Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1484 I I I !!An Expojition vpotJ J ·----- '-- ~nu pliable, Ezcch. 1 r. r9· and an heart ..,,,hieh 'I A · .Now we procccdc to rile fccond Hrp of life }ll)tctic.ltllS a{acrificcacceprcd of God; l"'uch :1 heart was · ctcrnall, ..vhich h fnnCtijict!fto 11 : rhi~ name is ta- 1 .,, f·.·l,:·"· · Ljdi.u, AC1.t6. I 5. when God had opened it, ; ken ti·om the Launcs 1 and bv it is vnd:::rfioo<; ;~i~Ii·:.:··~'t":tt it \.\·:a~he~dcfull and attcmiuc ro the words ?f j_ Rcgcncr~uion, renouat!on, n~v.... cre~rion , <1od . "' ( Paul: th1s h~art can rclt01 the fwcctc prom)ks to be lanChfied is to be nl:!dt: holy :mU be borne I of the Gofpcl, <1nd no other. anc\<.', That \YC may the better knov\' [his ·~race Sixtly, the cxccllcncic of this calling: \Nhich confider fundric points, ~ \"-;C Oull pcrcciuc by tbcfc confid.crations.ErH, Fidl, 'A· hat S{ln£/rfication U; It is an im,·:~rd in t~_lat it is a great '"''orke, :ts was thecreation ch:m~e ofa man i_ulli~cd,whcrcby cbc: itmgC' of ofman archefirH,Rom.4.I8, fo the ApoHlc Cod 1sreftorccl nl htm. For the openino of makcch ic, 2.Cor.4. 6. he tb:lt at the beginning v·:hich dcfcr!prion, m:akc th;}t 6dll !&all ita called light ~ut of d:trkcneff'C", the f:ul'lc hath change ofa man, to put a ditferenH bcn.,·ccne 1 !hincd in our hc:tns,&c. that as. God calls the I it and ciuill conuerf.1tion,which is a oifcofGod 1 firll ~ime :md dead cre:ttures come forth eo life: hke""ifc as this b,bm f.1rre differentfi·vm itjbe- ! fo wnh nolcffe powcr~ull voyce the Lord cans I j caufc this oncly rdtraincth lh~ corn1prion of' thehc:tn ofm:m dc<td 111 finne, :md it is quick- : the hcarr, "''hercas fatH~fification rencwnh the ·ned \\'ith the life of God. · 1 B heart: :md thus the gifts of God :ne oft\\ o , , Secondly,this cffeel~t~ll calling goes bcrond \ fo~·ts: firll, rdlr:\ining, \\htcl~ doe kccpc in the the of our creatton: for here arnan·Js t:l· wtckedndfe of the he::trt, luch as arc all ciuill l ken out of the fir.ll Adam, and fct imo the feI vcrtues. Secondly ,renuing or altring t.hc mind~ eo!'Id, and at the fame inHam power isg~u~n to \ which not oncly reprctTcth,bm abolil11eth corbclccue, bccing in tillle.both togqhcr,.. though rupdon;ofthiskind is f:lnC:fificn:on, in order faith is t;rH,and th'cn'ingrafring,whcrj Secondly, I c:11l it an in·wa1d chan'(t, namelv in is ~lot oncly abare.priuadon as in the creatiin the n1indr, will ,afft:tlions, as wo;kingvpoU on when God called things ,that were not , as thc.inward corruptions & lutlSofthe l-1can :to though rhcy '-~·erc:but herc.isa;plaiJre refifi:~':'t diOinguilh it from omwar~ f.·uH:1i.fic:ui6 which & rebellion,God c:alling not oncly things t-hat a wit ked man may haue,~...-.·hcrcby he uformeth are not,but things that wou-ld not and rc:fi1t'c:ro ·his outward man and carriage by the tmnificrie be._!'~us. to raifca man. out ofthc .biCod of' 1 of the word, filcharcthrywhomtheAroflle Chn!l,1s ~nor~ then tora1fc Elf~ out ofAdttm! I .fj1eakcs of Hcb. 10. "7· whichtrMdvndcrrluir fide ; to raifc a dead foulc•from the dcaoh of f"te the blood of Cbri/l, whm61 rh'! ,.,,,.