Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·,To_th-~C hrini~!-;a ~~~.=~-------- i / cordipg t--;l:n,owtedg--;;,.-;;ordin due time to him that was wcari'c: the wbic.~p:ofi J.Vttigh:J( ! j d"tieoftiN Mimjierie rta-Jfl.fomt!tar vnto him~ thatl;t mad,•t1 hu bof;dayeJ t.mrciji: ( "' l;is · I recrtation) to re(o! 11 ec'!fls 0 [ co -.!cJcncc. in huordttJarte M tniflcrte l1o,wpowerft~t!w.u hee ? I 1-Yhicho{hU hearerscttnnottonfi/fi that he f~1akeasonc luuing amhoritic? l.Addt noWVIJ-, 1 ~ to the[<) hu labours, an ho/7 and!J.trm< le(fl lift: for wh;· [hotdd1dtfoliJt tlmn,foeing th? rrerefo h' fft/y combmed m htm ? bet•vcenewh;ch troo (6oth ofthem conjftnng to theglo1te ofGod , and • ! his eau(;) w.u fuch afweete h.-zrmonie andconctnl, thitt in reading htJWritings .._anl m::n might I ljee the m.<iJner of hi; lift, andin(e:in,~ hiJ life hee mrght aifo ·therein ieade hiJ tvritti1gs: for /;u I lift (Jakewlw hiJ penne writ, andhuper(on '""'·the prejicler.t ofhu wdtten precpt.r. Bill ••hen / l l theji:vmveari,:ble /abMrs hadquzckdy t>ortJe o11t{it>I; a<mJdk, whofofttefJ/}_wt hi",ift!~togiue j ·others!igbt ;Juch a lifew.u not f'out vp, b11t by aproporttonafl;'f/len.a rdtgtotM trhdCtJhrijhan I death: o(the whtch when Godmade(withfome otherJ) myfi!fea-b~bolder,lcould ;iot•but cotte<'itte . hima mcffcnger one of a thouiJnd,fingled out-by.Godto gmt>;~tJCtc?tom to oth~r.s, bothhow j to hue, and that well, M a/fotnthc nght manncrqf dy111g weLl, who,htmfelre w.wJo tratned to a b!ejfeddeath,by a holy life,wl;ereby he;/nlift and dwh amojl fjt~ppieandble{ ! (edm•n,for whofe writtm precepts concerning both, -rf;e wholeOhurcb u, bp.JtiJd. to 6/tjfi God 1 with vs: butejjmial!y we hiJ ordinarie hearerJ ih.61·Jmbri<Jge,i'whobejides wer,~lfo ;he btho/· 1 ders of both ,canmt be butfo mtlChthe moreJlrengthened im'dco);jirmed(o!lrow;;ch!.edde/f.• in– gratitudenot reftjlmg nor witltjlanding vJ)oy howmuch theeyeuq"i.kerthm·t·he care, and the 1 1 fight a morecertaiue/enfe thm can be the hearing. Bltt wt W'i/!leaue him wtth God,.andomit thoje worthieworkes which himfe!fewiH!eil ht. liued(acoordmg tU thr, relaxation bothftom the weekly 1 !aboNn ofhu calling, Jnd thedaily weakene!fe of h& bodie would permit) didpublifh , not onefJ for the watering of thiJfomottJ Seminarte whtre he !i"ed, but etten out ofhu aboundance andflt!/ 1 buckets, to the refre[bing ofall1he herit,rge of God, and come to o11r ownepurpofe, It u not nowe · to beWtJhed; but bewailedrather, that allh& workes were notjini,(hed by himfe!fo before hu owne cottr{e ,feeing the Orphane writingJ of the learnedpubiifhed byothers arecommon!y le!fepolifhtd:for {ometim;s the Authors m~nde i; not taken, andflmetimeJ hu matter {s miJiaken, otherwhiles huforme is imurtea, andnotfl!domeeither hu owneelegancie>amlproprieties, which are like goads, are mglec'led, or{omethiug bejideJ hu owne u iniuriouf!y inferted: butyet the Lordhauing looft<ihimfrom hu !.tbours ,the chriflian care ofhis exectJtorJ commendeth ttfe!fi tothechurchhereill, that before it fi1ould be depriteetlof any part ofhis painesfo profitably em– ployed,dejirotu they are t• comwupie1te them,ifnot J(togrther infuchexac? manner tU they would, yt tU per(ec7!ya they can, contented rather to hau~rdthedue·regardofthe auth.r himfe!(e, by committing vnto his feho!lers h.mds thepttblt{hing ofhiJ, then the church fiJoutd want thtm bJthdr holding andhtding them withthemfe!ues. tAJ for my felfo ;my wrfh WM to h.<ue beenejfaredin thefepaines, both becatt{e o(myne o:r!ne weeke/y ernployments, it; this place wherein the btiftmjfo mrght haue bewe committed to diuers others forre better fltrm[hul with gifts, andfitted with opporttmitie then my fel(e: but tfjecia!IJ _(eeing how(afl and wifea thing ;tis tofitjl!ent where aman neede notJf:ake, andthat m the(e d.tyes, wherein euerie mam is ineuery_mans b0.1te, andmofl men are become !eft-handed in receirting thingJ which are I reachedvntothem w;lhtheright; loo like thefeat/ell hundred/eft handed BeniJmites, whife ~»dg.:a.c • .foiecommendationfoemeth tojla-ridin thts, that thq c.m throwejlones and darts •g.<injl others at J an hatre breadthandnctfaile: yet notwithjlanding confideringm1 c.<!ling heretento, M alfo heel ing after afort rcarcdvphy the Po~tJ m!e, not dou./yint._but th.<t t/;e m.eterfo!!owij1g iJ forre bet- :'\~.:?;;. ter ihenfilenee, I WM contentedat the tnjlttnt tntre.1-tte of tlu t..AIJthorsexretlforj., ttJV!JderttJke i': 'X.'· Euri· I thepteblt[hing ofthis Epijl!e, which himfelfe had 111 his heart (if God h.tdgitwt him longer time) "'"· to ha11e Wtth htJ owne hand(et andfent ot<t in it owne natitte bea11tie andperfoc?ion: whereitt mypaines har1e beem, they omlyknowe who h.~~tefathered otherrnempojllmmotM writings. Ilwtc not trodenintluirjleps whomake the gro11ndJ •[the AmhoYJfeme th<ir orvne difcuttrfeJ (forfo fho11ld I hattt madethi.J cxpojition containing in it theJttmmc o/ 66.Sermons,exceede them(afiere t11en ~fa tedious Commcntarie) but in the au.thorsowne, wbo wa-s wont to trranfcrthe ottt oft.~c notes offome ofhis h,•arer.r, the heads andrn.trro•ve of things morel.1rgely m pteb!ikedelit~eretl, ! exp!atnmg thepointJ rvhich n>ere I?Jore obfetJre, and with afoco,.d ha11dpo!t{hmg and perfecting i thrngs fo, cxplamed.Yea herein imttating not omlythe A•thor ofthe Cormnentarie,but eueo ofthe I text, an:/ Eptil!e, the <Apo(lle!ude him{elfo: who percei11ing themen of hiS day.J qwckly rv;x- ,:!'!, ~~r:eofhe:trtng or rt:tdingSermo11r or Epi.flles, anylength or proitxitie)con.. \ d; CetJI