1 ......... ,,, '"'"'"'"'"' ,... ~::t/!~~ :;:~:: ,,,,.,,.. '"' '""':"' ;,;J 1 s ~ i ing his M3 flcr fhould be vrtcrly ~t\'ith his name I fclfc with the ride of a [forr.tant of Cb,.,~t; : ]\ Ye lj forgotten. l lcarnc to !11akc more ac~.:oum) and eH:-c1:nC it a A (ccond qucfl:ion is, whither m1y a mln grcarcr priuilcdgc to be afnu:mt ofldiJs.Chri£l . change his 11:1111c, or no? then to be of.the kinrcd of Kings, :uui a.llyct! If the clunge thereof be no preiudi~;;e tO ato the grcatcH MonarchS'ofrhe world: 'Chrill ny m1n; much lc!fc hurrfull to the Church Or him(cltC· Jh~..,,·cs vs. '.\·hat kindred !noldd take common-wcach,nor offcndcth the faithfull,but Vp ou'r dlC.itCdelight; whc.n he turned billllClfc wholly cendcth to the gloric ofGod,and good from his Mother, and Brrthrcn,:lild bchoicling ofmen, it may be altered and changed J As Sa~! his hc;uers f.-tid, thofc w.crc his-mm her, !i.Hcrs, a orcat perfccutor, bceing called to be a pubhand brethren rhat hcarc the word of God; .and fb~r :md patron oftbe gofpcl,changed his name kcepc it r this alliance in ·the faith was nccrtr. into Paul : as alfo Salomon was ar the firfi cal- -and dearer vi1to him then that in rhc fldh~ Jf Q!!.dl.s. I A.nlivcr. led by his Mother, lcdidiaiJ: Peter, atfir!l calthen thou fian_dcfi vpon thypreferment, Hriuc ledSimon Bariones, Chrilt afterward gauc him I to be the feruaot of ChriH; which is more hoa new~ name,and he accepted it. Yet hence the nourable then to be the fonne ofa King; to be &--!-wrir. too common prall:ifc of the world cannot bee lB afollower of ChriH, is more rhen to goe be1wo Hom1warranted, who for fraud and dcceite doe alter · fore the Rnl~rsof the eare h. -Bm if thou :::ske ~~~;:J,~'C:: theirnamcs:which when it is·not imc:ndedmay how !hall I cqme to this ptcfcr:1Jent? Himfdfc d~~~~~~i~i'; warrantably be done: as in time of pcrfcc:ution anf ..,·ercth thee, thou muft giue vp thy felfe ro· ofNttrh~nM · in the raigne of King Edward the fixt, Bucer heare his word :tnd do ic,rhar is ,learn to know, Nrfo~iw::and changed his name, and both called himfclfc, and obey his will, rhis is the m:1inc dutie,of-a ~~~~~!nand fuffered others to call him .Ar~tiiU F~!Pius, feruanr: cndcauour to pleafe chc Lord in kec- ~~~~:h: vnfo diddiuerfc: other worthy men in rhofe daycs ~ping faith, and good confcience,thotiart il\' the n:ameof.A.l- .feekiag no other th.cu the glorie of God, and way of prcfcrmcm, and art admitted a feru3ilt ~7:a~:~f good ofthe Church itl their owne fafetie: .and of Chrifi. r· _ Ch.trkJ the that the Papins not knowjng their names mtght · : Thirdly, if we be admitted thc.feruaots ;md Gr.:.n,.An$. reade their writings without preiudice. ,followers ofChri!l;wcmull fe1"Ue no othtr ntaJH+· 1L The fecond thing in theperfon writing is his Her, but kcepe our fclucs from becing imangof!ice:.bcdng called [aforllant of le{ tu Chrift) led either with the offences, or affaircs of the which is not [o generally to bee vnderllood as world,as to be vaff.'