Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~~;~h"!:1 · Sermon in the ~o~n, .. ~~ · . \.-.71 - ~~·-1 Go;!lh,ould ~omc vpon ~oud;md. And whch A wouldk,p•pc Gods C£mmand(mentJ. I~ I. \Vhcn . - .•-. c-- S,9o.d king Hczckias hcan::l the gricuous blaf- ·chcoath fcrues tpcon~nn~--atld H~.blil11 pc:1cc; 1 phc,tpi_c wbich_lbbllukc~ vttctc. d_a<'a_ ioll: the and fed ctic between~ parric.and panic,coun- j 1 Lord~ d./1ee foil to hU_ p,·a,ers~, m:d io h:lmbie. uey aud countrr? , kingdome atl..d kingdon_,c. 1 l d~.KinM.a, himfolfc before God : 0 1 all tht$ goodKH1g dQc Thus'did Abr,zln~m 'J.!_~d,Abimefecl~··fi"t>arceach ~ 1 . this fQr a~1 e~hcr mans bla(phcmie ,.and lluil toothtr,,Gen.z,I. z3. ~nd lttc,)6 .w~L:tb.m,Gcnt·i· 'n..Qt we; do!!:ttic like fQr ourowJle,bpt continue 3h ;3 i at ad by -vct:~~c:hc,rcofdoe f\tbi.,.<~~..'ts_L>md~ in (...vcar,_ing withput ;~Jl r_c_mj:nfC. our· conun~n tl1amtClucs-by o:u.h .iq allcgiapcc to their Pri•\- :1 'fwcal.:crs ~u;c,dcuills incaro;l_~e) yCa worfc thc,11 C(;j~a,Jd foll,licrs to-c_hci.r Goucrnf?\l s.J\1.Wh.~!. c l.&m..;.J9• ti 1 c_dcuiil hi:m(cl{e, f'or the~- tkJtills /J.~leeueiGod : ·a.~nan Uy. oath 31l~ oot,'-'vi!c,,JJP<iiY ~hhc1~.,.i· 4 nd,rrcmb!€ ;. but thc;y ~tar~God in pcices ,- and ffP.c·b;mfdfc_ ti·'?m t~lnp_p\al-~ l,off\?}. 1 .0r tq pro· }l l iar~. mo(ntcd, -.1(flleQ;apJifc ea~thly P-1""~1:1- 'I clfrc. .co_hi!}tlf:1fc.cemp,qrall,b,epei.~t?. w.hidt bee · 1 :c.cs in .th.cir p;u11cs.and titles,.thcy are impr1!o.. ' o[gr((at •Ncxght_;mdgJOmciu: .fO~ ln oatQ. for ·ned,b:.!l)jilied,or haog~d,:m_d that _iu!lly; op,ye ~ corltirrpauoo. xsJl.f1J9Pg, men the cn~e of aJJ. ·n1all this be dOne to the that in1pcach chc di_g!. •. Cl;:' "'-:<: knq~y.c ;!1~t mu(~ fin.fcan~ c6.. nitics ofmQr$all }ucn;and fhal not Godsjwrm:h 'ti'Q.\!'C{~~doth arJfc qbout worl~y-i\fbtres.And. ·behot.ag31~lbthat pcopl,c, '_"hP liue in th.e:!'ii::" B lll·t~!§ iegatd a !l)Ofl by oath may la.wfully purg tmua!J b:Jafphenllcoflus n ame• .Let ·ys·thcrc~· h11!1f~f!' !'f)ufarpjc ~>Jd,llandcr. In thc!c fo" re "'• ,c,ommo,;.fv;tanng, though 1t be by the bafdl :pt~l)lilwlf.~~for_c,t~c M-agillootc, bl\t alfo p.r.iI forc;f.earC to..op.J:n our mQ.uth~s in any kinde of. c~[es~·a.-Jma!J nu~ 11\ vfylly fwcarc , not one!y: ' God hath madt:for the lca1l:.crca- , · ttaCc.tlyi fo it,-b~.~v-it4idue ·ff!~l<:.rc1~E{:,i\11d goo.cJi. I' utre ts b~tt~r thcn~wc ca.n.bc~alfowcd tQ abufc ! Gdi:)Jcigm;.~.-:_But)n cem.mon tal·kc , o.r on lighr: ~ :·by our ~athcs-; . ~ 'Jl , • .,. • · asea-Goh:sa. inan canrto.r ~awfitlly f\.vcare\ either: Curfing our l 1.aiHy..,htJ.;.CJ.S. fpr\>ld~n ,~11 curfipg-of o)l.r b-y"ftl.\alJ·Qr great oath, for th:u !iS t<;> t.<ikc t)lc fchu~s. (clues li"I.gurco.D.ltn0\1Ulke) aswhen tnCI\·f~y, · n::un~ QfGo~!.in .v·aine. · ~ · I.P .- ··i ~ •... Twncafcs .,herdo ~~l Oathislawe– letll. ! If i.t .be.,w[o-, .f wof11dj wer,e, hanged'; lw,ould ,i-f,... f2Bft. .!Jo;''. lnul1 a \Ill\~t,a)\c an oath , rhii.hrf'fdiftight.Ae.ony foa~u,_· tmdjuch bkf; for,iuH qc&t,G0n beg,js .;!l! fwcaro !·h •tfmjimpr.tCflioni!ftParto('itn,o;;rh: as we may. 4»[w. T.o ~)\iS:<AJJ~tlian tl)e P!iop/lCt !<remi( (.cc mthCoa.ches fp~c1ficd 10 S<"npt~re: I. Sam. anfwcr.Crh..,.~hl1r1~ Tr/;ouJhaltfipeilr_e, T!1e ~-~r4- 3. vcnuuin 2 ~.1,1..- So !l~d.mor_e ~lfo,·tfo-1", Go;l to t~e ~n~micl lllli11J ilurruJ·h;·i!J it(t{gem~nt:, anfJ i,}) rigbteoi!J.i;dt.~ I an o;uh. of ,Dal!ui,_&f•.and zoking. 6.•5.