Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.j 480 II I eAn Expojition vpon ~~~----~~~~~----------' ' cond place fee how we may come to be refol- A ; gcn~r~ll,is the argument:· which doeh exhort all , ---~ ued that it is fo to be allowed: which we may Chrdhans to conHanc!e and pcrfcucrancc in ; . in this refcmblance. An Indenture berweenc theirprofeffion oftheGoipci.Secondlv,to be- 1 man and man is knownc to be fufficicm two ware and take hcede of fa!(c teachers ·and de- : waicf.Firfl: by the macrer and contcms therein, ceiucrs,.which craftily '.rccpc in amo~g them. I \.vhich plainly fhcwcs an aCle p:ilffCd,and done: !'-nd t!ltrdly, thcfc dcccJ.uers arc liucly Cct out I fecondly, adding and annc~ing thereunto cerm thc:Jr colours; and With them their ddlrutainc outward !ignes and tdlimonic:s, as the Clion. bonds and fcalcs of the parties, the hands and Now concernin{phe-Epirue it fclfe,and the names of the wimcffcs corroborating anp f.?cciall parrs ofit. ..; · fhengthening the fame: tht firHisgood in Jt Of it there be three paru: Firfi,a Saldtatirm, iClfe(though not fo confirmed to the parties/ in the·t,:md 2.verfes:Secondly,anExh9rtlltion, withounhc fecond: but the fecond is nothing f:om the 3.v. to the ende ofthe 2 3. Thirdly, a w>thoutthc firfl : but if both thcfdhall conConclufonJr~m tha; t'o the end oft~c Ch•ptet. currc and be fpccificd in the Indenture, then it In the Salutauon,conhc\cr three things. . is abfolutely authemicall, both in it i'elfe, a~id • Fjtlt, the perfon· rhat wrote thi~ Epillle, vmo the pmies.Ifthis be applied to the Scriplude. . . ·.. ' cu"e, it flull be apparam tobe no lefiC ratified B Sc::CoOdiy,the perfons to wl10mhe wrote:to then fuch an Indenture. For firfi confider but thofe which were cal/ed,fanEiified of God tbc Fathe Contents & matter it felfe ofit, it will fpeak ther,•ndrefemed to lefm Chrif/. the certcntie and truth ofit: read ouer theEThi•dly the prayer, or~inarle iti Apo!lolicall pi!Ue, you /hall fjndethe whole matter agreed, falutations; m~cievntuyou,&c. .' vponby the Prophets and Apoflles:and for the' CoQj:erning the lirfi, namely, the writer,of teflimonie, the Catholike and common confcnt thi~ Epifile,obfc~uc three thingS:Jirfi,his name of the Church, or greatcfl part fincc the Apolude: f~condly, his office, a fcruanr of Jcfus fllcsdaies,hath fer to her hand and fealc that it Chrilt: thirdly,his allyance,and brothJr-hood, is the truth ofGod, no lc!fe affurcd then other beeing ofthe kinred ofChrifl himfelfc. bookes Of the· Canon: which affent of the Fi'rft, ofhis name, lude or ludM, whkh \\'35 Church, though it cannot make vs, yet may the namccfn:vo of the Difciplcs ofChri!l:the mooue vs accordingly to entettaine it.Belides, firll wiis ludt.sthe fo'nneof .Aphem,'the btoifwe confid'et the endr,asalfo thceffcEis ofthis ther ofldmu, and fo neere ollyed vnto Chrifi: Scripture (which 31·e the fome with any parr of C who li'l•• the writer of this Epifile. The other the Canonicall) we cannot but confeflc that it j was/udMlfcariot,or ludtU the rraytor, the fon is the holy antl facred trmh of God, all of it ofSim<>n, who could not write this Epiflle,beconfpiring wit11 all the othcrto the aduoneing' caufe:lie died-before Chrifi, , , .. · of Gods gloric, 2nd furthering of mans fat... ·In this name confider two things. Firfi, tbe u:uion. So much of the autholitie of this E.: occafion of it, and fccqndly the varictie of his pillle. · name. The occafion ofthis name is fee downe The (econd poinrisrbeS11ptrji:ription,which with the reafon of it in the z9. of Gen. H• h in thefe words; The C&bolique Epijlle oflude, WhenLeab hod borne 3· fons vnto14co6, ihce This title fccmesto be prefixed rather by fomeconceiucd again anP bare aforth fonnc,faying, Scribe afterwards, then by lude himfdfe: firfl, Now lwillpraife the Lord, therefore lhce called bccaufc this title (Cr.tholiqN.e)was not heard of his name luddh, which fi"gnifietb praif~ or conin the Church whilfi the Apofiles liued; fo ao it feft.on: fo no doubt did A/phmnhcfathcrof is not Co ancient as the EpilHe. · this Iudr, at his birth giue him fuc.h a name as Secondly,the title fecmes to be vnfit for this might moouc not onely himfclfe, bu~ his child and other Epifiles intitled after the fame manafter him to thanHulnes & confellion ofGods ner, and may be well forborne; asthe Epillles 0 goodnc!fc. So ought cuery father in impofing of P1ter arc called <::anonicaH, \Vhich arc no his childrens names· with Alphem, and cucry more Canonicall then others. mother with Leah,make fuch choife ofnames, Thirdly, molt ofthe Pofl-(cripts are vnceras themfelues and their children may be put in ten, ifnot falfe: <15 of that after the fccond Eminde, yea and fiirrcd ''P to good duties, <'Ut'O pif'Ue to Timothie, in which Timothie is called fo often as they lhall' heareor remember their aneleft Bifhop ofEph~fui, an-d yet comtnaundtd owne nariles. The fecond point in h:s nan1e, is to doe the worke of an Euangdifl, 2. Timoth. the varietie of the names of lnde, he was called 4· ~·which cannot Hand together, to be the Thaddem,Marke :?.18.andLe6bem," Bilhop of one place, and al(o vniuerfally to 3· all which fignifie the fame thing, and all"put preach vnto the whole world following the in minde ofche fame duEic.Herc two qudlions Apo!lles, as the Euangclills dutie was: ond fo m•y be asked. Firlt, why wos he called by fo oforhers. Thistitle then wos not added by the many names? Some thinke he hod all thefe Apollle,but by fome Scribe thatcopied outthe names giucn him by the people and multitude, Epifile: it is not therefore holy Scripturo os thl: as fignifying all one thing: others (which is Epifileis. . more proboblc) thot he was thus called b~ the The third point concerning the Epillle in Apolllc• themfelucs, rather then by his ownc name,