Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

--------~----- · 1_ / - ·-· the Epijlle of fuck _ \_!S'7 ( J g:tll ~on ne: I am no: worthy to call t.~t Father: A former,\• c atC"tz.t;ghr t~:a \\llh the glf'(s oftrue I · Da111d , Hauc mcrocon me .:1ccoramg to the t fan,h callmg and lapchncauon, IS llJyncd vnlcmu/wudeoftl'.l mercin. . pat ably rhc grace ofpcrlcncr:lllccvnro the end: j 6,Thc fanClificarion ofAppetite !l:1nds in the pf.;whJcf\QtuJ\1 ~ve •Ntll confidct foL:rc mamc I Aj•petite. holy ordering of our dctires in mcatc,drinkc, I grounds. , •( w1 apparcll,richcs,&c.and in the praClifc of three . T_hc fir_ll gr~JlpQ, Is the ele£/.ion ofGod:rhat :, ~;;:~~~~' main vcrcues:fidl,Sobricty: fccondly,Cha!lity: l 1s, hts dccr~c \!':b~·nd>ty hce fntprh fomc apat r 1he ,)(·&ue~ thirdly, Contcntation: by \\·hieh rbc appetite l ~o ~if c. This1d<.;iir~o is ':IS ynd)at~gcabk as God ~~~:~ ofthl! mull be goucrncd . · ~1:iwfci[c .is: aJJ<;~ a~ clc~Hon is vucllang<.::.iblcJ fo ' 7· SlnClification oflifc fiands principally in IS tj1c tnnr.c;eC lQ 111 vs,1p rcfpc8: of the ground~ three thiugs: fidl, in an cndcaum:r to doe the & hence fOlloweth it ~hat faith and t:mdifiratiwill of God, that herein \-\·e may .tdlilic OLJr OJHrcvnChangcablc. Ronr..8.'g. the predefliLife, tbankfulndfc. Secondly, in tdtifying our loue natc arc glorificd,;Manh.24;:.·24..d1c exception to God in m:m.Thirdly,in deniJll ofour felues: {hewcth.itimp.offiQlc the ekct iho11ld be de. which is, fir!l, when we hold God to be wifcr ~~ilt<d. · . , . then we arc,that fo we lhould be both dircC\ed The fco<>n.<l ground is the promife of God and di(pofcdof by him.Secondly,when we ac... in the Euangdicall couenam ''hieh is largely coum him . more carcfull for vsJ then we our B ' ptop.ouhdccHt1 l.PJ!tt1l.32.40•. ~ht'rc is promife fclues can be,& fo rcll well fatisficd "''ithwhat m~cof two thing$ ~ fidl,rbe Lord promifcth conditionoflifefocucrhefctsvs in. Thus are t.har hcc wtfhnot tkrne {.1om them to doe dum \VC to praClife this gr::~cc through our whole good,whichis,a.p.rornifcoferernalmercy,!hcwconuerfatioJ1: for we may not rneafure it, nor ing.the paH{OJl ofGnne,bcing 9nce giucn,is giiudge of it by oneaClion good or bad;bmlook uen f.or cuer. Secondly,rhat he \\1illput hisfcare to the whole cour[e of life, ifthat be good, the ihto their hearts, thflrc is pro~}li(c-d contin.uancc \ heart is fanc1ificd. pJf,irh and lane!jfication,fot.they flllll not drTbc fifth point is, hpw fanClification is here partfrom t't. ·."' 1 a(cribed ro God the Farhcr,fceing alii outward · T.heohird gr.ound, is tho offi(eof Chrifl.- in it workcs arc common to the whole Trinitic.Anf conlidcr firll hisPtiefihood,fecondJy,his king.~ SanCtification is attributed and rhat truely to al Iy office. Firtl, he was aPnell, panly to after the three perfons, who h:mc all firokc in tbe f.1crifice, partly t.o make intercqtlion for cuery vvorkc of it, bucdiuerfly. The Sonnc fan6Hfibcleeucr, for fo he did for Peter, L~1k. 22. j :~ eth bymeriting fanC\ification: the holy Spirit that hi;faitb mightnotf,ilc, .and not onc!y for fanCbficth by ~t ru1d by creari11ga new him, bm as appe~res in that w~nhyprayer re~ heart; the Fath~r fanctificrh liy'fenditig his Son c<)mmended iri Joh. 17. for all the Difciples, & to mcrit.and giuing his fpirit to workc it. And C not for thcmrondy,butfora/lhe/tcuersthrough here the worke is rhus afcribed vmohim;as betheir word. 'the fame requc-llls in that chapter ing the ground and firflauthor of it. repeated Lhricc. Secondly,for his kingdome;as Vfe. Lobour for the fpcciall grocc of God. he is the head of his Church, his office is t. to The meancs vve are to vfe is Iaide downe in keepe all that arc giuen h11n Vnto life, Ioh. 1 o. Rom. 6.1. to the 14. vcrfc, namclyJ to bclceuc z-8. 1giue vnto them life; an4 none canpl~tck! that we were crucific dwith Chrifi,buricd wirh themom of my hands. z. To giue fpirituall life him, yea and rofe againc with him; bcc:mfc he to his mcmbcrsl Rorh.6. 8,9,IfChrill the head was vpon the croffc, in the grauc, as alfo in ri- ·died lmronce, and Jiucth for euer, then all his ling from thence in our Head and roomc,fu(bimembers die but once to finne, &afrcr alw;:ties ning our pcrfons vpon him: that is the foundaJiue to rightcouf:1e!fe: fol· this. life admits of tion of our holindfc. Some will askc how this no corruption neither in no_r out of temptatican be a ground of our holindfc? 1 make it on. piainc in this comparifon:As a Traitour arraigThe fourth ground is th,eqp.t~litic ofgrnce,as ned,and hanged :tccording to law, is thrn freed,fanChfication, &c. wl1ofe nature·is tO from his fa&, rhe Judge ceafcth to punifh him, D .endure to life eucrlafting; for he chat once beand he ceafeth to be a Trairour, commincth no .Icc.ues,remaincs euera bdceuer, I. Ioh. 3. 9. v. more mifdrn1eanour: fo the finner becing arJlee thar is 6orneof Godfin,nethnot, 6ecaufe the raigned at the barre ofGod~ iufiice,and in him. Now if that H'mainc tcdof high trcafon, is accordwg to Godslav,·c whereby he is bor-ne ofGod,him(eJfe mufi alfo condemned and executed in Chrill:s condemfiill rcn1ainc bcrneofGod, vpon which fourc nation and cxecution,is now as a dead man vn grounds we may pcrfv,•adc our fclues vfthegift to Gnnc,and cannot thenceforth liue thereunto ofpcrfcucr~ncc. :my more. Iris allcadged, nothing is vnchangeable but obic&. Now follO\Nes the third degree of life et erGod, and therefore grncc is vncbngeabJe. n:tll, in thcfe words [and re[ertud to lefw Eucry gifi: ischangcablein it fclfc,fo man in An!\vcr, I Chrijt,lThcmeaning ofwhich words is plain in himfcifc confidercd may fall ::~w:.ty: but God the 1. Epifi. of Peter. the 1. ). ""·herehe faith, -h:uh promif'cd a fccond grace confirming the rhar the clcClare k.!pt hy the power of God vnto firll_,by venue whereofaman cannot fall away. ! fo!trt!liou: in the adding of>v\'hich words to the It will be further faid, that the chi!d ofGod ob·ea. ----------------'-z~_z_. '--'4'----------- "_·h_c_n___ I l