I i I I I 1- ! Rcli;ion re· ltioct!'l .alf.::- 8:ion~,b~lt :l· bolinl~th themnor, ----· -------~-----·~·! the Epijfle oj lude. __ f 1-~~ : ofthcfc: firG, fubflancc of bodic and foulc: fc- .A J Secondly, parrms mu{i be confidcrcd ~s ho~~ <~ condly ,faculties as bcfore.Bur the third is \..\'311- ~ m cn,f01! ofthe fecond A damby a fccond birth: ting, (landing in righrcou~1cffc and holindfc~ and thus they produce not their children, nor and in !lead of it is origin:ill (innc, which di- : dcriut their holincs into them, although their ficmpcrcrh :md diCordcrcch the whole man, his hohncfTc: m:1y be a means to bring themwithiii mindc will and affcCHons, <\l1d cat icth him athe c:ouenanr. I aainfi: the will of God. In the third condition V\; hence nocc that the foulc of the childc is ~ndcr Chri{t we hauc three thJOgs: firfl, fi~bnoc ~icriucd frot~l the l~ule of the father ,,:.t~ th\! !lance of bodie and foule: fccon dly, faol!tiCS bod1c li from hu bod1c, .for ~hen ihoula rhry I of the reafonable foule: thirdly, a new created haue the fame properties with the foulc of the · holindfc and righreoufi1eff'c, befOre loft, bm parents; fo cucry regenerate n'l:.tn f11ould dniu~ 1 110\'\' re!torcd by grace aboue nature; and this a rcgencr:ltc fouh: vnto the infanc,which is falJ C is arene1..ved confonnicic to the wil of God,and not only in many examplcs,.buc in chat original the image of God againc rcHored, finne infeCl:c:th euery infants tOuic, afwell of the Where note that fanCHficarion i:; fuch :1 gift belecuing as vnbclccuing parent, · ofGod, as changeth the man,not the ti.1bflance But if J3nClification be not from the parent, QJ.!cfi!oo. of bodic, or the faculties of the foule, but the \\'hence is it? corruption, diforder, and finnefnl nc:_llC of man, B i From Chrifi, who is made ofGodvntovsJa:t.. Aofl'icr: itrcChfieth but abolif11eth not affcCl:iom: if £l.ification,r.Cor.l .;o.Col.r.t 9.Inhim;trchui aman be offad difpolltion,it neither increafcth allthe treafoYuofir, ofwholi: fulnes we rcceiuc nor takcth a\vay, bur moderat~s his farrow :md grace for grace,loh.l.I6. wherein two further keep~sit in order: fo if 3 man be: ofnterric dif:. points are to be knowne! firfl' what thing in pofition, it dcpriues him not of hismirth , but Chrifl is the rooteof our fanCtification:namcly corrects ir.that it exceed not: fo in Choler,:llld Chrill his holindfe as he is man,cuen as Adams other complexions. Then thofe that fearc to la.. ·Vnrighccoufncs is the rootcofour corrnption. hour in their fantlification, bccaufe then they ' Secondly that fecing hcC is the roote of our mull be folitarie. fad, and cannot he mcrrie,and fanChfication,it is ncccflJric there be a coniun• thofcth~t thus obieCl:tgainll rhofe who enden.- Cl: ion and vnion between him and vs,beforewc uour oucr their ownc refOrmation, may fee canpartakeofhisholinclfe ,anditisthe bond themfclues deceiued 1 fccing it oncly tcmpc:rcth of faith \vhich knits vs as members vnco him the affeclious to fuch moderation as bccOmcch the head; in which regard the Apofile faith , be holinetfe. C is made ofGod our.lantlificarion, x.Cor.r.3o, The fccond point is, whenceh~tuewe o11r{anthat is, the root and author ofit, Bification? whether from our Parents, or from A third point is,. themeafore ofourfluiEfijica• what originall. . tion, which is but inpart g.iuen vs in this lifc:,thc Anfwcr. No it cannotflowe from the parents, no almofl regenerate man bceing partly flefh and ~ ~Vho c1an 1 though they bee holy; ~ Ioh. t. 1 3· the ncwe pan~y fpirit, appearing in this comparifO:Takc th:~~ ~~tc:f I birth is not of blood, nor the will of flcfh , nor a vdfcll ful of \o\'atc:r, lc:t a portion be taken out ~~~~~fsrr~~t ofman: for prtrems mull bee ~onfidcrcd two and an equall portion of hot water be put in, it one. , waycs: firft,as they are men, clnldreu of..Adam . becomes luke-warme all of it, partly hot and Thus they bring their children , and conuay no partly cold : euc:n fo eucrie man is a vdfelf of more to their children then .Adam did , which water filled with corruption to the brim , if a is nature, together with the corruption ofit. part ofhis corruption be taken a1Nay,and aproHoly parents haue no flnne, for it ismortifiportionall part of holincffc put in Hccdc of it, cd in them, therefore thc:y cannot driue it to the whole man becomes partly holy, and partly their children. vnholy:ofwbich we hauc an example in Mofes, Nocwithfbnding their fanCtification they Numb.zo.8.9. \\•hoinfmiting therockefo <lS conuaic the natnre and finne Glf A dam: which D the water gufhcd out, bewrayed the mixture of comes thus top<lffc.God in the: beginning gaue 1 faith with vnbclecfe in rhe fame aCHon;hc takes this lawe, that whatfocucr Adam·recciued, hc:e the flaffc therein he obeyed God;bm he: firikes {hould rcceiuc: it for himfelfc 4lnd his pofl:eriry, the Rockc twifc, beeing commanded onciy to and whatfoeuer he loll, he fi10uld loo(e ir from (peak to ir, and therein he difobeycd,for which himfclfe add his poA:eritic: by venue of which rhc Lord \.-..'as angric. lawparencs fandified bring forth children vnA fourth point is, touching theparts offanfanaif1cd, v\'hich may appeare by this compaBificatirm, which may bee deuidcd two waics: rifon.Take whcate,and m1ke it as cl Cane asyou firH it is diuidcd into morcificatiO&V·iuificati6. can) fowe it, and it vdll come vp nor as it was Mortification is a part of fanCl:ific:ttion , The fidl:difowne,bur in (blk blade :and care,and it brings whereby tbc power, tyrannie, and fhength of uiGon oHan. vp as much chaffc as (UCr it did, though none original! finne is weakencd,and alfo by little & etilication. were lowne with it; what is the reafon hereof, little abolilhcd, which be confidered to be hot but only the order fet in nature by God at the in one part onely, but throughom ;Jo as when fidl?So parcms,lct rhe be neuer fo holy, by vcrone part oforiginall finne decaicth,fo doth alfo tuc of the forn~er b.w bring forth vnholy chi!... the rdt, the ground of which is the venue and Obica:.. Anfwc:-; dren. dficacie _?f Chri!ts death, which if any aske ________________:;:Z_z_z_}__ what L