Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.. .r~ ·• tlthell\o en cbi:srlacc. '···· "tbc'lc. Sermon in the t5\1"ount. ' 6$J Here ChriA: anf't-\'Creth O.ot td M,fos law, A 1 quires chi1drcns fubicdtdrtrothcirparents& but to the corrupt interpretation ofthe Scribes goucnlom·s, And the like might be fhc\vcd ui and Ph:~.rHics,whcrcbytllCydcpriued chat ~a'""• many otherpoims,fo that it is no fi1ffidCt iullt-~ Byftnwic~ttion ChriHmcanerh, ner~efl£ry hnnc' ficationof our a6lions,to fay rhc lav\ cs ofmen of rhlltlkinde, but onelv~ht finriC of ltdu!rerie~ allow vs tO to doe, . . or.that which-is -greare~ in that ~Kind!; .namely Sccotidly, hence we may l<:arne, thjt a mart j11ttj1. Adulrcric;is-a..finne i:har iS!cbnnrHttcdby rannor la\\'ti.t/1)' and ·with good confciQnn··put t\Vo pattks/ one ':\!hereof is cit.heftnarricd, or· away his wife, except it be for aclultcrit ~ the e.fp@w.!Cd, as hachbeCn fi1c'i.ved before. C,a~ifetiJ text is clearc•bbth here, and alfo in Man}i.I9. lih"·lb Commit· adulterie:] That ls,; · her 7· which ,·onfuteth the cillill htV\'CS of kHne bctafidn to ll13rtic againc, 'and·.fo~Ommit A.:. cOuntries, :~nd the -1 popifh conllitutions;that .1 C•lhcil. dultCrie;bccaufe il\eldftll:,.bond~reibaincth fiil! alldw othet caufcs Ofb diuorce,bt:fidcs :l~ultc.l / Trid.fen: l•· t~~~iihe riJkt mar'Pieth hti that: lt'dilii!rttd·: ] that ric.Here they o~icCl furldry things,in their de:- . b~~8~ r~- is,forany fin1 all cau~cr·a~:td n~tfof.!Rltlltcne, he fl:nce agait1fi this·doCtrine: As 1. the fayihgbf l pudi~ fcddl~ . aJfo ·comFnitls adu'lt.Criet ; ..~::;{w•:1or.·: ;• Chrifi; wbofoeutr forfob.!th i>.:lu.r or Mothen , Jlo/;,~~ ~;~;d. - Hek:t then t\\'0 ~tnts•ar-e fct-downt; Firfl, n wife, &c. (JJafl rece~H~":uch rerv~rd, r:t.a.tth. Jp. l thAt •he.- wh• puts ;.;,;;,.). hu. wifo'frrr'ii»J t;ght 2!/.Hcre(f3y they) IS d!Uorte forrchg10 hllowduft}<q<Nftth htrr•'conJ~iiir-.tdlll(trle!··sccondcd. Anf.Cbri{} byfo>falzi•g, meancth not thar I ly) hu-..rh~Jt ~Yir.JitJ,•.bhf'thlft ~ 'diHorc(d, com.; fcpantion which is madc;by giuingaBil ofdi!:.: ll}ittJrh .ulidttri<I'.Ycc.YHio"eoth1thefo; Chri!t udrccmcnt: but that which is cailfcd by lr..p;·i• puttclh1an cxcojilionj·lfi"ihe'.cafe of.adultcric; fonmcnr,banilhmcnr, or by death, ·'· '·· l'h<·•·P~pilt$'iu!d•fam1!'lithc~I,would.cllrai,.·c· , , 06Jcft·. I. Cor. 7• I 1· [f the vnbclfti:in'g th'e:~t:xi:~tion· tO t;ll't}fif.ft.opart ofthe ~Critcmce, dcftarr, let JJJnJ dtpart ;· d !Jrother or aftjlaUnot atlti!f\.l;ike it:: a negat'io'l11 / t0 this effect; ~e tb,;t !Jound infoch thingJ. Her!! (fay they) is another p.Jiti?nvrt}~hu wifr,':b~iih'g'nh f~niicAtor, &~.BUt c:lu(c of diuorcc. An[. The I11alitibus and.wH- . thc'ttlltl'fis;'th:it't~'chc~ption bolong; to the f<rll departing ofthe vnbclccuer, do1h dilfoluc .wM;lClli1.fwerof Ou-r:Sauiou~ Chrif!, ·denying the manage;bu_t'this is no c-aufc ofgtuing a:;bif <\iuot<t) l!lfeonclyi"tifladuttcrie; and permit< of diuorcc : ondy adulrcrie taufcth that.H~re · tlng.n(f·th.::tfria'gc-afr'tf dluorcemc:n~-;fauc oncly thbbdccucr is a. meere patienlliand the ditiortc where tlic diuoc(C'i;.for adulteri~; ' · is made bnhe ~abeleeucr~-~llo."niullly forfafit-iJ;lwhe~a!