu thfgreatneffi, whtch M thou hajlJlr~ppedallthif'e thJ neighbour nations ' in oJ};t! r:;J~<!J!!j.J'!"ti~!_ : (o_:n•-whit ar/,11~iz'/j'f!.l'~!!.tlf,J;.fll.!fl~l!~f!!f: ~~~<>-~j_!Jif thJ I tmejltri;;;;ph ouer t'&m, lh;,t tf4peaceaml truihhaue H![edeac'h other wtfhm thym:tfs~and 40 thefeepter ofthe Prince ofpeace bath be_"" a/,noflfi•llfiftte 7eam vpheld bJihefleptm ofpeacel ab/ePrinces: [• thy Seas andSemtllartes haue not beene dejltt11te of thetr !ewe!, Whittakers, Fulke, Reynolds, Rolocke, Sudiffe, W iller, and their latePerkins, r.hom alone I make mrn– ! tion of, not bew'.feeither theyarea/me, or ~lone Worthy : butpartlythat ImaJ hee mod,ate, and I not (M1might) infinite in recital/-. aNdpartiJfor that the(eha11e mojl valiantly like Douids '/#or– ! thies hroken through thif'e Philijlimsform ,andhr.ught vnto vs in dejjight of tl;em the pure · w 1 mnfthnw!t-.flifo::-mong·whom thu our t,Atll-h~r-lajl-npneawtf4 not the-kajl,noroffo(m4U _note through thechrtjltan-world, that I canth~11kebJmJpe~neto addea~Jmomeut vnto hu:whofe I writingsjo fauorie andfomnocmt hauefo/Jictentlyproclatmedhwpr.fou1Jtlknowkdgonaf/J,ar- ' ning, hupmdent ztale, hr.s mat11re mdgement, Wtthan admtrable dtxttrrtte andfoetlttte, Jta I I ! ! mayfoJfo!icitie,(for herein heratgned, that/ m"Jvfl the phrafeofthe rmmndDeane ofhi< I ~~ o j Maiejlies chappel, proper!Japplyed7.Jnto htm~thu funeralls,which withfingular approbatto/1 he [! B 11 performtd) in the direc1.r'.folHmg the ohfe-urtjl d. oubt_sofDt-umrtu, "_"_dthe _•_"ute loofl-ng and . ,, ~ , dijfoftf).»gtbf.h-td!fl_k'!_OI:of '!.1!-f'~J.o brieflt:!'-~~p_et;;a'!fl;• M 1J~t hi!1J4!...£ok::zica!/ · r ~:;h~;;k~. '• writings' beeingftrjlby h111lfelfo·•d-()n1~bvulgaF1tmgifue-tmllh h' collh/J./'fd•ril#meehteuenh4!llongf I' our commonpeople, with(ucha~":~capa fe,_t;~aaer(t anyw 11 c &le< tze )mtow omt ,eymtgnt not co»IICJjomecompetentco~mt ~nd".!ndtrfiandmg ofthedecptjlandd1rkejl dffirenee between the Papijls_, tho_(e Patrons anddeftndm u.f darkenejfo, and ourjeli#CJ. But bejtduhefl_,fuch a tongue ofthe learned had rhe Lord gmen htm, th.1t ~: k~""~ to'!!_mijltr , andmmijlre~ac- . j __ ___ '!.~'!!~----