------·---------- the .tpiji!e oj lude. i 4B5 cufc who!ll he will dctlroy: thirdiy, h-cr-c-by- \,c : f\ fo he may be faucd from wmk ~1----.-- kccpcs chc wicked in outwardor·dcr:, . i Thinlly, thep(r{omthacarc callc'\J: thofe are Vfo: Confi.dcring to be called of Go.:i IS the . I}IC'ntibncd, Rom. 30. namely, tbofc\vbom he firO tlcp to life cucrlaHing,&we in thisChurdf had 6cfor~pr~d~Jl-inare, thofe he called l whjc}, of Enoland arc thus called) it rcmaitles thac cfccmes to be expounded inl\C't. i ~ .48. So m.z~ UCI"Y 1 r~an fhould anfwcr this calling. ny .u W~ff: ordnined ro life mfrlaffino -6dNucd, Ho"v {hall this be done? Frame thy heart to t.h!l.t is; were called vntO the Gith: all therefore anfwcr God, as D:w1ddid \\'hen God bad-him ate not cl!led. fcekc his face; ThJ'frcc 0 Lord JPi!ll ftc"-f .- fc: lr plcaleth lome ta tead> andthrr dotlrint 1 i alfo M:ukc 9.2 ;. :4. ofthe father ofd1e poffd- ~amcl~ t·h:it Ood for his pai·c calks oll mc.nd~ I fed child, and Pt31. 40. 6. 7· \'-'hen D.usid.; care feaL!ally,omd giuc:sthcn'l a power to bclecue if •.vas pearccd, hce ant\-Yercd, Lord, f come: th;s they\\ ill; buc the difference, fay c_bry,is 1:1 the ouoht to be the Anfwcr of our hearts to chc '"'ill of man; w proouc which they bring this Lo~ds voyce founding in the Minillerie. comparifon.The Surtn€ flYines on waxe and cla~ The fccond c:-tlling is more fpcciall; "''hen equally, the "''axe is foftcned, but rhc clay;, grace is not Oncly offered, bur_giucn a~fo b_y hardened. But rh is is not true out of the !(rip• God,through the dfeClual wcrkmg ofhu fp1 .., .B tu res: for it is norgit~~n roa/1 to vndcrfland the !"it in our hc3rtS f which is the be~inning of myHcdes ofthe kingdome, Matth.t j.t 1 :thcfe grace in vs, he himfclfc laying the firft foundatlungs are hid from llLofi of the wife of the tton ofit:by giuing povHr w rcceiuc the word world,and rcuealcd vmobabes, Manh.1 t . 2 5. to minolc it with faith,and bring forth the fruit Knowledge is giucn tO fomc,not to others,and of ne.!'obedience; for the better conceiuing confc'lucntly faith: for they which hauc not of the nature ofit confider fixe po111rs. knownc cannot hclecuc. Fidl, theground and foundation of ir,nameFou;·thly, thetim~ofthis calltng. Thep3rti.... Jy Gods eternall free eleCtion of vs V!HO life ccular time of any ma"ns calling i~ nOt tcucilcd, ucrlafiing, as 1. Ti!n• t ~ 9. when I fay free, I but laid ''P in the fecrct counfcll of God, in exclude not oncly wh:nfoe'uernlan can in'laginc whofe.hands times and feafons art: yet thecx.~o within himfclfc as vaine in procuringfUch good I tent ofthe time is large~nough though fiintcd, !vnto himfclfc, as not ofworks,faith Paul, lcaH cu~n th.t' time ofthis lifc,.fomear rhCJi>:r hourc, any fhould boaH; but aHO J?lacin~ theground, i fomc at the ninth, &"others at the e/euemh, &c. of all our good out ofour lclucs 111 the counfcll ! but oot af1cr, bc€aufe that tlien all 111eancs o( of God, which the ApofHc callcs, hHgoodpur- ~~~calhng of men (Cafe. Now bcc:1ufc n1en know poft,Rom.8.28~yea to 01CV/e the frcencs OfdliS noNhe dateof tlieirudaycs ~ h 'bchooues them grace, it is the:need'enominared and called the C 1 ()Ut of·hand to firiU~to enter, not to defcrre c/~Efio11 of!