-IfJ doe »otjo v;h~,. tlir~e ·.>~.,.t,ue~ are ~·~q~>i<Ci\ in an_lw~t andf,o, then Qpddot fo andfo to me: 110\V' as wee manner of.fwear!J~g. ,Br(\,_1'/H(_h 0 .an,d .t!je,·l'ef!-, I are not~tofw~arc in p,ur comm§>n talkc,f0 nci- C }>.'?thtth t¥¥> chingS:,~a,s.-wcl-1 the ~tte,t;,wh~J_()~ th,er o1,1ght we to vfc:; imprecatidn thc·rcitf·, for ·r,o w.c fwearc;.fof)Go4·may.not hc.hFpugbt fq.},: becing 1 partofan oath ,it Ought not to bee the awit;tlelft to a. Jje~ :i~ alfp.~hs.Jpindc -of hi)-n ~ matter efou~con;unon fpcech. . · , th'at'fweorc.>h:: · fl>f<_his oarh l_!lu/l~>e accc>r4ing: . ,Her(: two qu<;O:io.ns inuft- bcskanned }firfl , _ to kis,mirtdc, W;it~~U.t frau dqr dcccir,and ~irh when may a man laV.'fully fwcarc: and "'·hen imeut:.,t-9 p1=rfQ~!."tl~.•tPat ! he 12-ro~ not 1for Cbri(l> fpccc.h forbidding orqin'aric (ni(csthcrrvp~n. S~w1d[y, ~"fliccor rigkrctl'f f~earing,fcel)les grauot,th_a~ t~cfe isia 'ti111e "he/fo, which nl_fQ:r<=fp.~tlcth two tbings;firfi,thc whcrin a man may lawfully take an oafh:T,hcre thing f\vorn~ r<}';·;tlpt mull be iu(t apd,la.wfiJII be t)\'.0 times ~nd cafc;s whcrih a man may l-aw- :in<Laqordinp tO!Gods word ~ fc~Ond!y., .. ~he fu)ly t!lkc:-at) Qath, Fidl, ~:hen the._MagHhatc conf~ionce ()f ~h~ fl{\'carcr: for 3 ~l~~n mull ij:Ot t.nini!l.retl;l all;Q:'l~h.vnto a man vpon iiu{l occa- (<;).~oorc for.atriAlc t·.hough the rhing be cruc,bu~ ,. fion:ior the Magiilratc hath the power of-God c'nherrb.y thc.~ll.t-hol:{ciC of the Magifirate ,, or iu this-cafe, and thcr_efore "':hcn "hee.iu!lly sei'lppn J.bmc:nc<:ef&..t:ic caufc of his la"''fuH ea}.. quires it of man, tllcn may.h_e la\vfully,fwcarc. ling :and·againfi this venue doe thofc finnC., · Secondly, whea-a mans owne·g gencrall fvVej}re vfually in their common talkc, t_hqagh or p.arti.~ular, necelfariJy requires an oa~h ·;and D .the thing be_true: for u:Hles and light matter-s thatis.infowrccafes: I. VVhcn the taking of arenotaiu.ficl)ufcof_;ln oath. Thirdly ,iud..ffean oath fc~ueth wmaint~ncJprocurc,or V..•mne me,nt;ils well of the.oath,::~.s ofhis ownc pcrlon: ' ~ .. l Ytlt6Go~ any.part of.,li1s gloric, oi- to prefcruc f6t' the oath;. he thar--(wcarcth rightly,ougbr to the f~Jne from di(gr"ace~ In this regard, Paul ku0w the nature of an oath,& be able to iudge I mooucd-witl.l a .godLy zcalc ~ -yfcth ·~n.oath in ofi:hc matter wh-ereabout he fwcareth, ~ alfo . fundrie,o£ his Epi(\Jcs , for the confirnm•ion of difcernc rightly of<hepcrfons before whom,of his doChin,that the Clmrchs to whom he writ 'time,place.,& other circum(tances. And for his mightbe-flabli"01cq in rhe,truth , and·fo glorio\:'t~c pe_rfon, a _man rhacfwc~rcth, ought to fie Gpd thca10rc.ll.. When his o3th fcrueth to fee nl ·hts confo-ence chat he IS fit to take an I i maim"toe or f~rthcrhis owne or offiers faluaOlth, and rh~reby·t() wotfJ1ip & glorific God: t~n or:prcferuati6 in foule or body;ln this cafe for he that.·f\naretb ought tOhauc his heart l 2 ~.Cot.l.:.-3. !\ Pt,u,lua!/.s Go4.[,r:a recordvnt!J hi4 j{mle , that fmltt<!n w1th feMe.anti awe rov ..ards God,:as in J &tl!n.rnot to Corinth to[pare them. And Da all•oDhcr p:ttts·oflus worfhJp: Dcut.IO.l.O. the f b ·Pflllo!Jf '~!~: to, further himfclfe in the way , of falf~areof G-od,aOdfwea~'''t by h# name, arc 10 y... i l O-', · _ua:~l) b ~Ott~td himftlfe bJ lflt OIJtiJ that hee ned togethcr:and 3 p.roph:tllC ITiafl thlt hath no 1 -'-'--'-- - --- ------~---------- · __,.,.-=----~-·-----rem