"fhc fccond ·hwfion. MinJe. ____ rd_n_E_xpoftion_'V/0~-------- .. ,;h:~.r it is, and wlur power it can hauc Ghee it A\ p_ercaining tot~IC k~~lt;:domc of ~od. Contr:lis ended: I anf'wcr, ir-is th:lt power of his godne to chcpr.aChfco. d1cm "''hofc gloric is;.l;cir head _ '"'hereby on the croffe hcc fuflaiticd his fl1amc, yea vd10fccndc is damnation, PhiJ, 3 , Manhood, and fo made his dC"ath a fatisfaC1ion 19. who mindc tal'thf; thingt. to the iu!licc of GQd for mans fin ne, .The third thit~g is a tCrh;d purpofc in the It will be funher a.}kcd, ho\o\' eoroe.we to be mmde, noc to oftencl Go(i in any thing, but to pJrtakcrs of this \'Crmc ofChril}s dcarh',:md to cnJco.uour rh~ doing of his ~,,-ill, and the p}catCclc the power of it in our ~arts. fing of him in all things: this is called rh~ cur- ._ So (oonc as ~H1Y man by f:1~b bcginncs to be ning o(the mindc, ;:md is the fubtbm:e of tl'UC vnitcd vmo Chrifl, his de~th is <~pplyed vnto repemaocc. him, fo that by mcanes of our <oniunCl.:ion z . The /fdcmori~ : the fanCtification of it !\1emori:. w~th Chrifl, "''Cas truc.ly partake ofthat power is_ an apmes by ~race;o keep good things, fpe: of bis,as he hin1feHC was on the croffe fu(b.ined cJally the do.Cl:nne or faluauot1, by \"''hicb Daby it,,then he feeles fin ne weundc.d ,in him and udwas pref<;rued from fioning, P f:1l.rr9.1 I. & dying (bily, tQ wbich he cannot liuc as before. Mary pondred things concern1ng Chrift, and The fctnnd p.art off.,uCtific:~ti6n, isviuifica- B laidth~mvp ilrher heart; Luk.2.1 5 • d on, or quickmng, and it is when Chrill dwds 3· The fan&ificacion of the Co~tfcitnce is :m confd~nce. and raignes·in our.hearts by his fpirit; fo as we aptndlC to tefldic alwaics truelv that a mans c~m ("fl-y, '-"''c h~nccforth liue not, but Chrift in finncs are pardoned, :1nd that h~ prCfcrucrh in vs:Jthc fou ndation of ..,·hichis the venue of ~ hi$heana carclo pleafcGod. J.Cor. I. 12 • €hrills refurre6H0n: }'\'hich is nothing clfe but This re!limonie wasPau!sreioyci~tg: and f/e-r..,echcpO\\'er ofhis godhead raifing his manhood, ki.M comfort on his death-bed was the tdlimoand ti·cciug,him fr01i1 the puni01mem and ty.- ny of his conlcien~c of his_vpnght walki 1lg ranhie ofour Gnnes: this power is conuaied frO before GoJ,: yea tlus confc1ence is aN alfo to him, vmo all his.members, who bccing myfl:icheckc and curb vs when ,.,,c cnclinev"mcr. cuil: co.lly conioyncd with him, arc thereby r;~.ifed fo Dtutidfaith, Pfal. 16. hi:; reines did;corre6l: fronuhe graue of his finncs. him in the nig~t foafon: and to _fiirrc v.s 'yp. to I The fcconli diuilion is taken from the faculgood as the vo1cc behind vs fayi11g; Herci& tlie tics ofman: whlcb. are feauen in nurnber:I .The wa; walk$.ilJ it, Efay 30. 21. Mindc: 2. Mcmorie: j.Confcicnce: 4·Will: S. _ 4• The Will is fanclificd when Gocf giucs WilL Affections: 6. Appetite: 7· The life it felfc, In grace truely to Will good; as to belceuc fcare ;~ll which this grac.e ofGod mufl: appearr. obey God, \\·hci1 a man can fay, rhat tho~gh h: r. The Minde is .that part of man which fra.. C ' finde not to performc th_at which is good,yer ro mcrh tbcreafon, tlils Paul ql\cth, Ephcf. 4· 5. willgoodu prefentwithh;m, Rom. 1.18. This is the fpirit of our min.d,c, which mull be rcnucd much accepted of God: for ""here the mind & the fanC1ificationpf which is called, Revel. 3. other faculties faile in their dutic, then comes thC eie-fo.luc; fori is a grace clearing the darke this will and fupplics this want, which becinomindc and dimmc vnderfiandng: containing in willing to doe much more rhen ic can,the Lord it thefc three things, Fir!t, fauing knowledge, of his merde accepts it for the dcedc it fdfe. r. Cor. 2.1 1, whcrcb'y1vee k..powe the things g i5. For the A JfcEtitmJ, fomc.of thcmconccrne Aifel!ions. uen'vs ofGod. Some will fay what be they? An. God, fome our ncighbour,and fome our fclues. This kno,Nlcdge may be referred to two hC'ads. San£t.ified -affeCtions concerning God, arc fidt The firll is the knowledg ofGod. The fc-cond fearc of God, when a man flands in a\\'e of is the knowledge of O\.lr frlues. The former of Gods prefcncC, and in rcg:ud ofbis Commanthefe bath two branches: firfi that knoV\'lcdgc demcms. Secondly, a coutemrnent and qurerof the true God, which is life euerlafling, lob. ndl'e ofmind in all conditions of life, when 3 , 7· ~ . Sccondly,to l<now thernercic ofGod in man at all times eau fubmic his willvmothc wil Chrtfhomy fclfc in particular, Eph.J.l8. This 1 of God, lob. 1. The Lord harb giucn aOll eais to knowc the h~ight,length, and depthof the D l<cn :~way, blc!fcd bee his name : and Da11id !oueofGodro me in fpeciall;as tho.t God the Pfalln. 39· z. lhclde my tongu~tlndfaid noFather isrny Father, God the Sonnc my Sauithing, beca1Jfe thouLorddidft it. Thirdly , loue our; God the holy Ghotl my SanCtifier: this is to God in Chrifi,andto Chrifl in man, z. Ccthe fauin r- knowlcdge ofGod. · rinth.5. 14. Rorn. 9.;. Fourthly, an high eThc fe~ond head of this fame knowledge is flimation of Chrifi and his b!ood abouc all to know a mans fclfc, ·when hce fees the fccrec things 1n the world, Phl1.3. 8, I ctnmtallt"hmgs corruptions of hi~ heart againfi the firfl and fedungfor Chrift, I cond Table: to fee o.nd to fcdc this is 3 worke Secondly,thc o.ffctlions tov.:uds our Nt"ighof grace, and an :argument ofan hcaucnly light bonr 1s to louc Iurn, beca11fe he 1s Gods cl11ld 111 enlightening the foul e. my mdgcmt nt, I .Epdt.Ioh.J.I<f. and m_Chu!l l~hc fecot;d thing in the fanCHfication ofthe mybrother. . I mindc ( is :1frcr the kno1Nledgeofthcfe) to ap~ Thirdly, c<;mcernmg our fclucs, to haue a I - I I and medit-ate on things fpirituall, Rm·n. 8·. 5. to kno"''ll finncs and corruptions: Pa:sl crycth out proouc the things of God: tb:~t is, to minde bafc cltJmauon of our fclues in regard of our I J~our th~ thir.gt of the!pirit, namely, things th::tt he was the hc:1d of afljinnert fo the ptodl- , ____i________________________________________________ _____ ~g~ - ------- - -- -