/·ace. . from day to day,:11leadging that_forr.c v~·ere ea}... Secondly, thcmean~Jofthis Calling, v. 1 hich l~d :Jt thr twelfth hourc,but accepc·ofthc lords itl the Lords h·mds arc diucrs; whereof ft1mc caB, while it isyatthe acceptabiC time. If tht prepare to callmg, othcrfonJe arc 1nflrumcrtts Lord now fay, Scckc.my fa£ej ltir th}' htarc an... ofitj as firH rhe reading ofthe Scriptures, fer. fwcr as an Eccho whiclnake-s the:word o11t of uing to bcgcca generall hilloricall faith. Sethe mou)h, Thy fau 0 Lord1 will [ct/;t, Pial. condly,affiiCbons in body,g"ods,name,frcinds 27. 8.Jfuclr:1 pleafam harmo_ny Gorl is delighor otherwifettnding to humble a man and pretcd \\ ith. Jf hcfay.(as the Prophet lpeakctli) pare his heart as (oft ground. Thirdly, tlic deBiholdnow my p<oplc,thcyore prcfcmly ready to nouncingof Gods iudgcmcnts, 3nd threats of anfw~:r; BtholdnoJJ' o~~r·God; and:cheirarher bc..1. the Lawe: which tCnds to hell. but giues no caufc the lord,wU be free,& ricii: ftimcti b,y the, .graccahefc arc genCrall prcparatiucs:othc'rs are that either hCfhal call thee i-n thy,nol:;ed yeeut inflrumcnts-co effcChhc ino,\'ard c:1lling, asrhe or n.ot at all: he will· nm be prc:f(ribed cxtr:l.. preaching of the glad tidings of the Oofpdl, :ordinarily to cal thCCrat thetwclfih hotlrc,as he which is the moll principall '>nd effectualI did th~·thcefc on the croffe,whei1thou howldl mcanes ofthis lpecialland cffcctuall vocation, D .vpmi thi: bed <>fthy:forrow,& gaipdhpon thy and to this Ptml afcribcs it, 3S :::! • The{Lz. 14. dca1.·l"tlhcd. Thcrrfore while ii:~··clllledroday let "''hereunto hecallcJ·youb;o1lr Gojpcll:that this vsh'earc the voice &·harden ·.oUnhoris no more. is true, contidcr a two...fold workc: of this MiFaftly,wherin doththis cffctlual C-:~llin'g Hand? n..!!rRi"ol'lo niHcric, when it is powcrfitlly apply<·d to the Both hi. the outward and inward calling,beAnf1~cr. hearts ofmen. Firfl: it opcncth the very hean of cailc tl\t fOrmer i-s ofcen in the meancs giuen to a man, and laies him ouc to-the brholdmg of N~t?ons, people, men, .at kafi to- make them ro .. ,mttfl f.. himfelfe, fhcwi"ng him that by his detd1~blc withoiltcxcufc: but,clle {Ccond bCcing fecrct luh~t! r..us,. Gnncs hcc hath n1adc himfelfc more vgly in and inward, wJ1ercby the Lord makes am3m per Ju.lmm· Gods eyes then any Toade ran be in mJns; h:ut ill\\ ardly anfwcNhe outwa1d callmf,pofI :~~';/::~g;·· whereby he is prepared nottQ lie aOcep in this fellnh htm wnlla \\: 1lhng mmde tledfaHlv to- (lf(j(lpcraii,'Y.. clhtc,but vmo the fc(on~\ work·e, which is to bd,eucw the Lord Icfus, and "''rth an cn~Jc3_ ffutt '• :l~prchcnd and ~pply the blood ami mcriu uour to plc~fc tl~c Lord m all thmgs;thm JS the ot Chri!l (exhibited in the .Go+tH:!I) for 1hc hart pcouccO,PJ~l.4o.6.thc heart of!lone chan- ! waDJing and b:nhing ofhis tinncfull fout.c,tl~__ge~~to ~n ~c_:r:.oft\dh,t~f-~_,ma~~ ~racbGlc \ Z 'L z 1 ~nd