•'tiaf •S,auiour Chriltoppofcth kcth 1 and fo puts away the other, . , vnto.thi~·t>Olitieke.t&W•df MofoJ,-<on~~rning· C . ).06ictl: !''"' ;.. to,_Au.idlmzherctif«.afdiuoic(>'•ht la:w6f: hifturt, touchingTnaria~c, ttr'lmce <»''t1Jfzct admo11Jt<o1;.- i!'hlS (fat they) Gcn: %ltf he giu<;th-rs>~n cxccllcrtt'dillincliis fpokc1lto all>~hiiiHan's; ind .thercforc for on betwe.cncall poli'tlck< la\-\•es, and' the law hcrelie maya \lil.e£diuo;~obc giucn.AnfFitll; of n'at'urt, which Hthe rnoralllaw; forth at is a that cbmrtlandbrlCnt is nOt g.iut;.n to cuery pri ... law of eternall cqUitit; :coniinauf.1ding good, ua~pcrfon;burcatflc rninificrs ofthe·Church; a:nd'fotbldding euiU fiinpl;(;withoUt 'rcfpcCl of ,.,:hd afccr one 'o·r, t\.\'d adinonitiOns, are to exmafi~ butpoliticke Iawes -afc ter'l:ip~red accorcommunicate and cut offall he1erikcs from the ding to the conditions ofme'ti; &'though they Church. Secondly,it hindr€:-th"not,but rhat the doe.notrapproout, yet fomctimes they pet'rhit bond of mar-iagc maf t~main"t fure a.,pd firme; cuill, fof the a\ioiding Of greater m"ifcl~cife: though one of. theparties becurioff ftom the yea; ~liey ·follerate th~t; which bcfdte God; Church;for rhe•bel-.uing hufhandmujf notfurfok.; :md in •ror.fCicntc' iS''<;ondtnined.. !:fhis point hh·.7.mbclceUlnjt:9ifc, ifjbce wtl'lfwtl! wi!h ~i?»:l. Imufi teach vs, n·ott o content otit''fclues ..,,·ith Cdr. 7· 11. .. . ~~Jperfot'n-lingobcdience tO the: politickt:. laws of ·· 4· Obieff-.Afccr marlage,on'cpartic may haut . tnc!'l,··f'or the la\VCS 6f lncn tnay t.'?leratc: that ~contagious ::mdJincurable 4_ifeafe, \\'hich may which Gods taw doth condGthnt! fo the law caufe the other· to giuc: a bill.of diuorcc. Anof·th'i.S'Land in prat1ife -tolerateS!'-vfurit.· ~ ·b~t 1 ~ fiPCJ' .. A contagious difcafc rrla)" c:mfc a feparavfurcrs •rfiufl not hereupon thinke:that~~<tll is cion for a timc,lmt no dinorcc-; & ifth~t difeafC fafc-a.nd ,\)cl with thcm,and that thcy'{l'nflc not bee incur:1.ble, and difabl.c the panic from tht ~ in taking ten in the h~ndred,becaufc thclawof dutie of m:l.riagc;then fuch panics muft think I the lam\ pct·mits it; for our law tol~tates thit; thcmfclues, as n~wtre,callcd of God to litJc in 1 for the prcueming of greater vfur,iC j when aS ftnglc life. the la '' of God doth vttcrly condcmne the s. Obi,Cf. But maricd perfons may feckc to fame. Againr, our \avvcs arc: open Jo~ men to !pill the bloOd·one of:1~1orhCr, and therefore it goe to la'"' at the firlt,.,'-p0n euery.light occafi- . ·ts gcod to giuc :vbilof:'diuorcCJtO pteucnt that on, without feeking former meanes of agreecuiii.Ar.[wer. sUch enmitlc inay caufc a feparament: bur yet fuch men as doe fo, arc guiltic of ti6n for :1 t.itne,till r-econciliation be made, but finne before God,rt'Otv':-i'fhfiaridlhg their liber... · the b6d 0fmafiagcmu!t not thcrfore be broke. tic by ourpolitikc. la\\:cs~·SomepoliHkC1 lawcs - 6', 06icEJ. Dead) makcth a diuorcc. Anfiv. alfo tolerate contraCtsOf mariagC~tifade. v.•lth.. Death indcedc cndeth ma.tiage eftate -and f'ct- . OUt.(O!l[cnt of parents; yctJ~cil tWii<:J:rcn 11nne teth the partie l:iuing frcc,to !1-P.ric in ~he l.ord, .ag:\mfl: the law of God, for hertin God rewhere he·ar.fhe\vill:but this comes not by di. '----!.--------'--''----~---------~-·-----------~~_c_e_