Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

---.·_r~the Chrifiian R 1 eader. . j __ , de{cende~(o for re toden· tnprmrtte M to contrail, anda~r:dge 'lltteh mat/a t;Jio a rt>erie P~·ort 1· and(imm•~rie Epiple. Vpon thefame con_/ider.<lton. alfo haue I jl11died bretutie, fo fir re .11/IJ jt~ch mu!ttp!wtteof matter I mtght avotd.- obfcurltle: hamng herem empf,red my b·Jipai>:rJ, that it mtghtappearo/;,ttthough lmayha11efailtdin otiJCr lomplements,yetfojarrt ''"'"7 a;de.t- I uour cou!tl er. ert me, 11ot in (auhjitlne(/e to the Authoreither ofthe te.,t or.Comrnentaru. Thefit- 1 nclfe and{ea(onab/melfe nfthts expo(it/Onmayfleme topbdefor the moregraciotJs acuptance of it: wlmh baing breathed ot•t by the Apojlolicaii!Jirit againJlthe hmtikesand herrjirs whnh wm to infic?,'andi'ifef! the!ajl agesof the world, may by Gods blefi'ingin the due "ading hemf, 1 (lrmgthen theptbple ofGodin tiN land.i, defcerning andreflJling both the wickedfeducers them– fe!tm daifJ.fent inamongjlvs :thofc Popijh inflrum'ents, (Imeane) who (like fo man1 dmills compajling the earth) are (o diligent to com~alfe[ea andl.<ndto make carnal/ Prote(/•ttts Popifh 1 Pro(elrtes ,a11J fo feauw-fold more the chtlarttt ofthe demllthtll the7 were before; ,u alfo their o ,, or Hn- diabolic.lldo{lrifles which eucr7 where tl meetcth wttha/1. Let them 0/11 oftheir malice ( &s that ~~~~~; :J~~~ fou!e mol/thed FrtJnci{ca11c Feucrdemius, t~ho hJth11ot th1otlghottt hU hooke"' lines without (ome egrrgiom lie or other) applte the[cope of the Epijlle toblacke thedoc1ri11esand liuuofth1cmo~ excelle11t injlmments of Godthe rejlorers oftrue religion, Luther, Caluin, \ Beza, &c. jet a< amiljlo11e roDedvpa mottutait~, or M aball tojfed agai11jla bra{en wall;fo re– turneth a11drecoyleth rt vpon themfelues, M thu graue Dimnc hath thoroughthjs Expojition in I partiu;lar diuinelyprooued. Reade it (Chrijiia11 Reader) with dtligence, faithfol{l confider and remember what thoureadejl,andthe Lordgiue theevnderJlanding in allthings,and build thtevp jurthervpo11thy moJl hol]faith. Frommyhonfltll Cambndgc, M.ry24.Aimo. r6o6. 'Thine in the Lordfefm:~ :fhomu Taylor.