Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

+88 Anfwcr. obic:a. Anflvc:r. ohieA. An!wcr. ------ - when he fallcth imo a grieudus fim:: ~~;:t~~~~: .:::.::out bl;me, [phcf 5 . 2 7 . wi~;,:c 1-.- ~~~ did)is guiltie ofdeath, & therefore is not iu(li. note: fir[~, bclccucrs ncedc not fCare the d:1y.of ll ficd, :~.nd confcqucmly fallcrh away. ?each ?r .wdgcment; nay rather ~hey may reWhen Dat1id fell he ..,,,as guildc-ofdcath,bul wycc 11.1 tt., as the d:~y of their redemption, yea. I oncly in tc:g:trd of th:u finne mto '-''hieh he w:is and of tnumph. VVhat ~m honour W<~.s it tOr \ I now f:'Lilcn,all his former finn.S bdqg pardoJ~cd: Pha~·aohs daughter to be prefcntcd to Salomon yea that fim1c alfo '-''as pardohcd (though not and Heffcr to bccom the.fpoufc of AhafuerojJ:? I aCtually to him before his repentance) yet it!- much 111ore gloric is it fonhe faithfull thus to Gods coun!Cll: fo as th:n flnnc hecing on Gods Hand before Chri{bn that d::~y. part pJrdoncd,he remJiucs·llill in 'the fauour of · Secondly, "''emull, all_our life long prepare God. I & fit our ~clues to be prclemcd Js pure fpoufes But in time of pcrfccution. many fall away. to our Bndegromc: both the duties arc ]aide Jf any fall quite aw•y they ncuer had uue downe,Reuel. 19. 7• Beglnd•nd reioyc.,for the fai::h; which fiands in three thin_g.s; 1. 'Knowm4rrr'.lg~ ofthe L4mbeUcome, andhU wife hath ledge: 1.. AOCnr: 3· Apprehcnhon of ChriA·1 madeheYfe!fe readte. This preparation fiands in The t\o\'0 furmcrthcy might h:me, bu([he third B t\'\"Othings: firfi, we mufi betroth our foules ro \\ 1 as wanting vmo them. Againe,rhofe rhat fal Chrifi: this is done when God giucs Chrifi, offin pcrfccmion, if they hauc'tftuc faith, they and werccciue him by faith,clcaue vmo him afall not wholly 1 becaufc the feedeof God relone, depend on him as the fpou[e vpon whom maincs In them; nor finally,becaufd.fn time they her foule loucth. s~condly, we mufl: beamifie fuall rcturne vnto the Lord agajne. ' our foulcs hauinggiucn them to Chrifi: this is But this DoCtrine leads men to fccuritic. done when the holy ghofi fandifieth the f.1me, No, it leades a man from fecuritic vnto a & we daily labour in the renewing of our own new life and watchfulndfe:-feeing grace is adhearts. , ded vnto grace tdkeepe vs in the fiate ofgrace. Thirdly,wc rnufl: hence be Hirredvp to prayP'fo.Firft,in that the gift of pcrfeueriicc is ioyer for this gift of prcferuati6 to lifecucrlafting, ncd wirh true faith; 1garhe1' diat the doChine and rcfcruation to Chrift, hungring for grace of the Papifls is not of God, but a doctrine ·of after grace, to be llrengthened in tcmpt"<~tion, clcuils,which teacheth thath he ;Vhich is chofen cfpecially in this la{l and declining agc,whcrin of God, who hath true faith, and is iullified, the Gofpd takes littleplace jn our hearts. may in regard of hisprefem fight fall awoy:for c V.~. Merc:t'e "'nto "'OU. "nd how can that be if he d13t be chofen be called, "' "' , , H (anC\ified,and prcferucd vmo life? peace a d l u h lt' J· d Secondly, it isfalfe thatamantruelyiullifi- ~ n 0 C C mU tpttC • ed may lofc: hisgrace,fccing \'\'ith iu!Hfication is In thefc "''ords i:; la.ide downc the third ·iOyned prcferuation: ncitherthat which teachpoint in the faluation; n:tmely, the prllyer veth,that a ttue bcleeuer may fa! wholly, though fuall obferued in Apollolicall falmations. In not finally is true. which firH hce prayc:th for three things;mercie, Thirdly, thofe alfo are decciued who thinkc peace, and loue. Secondly, that thcii: may be that mans faluation is pinned vpou his ovvne mu/tip/red; that is, comluucd and encreafcd in flecue, and hangcrh vpon his ownc \'<ill; for and vpon them. Firfl, of the mulriplying of God would hauc all faued, ChriH died for all, mercic:Thc mercyofGod towards the creature the holy Ghotl giucs grace to all;'-'''hy then are is taken inScripture two waics; generally, :Jild feme faued, feme not? It is (fay they) from fpccially:Gods general mercie is that,whereby their owne will , grace in fome prcuailc:s he is inclined to helpe the crcatme in mifcric, again!Hielh, and theyare faucd; but f\cfi> aLuk. 6. ;6. Gods fpeciall mercie (called riches oainfi grace in the other, who therefore are D of mercie, whtreby hewill haue mncieon whom~ damnc<l: but this Scripture ilicwes that to be I he will) Rom.9.15 .)is th:a by \'\·hich is granred but a dcuice ofman,fecin~whofocuer arc once pardon offinne,and acceptance in ChriH to life cletl.ed, are called, fan8:ihcd, and prcferued to ~ cucr1afling;and for this he praicth in thisplace. life; and what malice is able to refiH this will of Now becaufc this[peci4!lmerq cannot be mulGod? tiplied in it felfe,bccing in.flnircin God,as himl. Vfe. Note here thevnfpeakcable goodfclfe is infinite, therforc by mcrcie we mufi vnneffc of God in the worke ofRcgcncration;in dcr!land the fruits and cffccts: thereof. And for that hcc not oncly giucs a newe life, but }'reour better-infiruCl:ion herein, three things :1rc fcrucs it in vs• .Adamonce had this lifeofgrace to b~ confidcred.. . . Go~s mer"' betrultcd vnto him,& had it in kccptng,but he Fufi,thatmercre ts asked 10 the firft place,bc1 i~ Chriilas' quickly loll it fromhimfelfe andhis pofleritic. forepeaceandloue: teaching vs, that the merftt in the: Now God bath rcfiorcd this life:1nainc to becy ofGod in Chrifi is to be fought for aboucall ~:~!}~~~~~ lccuers; but that they might be furc of it hcc things in the world. Pfll.4. 6. Many fay, )Pho %i:~i~c:rh~ will now kcepeitforthcm himfelfc. will}hewvJt;mygood? hHt Lord lift thoJJ'VP the I worfd. And refi'ruedvnto c/r,ift] thatis, to be ptelight of thy cormtenancevpon vs. Pfal. u 9· 77· ) femed and fct before ChrHl, and that partly in Let thy tender mrrcie come ""VPM mee, that I the d:y ofdeath,panly in the doy ofiudgcment maylit~e. This is the foundation of all bldling, Se-