Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Afauh.s·. ~ Cauti&ns. Sermon inthe~ount. I 71 . diflike,&e,which indccdc arc no fuf!lcient eau- A forme thine O,ttbeS ')1n/Q the/ fcs ofdiuorcc, :md therefore they that fcparatc I~ thcrcupon,ought nocto~narric. Lord. Fifdy, the bond ofmarlagc,is a. rcfcmblancc eo J r; r; ofthe cOI:iuncl:ion that isberwcene Chri!!and 34oDUt" j t1J VntO )OU>) Yllearc I his Chllrch,whichisinfcp:~.rablcand cternall: l/ & I and therefore mariage alfo is infeparablc. An[. not at a , C• . That refcmblnncc Hands not in cucryching,but · 1 in this, Tht!.t M in marriage twaarr made one Om Sauiollr Chrift hauing rcllot"ed Eltc fc.a.i. 1 JlcJh,[ofpiriueni!J Cb;·ift,ana eHery true member ucmh commandcmctH td his true feutC& mca.w of h/s CJJurch 6ccomeone; and that M Eucw.u ning, doth hcrcprocccdc toJdoc the Jikc'vmo ta'<fJt 0111 of Adam.r fide, and made.Jlejh of hi! the rl?irdcommmrdemt>m : obfcruing herein rhc Jl1b, & bOffeof hio bone; fo the ChurchJPri>~~cth fame order that he did in the forn1er;for fir!l,he tU it were outof.Chrijh blood; which iflited from laierh dO\vnc the faHC im~rpretation of the hisJidc: for clfc, if thcirreafon V\'€:tc got!d, \\'C Scribes and Phariiles gitJcn to this connnandc.. might fay thac mariage lliould be ~tcrnal in the B mcnt concerning fweari1)g,v.~ 3.and then dclilifc to come i becaufethevi1ion ofChrHl with ucreth the true doctrine ofan oath. v. 34• The his Church is cternall: v.•hich we know to be corrupt fenfc giucn by the Scnbes and PharifaJfc., forciutbcreforrefllon mm marie 11ot, bHt fies, is propounded in the wordoftheholy arc"' the Angel! ofGod, Gho!l, Leitir. I 9.12.D euq. ri. Thou foa!t 11ot Sixtly,ifparties diuorced might marie again., for[wMre th) folfe, bm fhalt per{ormc thi11c oathcl thci1· children fl1ouldbe iniured, hauing ficpV!Jto the Lard: which arc nor here tr.kcn in that fathers ot Hcp-mothers in A:ead of their ownc truemeaning wherein Mofes fee them downe 1 natural! p~rcms. An[. This rcafon is not fuffibm i11 the falfc lntcrprctation of the kwi{h. cicnt to difallow diuorce;or mat·iagc after ir:fo~ tcachcrs:whcrofrhat wemay the better iudgc, by the fame rcafon we might delude all the_ iulet vs fcarch out the true meaning of Moles dicialllawc:s of Mefes, and of all countncs, law concerning an oath.: fOr which cnde we which impofc death for fundric crimes,bccaufc mufl firft iCe \V hat pcriuric is; then pi-opound thereby fome children lhould loofe their pa· rhe kjndes ofperiur/e; and loHly, lhew ihe grfeu rents : but Iufl:ice mufl: be iu!Hcc with'all men, uoufocffe ofthis finnc. . Ofpcrlurlt. though the pofleritie haue hindrance by rhc C I. Point,In pniurinhercmull bctwo things: execution thereof.Qucft. But what ifthc lawcs Firfl, a manmufraffirrhc or auouch fomcthing offomecoumricsforhidmanageafi:crdiuorccagainft his ownc mindc, his oy mcaningf mcnt? .An f. Yet the libcrtie of confcicncc reptttpofe, intcntion,or'perfvvafton.Whcn a man maineth fiill, for this b~einggiucn of God can knowes a thing to be true, apd faith it is rrue: not be taken away by man:and therefore ·when or knowcth a thing to be fulfe, and faies it is men hauc frccdome from the Magiflrate, they falfc, and fwcarcs thereto, this is ndpcriuric, may t•vith good confcicnce marie againe after bccaufc his fpcach is anfwerablc to that which lawful! diuorce. And yet here we mufl:know, is in his mind: but when aman knowcs a thing that diuorccmenr,or mariage afccr,mufl: not be to be true,& aucuchcth it to be falfe: or know-= done priuatcly by man apd \ 1 \.·ife vpon their ing a thing toh~ fal fe, auoucheth it to be tr\le, owne h~ads, but by order of law, before the vpon his oath; this is periuric: bccaufG .in fo Magifhate, acc:ording ro the cufl:omcof that doing, he fpcak~s again{l: his mindc and perChurch or Common-wealth vvhomc it CO!lrwalion. Secondly,in pcriurie there tnofl be an ccrnc£. Againc, there bc_lOmeparticular caufes oath; it is nor periuric to fpcakc a thing [h~t is which may iuHly hinocr mariage after difalfc, vnldfe he alfo fv..'carc to the thing he· uorcc: as firfi, if the parties revnitc their bond f}leaketh falfly,againfi his mindc,and yet euery againe by reconciliation: for thck!'otbr.l,sn 67 D , 6ath tnakrth not direC\ periurie, vnlcffe ir be adultcrie , may bee revnited againe h; the cona bindi~1g oath; for a man may fwearc t_o a font ofthepaYtie innocent. Secondly. when the thing rliat is vnlawfuli,::md after alter his mmd, one panic is :1; manifcfl: caufc ofthe Adultcrie and nor pcrfonne his oath, without che guilt of the other, and fo become an ~ccefi3.ric to of pcriurie: =ts if a child bccing vndcr age,doc the others offence: for it fecmes vncquall~that bind hitnfelfc by oath to ma.rric V\'ithout his he who hath put his hand to the c:;ommitting ?f parents confenr · but comming to riper yearcs a ilnnc, fhould re:1pc any benefit or priuilcdgc doth better co~l1dcr of the matier, and fiJbby the fame. And therefore I 1ay the partic in- 'icB:s himfclfe to his parents difJ}ofing, who nvccnt harh fr.ecdome in this cafe. Tlldrrie him to another. Now though he finned I' "• ,.,., rufgaine ., yee haue in fo, yet he is nor periurcd, becaufe I -., the oath was nor a bmdmg oarh ; for ~ chlld hear.1 that it WM fttidc tothem vnderycares h"h no power to rake w o>th. fi )&A 11. PoiJ1t. That wee may yet better iud oc . q{ofdtime, 'Thou jhaftnot forof this !inne, wcetnu!l know thatthercGe J K.,d,of"tJeare thy felje: but}halt perjirmcthbJMfiJ,that which he k._nowe.< or think'' l ) 1 three kinds of pcriuric : Fir(!,when a mmz cor1- \ pctJuttt·. ___._! - --------- ------------G-'3~------------'-o_,__ __~