Obicll'. J n Expoftion vpon I FirH, who and what theybe that arc mem- A I PertOns; but the Cat~urch confifli-~g 1 bcrs ofth~s Church:namely,no \'\'icked or proonely of a lJUmbcr and called, thouoh 11 fanc pcrfons, but oncly the eleCt, fuch as a1e it al10 (not becing as yet \VithGut wrinklc)m~v chofcn vnto life cuerlaf\ing, 'Nho after rccciuc erre and f<£ilc in fomc fmal!cr points: yc;r bee·- ' their calling vnco holindfc, and there:in arc afm_g ~refcrucd by God to life, cannot pcffi.bly 1furcdl}' prc!Crucd vnto life: .,."hi eh priuilcdges fa1k m the mame and foundation. · I no·wid,cd pcrfon,no vnrcl,Cnt:\llt finncr can be This doCTrine affordcth ilrono confolations I panaim- of, but onciy the Church of theftrft to the de&ofGod, both in reo;:.-d oftheir fre- : borne, as Hcb. the t z. whofc names are wriuci1 qucnc falls and infirmities, wh<:~cby they might I in the bookc of life, and who rccciue daily fpitcare to caH-thcmfducs quite out of fauour; as , ritual! increafc: for howfoc~1cr in the Catholikc alfo in regard ofthe m:mifold aff!lults and bick- ~ Church there bee tV·:o forts of men ptofcffing I rings,\o\'hich i11 the world they do !n-d flt3ll en1religion: the one of them that doe "Vnfainedly durc,wh~reby they might feem to the outw 3 rd brleeuc, and arc fanChficd; the mher of them view to pcri!h: yet the truth is, neither ofboth who rnake a l11ew of faith, but indccdc belccue I need ~iJinay th~m,but that their faith and hope nor, but rcmainc in their finncs! of the former may !hll be reu1ucd and firengthencd 1 fcej 11 g dc;>th theCatholikc Church confift, and nor of ! they arc prcferued to faluation. the latter , who arc no members fct into the 1 B Sixtly, here :~re bener notes ofa true church hc:3d ofthis bodie, though they may fecm fo to I then the Papifis Anriquitic, Succdfion, Multibee. I tude,&c. which can be: no notes, FirH,for AntiSecondly,this confuteth the Romilh Church, l quitie: In the b~ginning·was a true Church,but who teach and hold that a reprobate may be a no Antiquitie. Secondly, fucceffion failcs; for membct· of this Church. ..>1 1 what rnenfocucr arc called and fanCtificd, are Thirdly, that non< can !Jee the head of th-is th·eChurch·: Thirdly, multitude no·note:for if Church and C:uholikc congregation but only there bee :i calling and fanCtification of men, ChrHt, for he oncly knoweth them, who and there is 3 Church, be there many or fewc: But where they he through the face Of the whole the true·notes are the mean·es of calling ro-tlle earth: not the Pope or any other creature bath faith by the dochine of the Prophets and ApoThcthurcb notcicdw pcrfot4C)J pbccs,_but to'ChnflS ~!lY headfilip oucrthis comp:mie who arc giuen files, and obedience thcrennto,procec.dingforand properly appcrtaine vnto the Son of God. ward infanCtificadon·, cuc-11 vm.iJI death; withvoice. Fourthly, that this Catholtkc Church is in'- out which notesnone can trucly fay they areof uifible and cannot by <ne eye of flefh bee diC: the Cotholike Church:By>which we may "know cerned; for who; eye (except of faith) con fee C the Chuid\ of England to be thn<ue vifible or<lifccrnthedepthofgodscleC\ion,orwhom Church of God, called and fandified In the he bath effeClually called? yeaand who can inttuth, iob,S.jt, .~ _.-, fallibly determine of the things that :lre within Now·to proctedc; we '-Te in the ntxt pbce amanhnd therefore this is 3 mnw::r off3ith,not to inueatc- of th'c order which God obfcrueth 1 affenfe, an Article of our bclecfc, not the ob'- in bringing incn by dcgr~es· to life c,ucrlafiin.g: ieCt af our fight, feting faith is an euidm~~ af And firfl of the calli'ng mentioned; wPich is a thinJs not foene: which <lg3il'\e ouenhrowcth · worke of God, \-\hoof his mccre fauour and th~t ~omifl1 doCtrine, whic.h teachcth tha.t grace calleth vileanad1ifcrablc m~n out.ofrhe the Catholike Church is vilib!c •nd apparent world; an:dtinuireth.thtm to life :to on ~artb,and fo dellroythat .Anic.Ic ofour faith. ] vndcr!l:and·:which, vvi.-e mufi knowe .~hat the. Fift!y, that this Catholike Church b~cing calling of.God is twofolde, The firfl isgmer•ll rr~ferued by God the Father tO life cuerlafling when God callcs awhlilc Nation .•ki<tgdome, C:annotV\r:erlyperi{h and be d~ffolucd: all other and countrie,that is,w'hCn'hc offers them falua- .congrcsations :lnd particular Churches beeing tion in.the!mcancs; as -\.vhcn he fends~ltis word . mixed, and th.egrcatdl part not prcdc!Hnate, 0 amongA: thcJ~,o:lffoar<ls tlrcm th'cSactaillefltSto . -ma}' failc, thi.5 cannot beoucrcomc, Rom. ~~ fcalc the cnuenanr,·gfLrelleauc: to approach him 1_1.7. this~/tl1hm of Godfottll obt11in~, though the in prayer;:lnd all tliis in _the Minillc:riC of man, ,;,f}-liehtrrden.d, The gates of helllhall not prethar tnanmight call ma·n':yea when hnt>uchf:i_ uai!e againfhhe faith of the Church , becauf~ _ fcth p;iuatc meancs faric ·inferioufto 'tbe forfaith.full and true is he that hath fpoKcn.&who mer, often feruin~ for agenerail c31l~n_g, as wilt prc:feruc in this Church a fucccffion of is the rtadi11gof the Scr~pntrcs, yea of mens .vo.•h.olefome and founddodrinc,and hcaucn and \\'r.idn~s, and fomctinic: repor·ts, as in Ro1ha6.s earth l1r31l fooncr be diffolued, then one iot of e-'Xample, and the womartof Sarnaria ~ by thefe ,he fame fball failc andpC'rifh. . mcancs the Lord generally calleth nlC'O, offe- -· But though ·that failr not, the 'Church may ring,butofren not givinggrace offred;~n great fall from that l. and fo fail c. iudgemcnr-turning a~·;ay from a frOward pco1. :J'"hat pa.rticular Churches, and of them d1c plc. · f d «- b ' - - d I Ob' a moH famom, haue been ruined, yea, and fallen I Go orn:r, ut gn.1c not grace, a 1sa e u1 c · away, :md fo m:1y doe, is C'uidcnt by the Churding of'men: , · · . ches ofEphcfus, Corinth, Gala.tia, &c. and no No,f'or firA: aman was once able to receiue it: I Apfwcr. marucl!, (ccing thclC: conlillcd cucr of mixe'l fecondty·, hereby he maketh them v ..'i\hout ex· ----------------------------<ule -- -- ----