~ finne farre more glorious andpowerful fhch to C Janflif"t'd, namely CJ<tcrnally: [hfs· is of anoraifca dead bodie fro~ horliJ}'·death; ~o raife ther kindc working the inward change of the a man to fupcruacuralllifc,farrc greater then to. hcarr. · · anatuplloncly. . : · T~irdly, 1 addeofnman iuf/i(icd; for two Thirdly,d1js our coutnants c:mfes:firfl w {hewth<lt iu!Hf!c:nion and fant1iwith God. Men in their baptifme cmcn:oueficatian arc two;diuC"rs giftcs of God,:md their I nanr with 9o~;but .often fian from it,:md will ditfereJJce may appe(lrCin thrccthinKs:fidl, in I not ftand to·it,.fo as thc.cOUcnant is only made.: that iu!lification is our vf 3 Frr.111j fat1 Clification 1 but wh.Cn '\_S am:lll is effettually called, the cci.. is v.•ithin him. Sccondly,infhfic:~rit>n 2b{01ucs :1 ucnant is no I< ondymade but .tr.ucly accompliJinner> and makes him fland t:ighreous.~t- thc fhcd,anJ thu on mans p~rt., · ' barre ofGods iudgemcnt;fanChficaticn camroc Vfo. Seeing we arc ca:lkd of God hi1i1ftlfc doe this•.Thirdly,.tuflification brings peaf'(' of in wor.d,(for Paul callcs it confdencc; fO cloth uot fanChfication,but folPhil. 4· I 4· a~>higlr calling iJ w'c'lnull'labour loweth that peace. . . to ioync t'he i1y ..vard calling with it which is Thus the Apollle them di.flint'f,t .Cor. higher obe~tthar,byh•uingfirll a griefe becaufc 6. 1 t. Ycarc wajlxd, ye arc i~tjfi(ied aud 'fm£Hwecanoa.tbelceuc: fccondly.J a readie mindct n · fled: asalfo I. Cor. r. ~·o. Chrift is·madc to vs thirdly,an ci>deauourto bclccue:fourthly !>for- i I rightcoufo.eifc and Jft»Eiification. Secondly, be– rowe becaufc we bclccuc no·more, and failc ·fo I caufC iu!tification goes wirh fanCHfication, much in•th'C ferui:ce ofGod; which if wo~ranc d10ugh iufiilicati6 be before in na'r'urc,yct they I w r:. mufi labourfor them; and ifwehaue c:hb n are wro,ught at the fame ~;me. For when God 1 be thankdl!ll ·vnro God for them. ;~ ' : accepts a mans prrfon, thfn is he jufl:, ! z. Vfo. Learne the duty laid downe ·bphc who is alfo fanc\ified. Fourthly, I fay thc'imPge ! Apolllc , Ephcf. 4· I. that we lhoul<hvalke of Goduhcr~GJ."florcd, the whoch thar we may 1 worrhic ofour callino. To doe whai1, fi't.{l:we know " ·hercm1t confiflerh,conlidcr the three- , mull look th:u We fra~1e our Jiucs holily;beeing foldc cflatc of' man; the firfi ofin.nocencie,thc ' holy il1ourcQuucrfation aJ,hc that hath call'ed•1,Js i& f~con? a_frcr the f~J, and rhc rhird vn~er Chrifl. ~~ holy. Secondly there mufl be the famee1rdC F1rfl, 1l1Jnnocenc1e man had three rh1ngs: firft, of our Hues vvl:ich is of Gods calling, tliat is, fublhncc of bodifand fou!<'; fccon clly,thefa- ( to brin(1' us eo heaucn. The ende ofour bceh1g cui tiesof fouJe, :'IS rcafon and vndrrftanding: j i in the "'~orld, is ro be caJlr:.d out of the ;-rorld, I third.l~.,thc ima~c of God flanding_Ji~ the con: I 1 2nd (:~s A6raham)to obey God,aslookmg for formmcofthe v.holc man, to the ""'1L of God. I a dty in hcauen n9t made with hands. Sccodly,in the flare after r~e~a~l, manlmh ~I----