Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

, - --~-- ----7fe Epijlle of fud~. -·-·-·- 1-.}~g.· "r I ! I ·-·-- 1 ~-- , Secondly , nocc c\!c perfi"' !~or vvhomc he: A I' ir_; t!IJS p~~~~:C1 is offered i1i th~ P.r~<lthint~ (~f the j / , thns praycth, Toyot.(; ] tl.l:lt 1s, as !n.ch7 hrfl vcrf. Golpcl, "~·bt~ll thcn:fore !S ~~hCU o~cgl~ulttdt~~(f I ·1 tO chofc who·wcrc c.,t//ed,f.tnElifi~a,a~Jd ~·cfc;·ged of pc.~ce, 1\om. l o. t 5. and r~1:: M1n1flcrs _of 1c, ! I toCh,-ij}; not for vnbciccucrs, vmcpentams, the[ad'lrJ ofpt'ttct , 2.. Cor. 5. ~o. Tlmdly, 1 ! andApollot:ucs:v\·hcnccwelcarnc,-lidt,thata 1 thc~'Jnds oft~is peace, i~ is tl·\O tOld : firt+; . /' j man iullificd, fanChficd, and mad,; hci(c ;>flifc, bcr..,, erne p~r!on :J.:1J _perions: !Ccondly, be- i j cannot n 1 crit auy tiling :uGods handsdonneI twceue perton and things; The former hath 1 1 ric :wd mcrcic-can11ot Hand rogCthcr, and lice I! fi xe bc:tds: I. Pc:tcc ben\ cCBC m:ui and God , ! 1 that {H\1 Hands in necdc of mcicic, can ncuer the F:ttbl·r, Som~c, and holy GhoH:, r>ro·pcrly f .I merit: which doChit~c ~110ft bee t~l:lintained :1- , called re~onci/i.uion, whereby God .in ~.hril1: iS" I aainft the Romanc ·Ghurch, '-"hlch rtacherh, ar one \.\"lth man,and man throu gh Cllnflat one fh.-u 1 t man may put J,u truft in the merit of his \\'irh_ G~d, ofvvhic:h when man'"is d iH:C pcrfv\·a,.c. work.!,fo be do itfobedy. s_ccondly, that men c_f- ! dcd m Ias ~carr, t~loj:n ccimcs_rllis pcal.."c 1 Rop.!._5· 1 feClulJiy called and i.1nCbfied,bccaufc they ihll I. fi·om whtch fpnng-; anorhcr, n:m:ly,nal)qud.: !bndjn necdc of mCrtic,muH be in their 0\VI1C' litic ofmindc, ~:-.,;hen rhe minde is GLIICtCd in an eyes-flill vile and miferab!c. Ahrahambeing to things that bctaJJ, wirhout grudging or impatifpcakc to God, cearmcs himrelfc duft andafl,e.r. B encc, and that becau[c it is the reu('a\ed will of lacob acknowledged that hcc was lejfo then the God) PhiI. 4· I I. I I. Peace with the good o.n:: !eaflmercic. fob cries om that he \'\'O.S Vtic, ~nd gels, Eph. I . 10. for men bccing at peace v•ith' J abhorrc.r htmfelfc. Afccr thciC examp!cs wc mufl: God, the A1igels arc become fcru:wcs :tnd mi.: cucr keep our hearts as cmptic vcfl.Cls, ready to ilillring fpirits Vnto rhem, Heb. I, r4· I I I. j rcceiuc more mercic. Pi:at:e \'Vitb a mans fclfe , confil-ling in two· I Thirdly, note· thcmcafurcofmercie asked~ things: firll, when the confcience fanCli6ed J he prayes for continuance and increafe ofmerceafcth to a:ceufe, and in affurancc of Gods fa.: cic to thofc whohad alreadic thcriches ofmeruour beginneth to take his par·c, to cxcufc, and I cie: Whence WC leame, firH, that all the good ~)caKe for him befOre God. Secoridly' when the' I we haue or can doe, is of mcer mercic; not onwill, affc6lions, and inclinadons fubtnic them.:: , ly for the beginning and comin(aa.ncc, but alfo fclues to the eplighrened miildc; ofwhich ifci.:: ·for the enercafe thereof: as grace is n6 grace, rher be wantin,g,man is at watre with htmfe!fc, vnldfc it be cucry vvay gract>; fo alfo ofmcrcic. and the pcaC..c Of Gad"'rulcth not in his hc:l.rt; Which takes away all conceit of merit, fccing Coloff. j~ I 5. l1V. Peace of irue bclccu'ers a~ mcrcic fillcth vp all thC roomc, and lcaucs no C mong tht-tnfelu~~, whb before they bcleti\ed plt~cc for mcrir.Sccohdly,that the Apoflle here V\!Crc aS LyOns, anil co·ckatrifts, E£3: Jr. 6. bn( alfoconfirmcth thl! fonilcr groundsofour per-· ~ow in the kingdomc Qf Chrill, h:me put otf feuerancc: for by this prayer, gt·acc is tobeadth:lt fauage nature, and b"eccimc peacc3.ble"; as· ded to the former graces, yea multfplicd:fo the Act 4· l >. thr nlimbtr uf f;et(rurrr. '"'"' all ·of l Lorddcalech, not giuing ouer when bee hath one hettrt. V. Peace of the faithfull w!th gi\1Cil one grace: for firH, hee giue'shis fcruant fe!l'ed encrnic5; namely, when they en"de'aUOn 1 t powertobeleeue: fccondly, he giue'san execution to haue peace wirh all men, ~otTI. 1 z.r7. 1 !'f of this power. Neither there giu"es·oucr, but requiting euil whh cuill. V l. Conc.ord "Of t'fl~ I by athird grace giucs continuance ofthatpo ... v-, enemies thcmfelues, Wit"h 1 thc'iruc'ChufCh:foY er: yea, and addes afourth, which i's an execuofcen the Lord rdlraineth ~He q13Iice :i~cfrage' I tionofthat continuance. Thus be•deales with of his cne,1~~es 1 and enc~.i~e_s ~het~ ~d 1Ji.~acC, I all rruebclccuers ,'n'oi oncly in ri:fpeet offairh, Thns lacoh and lofephtfannly\l<icrc preler.ued irt but ofobedience alfo: Phil.1.1 j~ , God l'f1or/zyth Egypt, and Daniel was biolight in fmtOur·\'\'itl)•. hoth the will and thrdrcd. Phil.r.6. Hrrh•t hath the chcifc Eunllch,Dan.t':!7. · ··' :. 6egunnethisgoodrr1orf:.! inyo11, rvillperformc it vnThe (ec'!nd Oranch ofthis peace, is V\i{le't)";nf ti!lthedar ofChrift. So?s this may \~:eii br called ; . . things,ahJ:creatures confpi~c aiid agre·cfo.r 'the\ t a.multiplicationofgjace, feeing cuery bcieeucr· D good o'fiBc godly. This is called goodfttt;~cffi; · hath·one grace more ihcn .Addihad: hcc had promifcd 'P'fal:r j, WIMt[oe~;r !l!n-Jghtrolu liihn, j' power to obey; fo ~he r~ne ~aue. Second~ doth, it{ba!lpro!fer. · ··, · lf ly-,he had the aet ofobediccc; lo t~~Y alfo hauc. Vfe. FirTI:; 'in that mcrcie' is firfi askl',qfil!'! Thirdly, he had·powerto pcrfeucrc;which they then pea~e, we arc by the order canghtth>t I \ikcwi\C haue: bu•he had lloHlk act of per(~- peoce andgoo<ffucccffe arc~oundcd dn' nb. : ucrancc; which t-hey hauing,the~ein farre excel cic: f? as tRCh 1 fCir the moll pii{; take a nr'Cpb!. 1! him. ·. :. llcrous cOu,rfC{. wl1o wo,llltl·h)ut: good fiJC"ceffe ! The fccond rhing ddircd in the prayer is in health~ wC~ltli,peacc,hbilOU~r;lea'rnmg,& I p~nce; namely tl~e-pcace of God, whc.reofhe is th<tr thcy.feCJclfit OU[ ofarrui?tlce of merde in! the author:and it is the vniricandconctJrd ofman the pardqn of finnc: whe-reaS this grouhd m,ulf with God andwith the crcanwc.r. Touchino thiS firll be laid.::ts~hc tOundat'~on of·o.IJ blc~no ·a.n'd 1 j peace, note three things; the founchtion ~fit good f'it c"'ceQ""C: :o :~·: : ~ ' 1 1 I which is Chrifl the fc~ond Adam ;' euen as th~ ' · Sccopdly~we mu.ftcndcnuour that this p1cjcc , fidt A damwas the author ofdifcord and cnrnigroitpd~d vponmercic ,.may hauc. place in 011r tic, Eph. "l. T4· Secondly , the manifc!lation of,_ hearrs, tllac\,~e ri13y haue boldncs In r('ga;d of I_------------------------ - - ----- God; ! l I I l