\ls therc:ro:no man canferuC meant of euery profeJfofof Chri!l andbclec- C .two,muoh ldfcmoremaflers.of fuch conttarie uer, who is a feruant of the Lord Iefus_: but commands. Ltt noneprerend to be the fcruant ofafpeciall fcr.uice,nanlely of ApoflleJhJp, to of ChriH, who 'by louing plcafure morc.then whichhe was deputed. . God, or fccking earth •more then hcaucn, dif .. 'Wherein confidectw,o things. Firfl, that he grace fuch a.pr0frffion. · ... was' called to bee an ··Apofile and,feruant of The third thing in theperfon writing, is the II i, Chrifl to plant the Church ofthe Gentiles: Seallyancc[Broth<r oflames]of which name tllere condly,that he-did faithfully execute his fun eHwere two, fir{t, lamu the fonne of ZebediuJ<, on, and ptrformed his fcruice. . - ·\'-'hofe death is mentioned in the r :z..ofthe ACt .. ~ Firfl; he pleades hhcalling; for two cau(es: byHerod:the fecond was the fonne of .A?plwis, firfl,inr<gard o(othw:and fecondly in refpeCl here mentioned ·, · ·. "' ofbimfclfe. Firfl, that his doClrine might with Firfl,that he might diflinguiJh himfclfcfrem more·attc!ntion,3nd rel.Jerencc be rcceiued ofo- ·the other IudtU the traytour. Secondly, ch.at he • thcrs,'fccing herun .OPt :vnfcnt but was dll.ed, might win further credit aild attention toXli5 and thauo an Apollldhip; an'd therefore bee doctrine, fceing he was .no vn~now.l1t per.fo.J;, fpake not ofhim(clfe, but wholly :mdimmedi- ·but one that came of the worrhiefl flocke '""' atcly..direClcd by God, ·· ,. .\v.as vpon the face ofthe caorh: & f<:>r this-oaufi: S~condly, for the confirming and ....comfor- D he memioncthhis brother Iamer.)-who "'·as·~r~ ting of himfelfc, th>r the lord whoba~called tcr:known,as being the Prefideilt bf the G.,;unhim \-iould fland by him, both in proteCting cill at IeruGkm, & a choi(c pillar of.the chtlttl• his perfon , and profpcriug his worke in his in his time,.ACl.t ~. q. not:ro credit hjmfclfe, hand. btJc·this Scripture(which odicr-wilc.is i.n it fclft Vfe. Seeing the Apofilc l11d<b•fore lie wri- (ufficientlypowerf,~IJby the mention ofhim. teth!aieth downe hiscalJing; foought:.all ~i- .:: Now followes the fecond thing irrthc:S-alut.J ni!lers to ma~e their calling thc'found.ation of .tat.ion:that is,thc pcrfon to ,.,·home ludcwiote-, ~ all their proceedings, cont:lining thcmfclues in thefc words [.v~tto thofe w.h:oare calletl, and within the compa{fe thereof:eucn as they arc to fm£/i(i<d bfGod th<f"ther, andpr<fcmedb; Tefm teach the fame dutie vnto all forts of men, thac Chrift:] th:tt is, the militant Catholikc ChurCh\ ; ~.~~-~s~~~i~;c they tempt not the Lord, by paffi.ng chc bonds which is liucl~, dcfcribc:d to be the numb(fr of prnp~:dy·f~,r. and limits oftheir calling. ·, beltcuers difperfcd through the Gee of the 1hc Chnrch, Secondly, in that !Hd~,' thoughhe was of the whot:world:who are cffcClually called,& f.an:;. th:u i! mi:;ht fame Tribe, ye' of neere :allyancc vnt.o Chrifi, Cbfica,:md p.role'wccl vmo life cu.crl~fHng. Gtlt ~~i~;~~~~-d yet hce p.:_«eth by all thefc rdpeC\s which he of which deCcriptioll tlOie: .. . <hmby. ,~__:.__ _ ________________ _::Z~z:,:z::._r Firfl, ;•