Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

- 68 j eAnExpo'itior; of Chrifls \Ma""·5· \ '1' 'J. ~I I f1im write her abill of diuorce, and put it inher A. p::trltion from mc,is by her 0\\'11C finncs.:which I' \ Jlellum.dc: Amilf.;u.t. &fiat.pccc. li'b.r.caprB. ~~:r~;~~e't l'rrlog.prto4 ch.ty.,.di'··" r hand, andj(:nd her out of hU ho11/(. This law was phrafe l}JCV\'Cth what was the c.:uHomcof the " I not,morall,.but ciuill,or poli~ickc,for the good lc'wcs in this cafe. ordcri'ng ofthe Cummotl wealth.Now among If, Point, The ftrainuj{e of tin~ law :tpthcir p:~.niculadawcs, fomc were }uwes of tolcpcarcs in this, that the man ondywas pcrmi~- . I rAtion, andpei'mijfion, -..vhich ''''ere fit eh as did red to giuc this bill VlltO his wife, but the \\'ifc notapproouc-ofthccuill v,·hich they cancermightnorgiuc it to hcr husband: for Mofu ncd, but did oncly tolerate ~mdpermit that cfaith, \Vhofocucr fl1all put away.his wife: neitlill which could not be auoidcd, for the orerher is ther.c any place il} Scripture, to pr.ooue uentin~; of a greater euill, which other~,·ife that the wife had this, libenie, fo to deale with \\'Oil id fall our. As when the fca harh made a her husband.Ifit be ::tskcd,whcthcrthc wife in breach into rhc·hnd, if it cannot pollibly be a iufi caufc, as for adUlte'ric, had not the like lifioppcd,thc bt:H courfc is,to make ir as narrow bcrtie: I anfwer,lfwe refpeCl. Gods infl:itution as may be. Sudn.\'as the law ~.·onccrning vfury, touchin9 mariagc,the right ofdiuorcc is'cqual IDcur. 2. j. 2d. permitting the Ie\,•cs to cxercifc B to them both: for in r.cganl of the bond dfma.. : ir vpon afhangcr, but'l1ot towards a brother: riage, they arc equallY bound one to another. ' and the like vvas the law touching polygamic, Here indecde rhts Iibcnic is permitted oncly 1 Dcut. 21. 1 5, 1f a 111an hath two wiues,rhe one to the man, by this politickc law, not. that he I hatcd,tlrc other loued,& they both haue borne had more right~but toprtuenr the cuill, ofthe him children :•if the firn boulc·bc the fonnc of hardndfe'bf his hdir, who rak~ng dilpleafure rhc hltcd, (though fhc \\ 1 Crc maricd to him the at his wife, would rather fpill her blood, then l:mcr)ycr her fccde w:~.s Icgitimare,and her fon continue with hcr.Ifit be allcadged,that a man had the riglu of the firfi borne. In both which a ;,I thewomtrnS hfad: I anfwcr, that is forrcgi..,.n-3bwcs were tblcratcd, that '\\'hieh God conmcnt and direCtion in her place, but nor in redcmncd, onCly for the prcucnting of a greater ga~d ofbreakin~ the. bond ofmariage, wherby tuill. Vnder this IOn comes our law of vfuric, he 1s b.ound to Ius V·/Jfe, as well as Jltce to him for taking tcnne in the hundred, not approoas the ApofHc reacheth, I Cor-.7 4· ' uing bur permitting fo much, for thctauoiding lii. Point. The fora and tjfiil of tlu~ !tfi'P of greatcrvfuric, Vnto this kind, the Papifls was this, It made the Bill of diuorcemcm for would reduce law of permitting Stewes, any caufe giucn, tobe tolerable before men; for the preucntingof greater finnes: but that and mariagc after.fuch-a dittorcc, lawfull and law c:m hauc no title to fuCh penl)tffion: for a warrantable in the.ComtS ofmen, Deut,24·4• la~· ofpcrmifTiO,is tp di!tlinifhtb1.t ·cuHl,wQich C But yet in the court ofconfcicncc before God, b¥ man c:mnot pojfibly he cut off altogether: the diuorccmcnt ir felfe, and fccond mariagcs now that fi.nnc wf1ich they ..,\roUldprCucnt'by made thereupon,were both vnlawfull ;fm· God their Stcwcs, m\ght be cut of(among rhcm, if hateth this ftparP.tion, 1\hl. 2.. I 5.And whether tht'y v·:ould giue allowal\ce to Gdds 0\1\'nc orpanic focuer marieth another vpon this didinancc of lawful11nariage, ynto all forts and uorce, commits adultctic. Matth.lg.9. This fexcs. So likcwi.fc this lawO'f Mvfes for dimull be remcmbrcd,for the true vnderfiandit1g · uorce, was ala·.,y ofpenniflion,not approOuing of this hwof Moff.s; the firfl words whereof, of rhc giuing a bill of diuorce for euery light arc a permiffioo, to this effeCt; If a man doe c·::mfc, but tolcr:tting ofit,for the preuenri1~g of concciue fuch a difiikeagainfi his wife, as that greater mifchiefc,cucn ofmunhcr: for the n:1he will not abide with her, but will needcs put turc ofthe Jcwes was this; ifo. man once tooke ber away, then he may; but yet fo, :as he giuc dillike to his wifc,he would ncuer be at reH till her a bill ·of diuorcc; which cloth nor acquit he had l11od her blood, ifthey might not be him before God,but before menondy. parted afundcr. Now this lav\' of diuorce, was 1 D Hauing thus lhcwed the true meaning of giucn to rdhaine this great euill, for hereby a this law,ir remainetl1 now to fee wha~ the Pha.. man was ~olcratcd te put away his wife, when rifies taugilt touching diu_orce. Th.eir doctrine ·o,cc found no fauour in his eics,kafl he fhould was this, that he whichgo.ueabill of diuorce.. kill her; yctfo, as he gauc her abill ofdiuorcc, mcnr vnro his wife, by any light occafion, \V1S wherein he mull fer dot\'ne the caufe \.Yhy he thereby acquitted from her before God; and put her away: whereby alfo,many were rdlraithCITl!pon might n1arrie another, \'•ithout the ncd from putting away rhcirwiuc.:~, b~caufe it ouilt of adultcrie: and alfo that another ntan w:1s a. great t11amc ,for a light high- ~ight lawful!y marrie her that was thus diuor. ly to tran!P,reflt: Gods holy int1itution, \.\ha ccJ. Th:\t this was their meaning, may appcare lll:ldcthcn\ bymariagc, one flcfh. The truth of by the con:r:1ric ~nfwcrof our SauiourChrifr, 1 this nny appcarc by rhc Lords ownc camwherein be croflcth :md confutcth this their · 1 i plaim, :~ogainH his people) to \o..•home he fpcaintcrpr<:tation, in the words following. kcth,:~.s to a ·wife that had forfakC her husband ,,crf. 3 2. But I [1?-J "!.mto}'ou, whofoctJn'J1}all I without aou{C on his bch:~lfc·, Ift~.. 50.1.Wb~re pr-:tm~ay bUwifo, (."t'crpt it he [ffornication) (!3.ith he) iJ that hill Dj yuur mother.r difforacat!foth her tocorhmit ~rdu!tcne: 1111dwho[oe.. mm r, wherc/;J I ferJt hfr away? As ifhe nloU!d lln" /hallmaric her thatr~· distorced; commit 4 1 I fly,Jg:we her 1 0 bill,but her departure and tC.. teth.adst!te~·re. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L--~~==~.~----------------cHerc ~----~----------------------~--------------------------------·-------------~